Friday, August 20, 2010

A Bullet and A Target "Citizen Cope" speculates about Nancy Lee Grahn going to Dancing with the Stars for Season 11. I have  NO idea if this is true or not, but it's fun to read.

Sarah Joy Brown!!

The reason I put that pic up is because Sarah's 'comeback' actually bumped the ratings more than ol' VMG's did! LOL. So much for the PR monster.

PopEater is reporting that Megan Fox is wearing "stepson's" tshirt. Oh, you know Vanny HATES  that!!! hah. Hopefully SHE didn't buy it for him. LOL!!

The Sonny/Johnny "war" commerical is running. When is Guza going to  buy a damn clue? WHEN?? How many mobular craptastics can we take? Between that and watching Jason get are arrested  and re-arrested every other day, I may as well just forget the show!! If it wasn't for the site, you know I'd be a go-go.

There is mucho housecleaning coming to GH from what I'm hearing.  Besides the person I mentioned before, I think the fall will see a lot of fringe characters leaving the soap.  I will NOT name names because I really think it's not fair unless I know 100%. These are people's jobs. It's not my duty to announce their leaving. I'll give that up to TV Guide or SOD.  That's why they get the big bucks.

Kristina looked so cute on today's GH and she knows all about Brenda from the fashion mags and press!! how cute. Having her talk to  Sonny and be a Brenda fan is cute. '

Today, Brenda sat on the couch and thumbed through The New York Post!! wow....excitement mounts!! LOOK HOW SHE ...SHE SITS THERE!! ahahahhaahaaa. We did get our flashback to Puerto Rico-- I wonder if TIIC realize people watch them on You Tube all the time.

Steve Burton looked so bored and miserable today it was painful. If this was a Cop Show they'd call it "PCPD Snooze" instead of "PCPD Blues"...

Johnny is shot, left bleeding on the sidewalk. Now, the Poor Sonny stuff can start.  All to get him to run to Rome to see Brenda. :thud:

I hate Brooke Lyn's giant fish-scale earrings. RIP THEM  off Olivia.


  1. so if sonny and brenda haven't seen each other in 7 years, how are the 18, 17, and 12 year old children explained?

  2. I's hysterical. the kids ages are just too funny

  3. Since I think it's obvious that Lisa is going to die soon, I wondered if the writers could steal the Knots Landing story with Jill commiting suicide but framing Gary for her murder. Is anybody else old enough to remember that show?

  4. I AM! I AM! Loved Knots landing. I had to laugh seeing all the enhancements on nicolette Sheridan on DH. Eyelids, cheek bones boobs, lips. She was so beautiful on Knots all natural. Loved everyone that had anything to do with that show. Good stuff.

    I for one don't mind the kids being older. I love the actoress playing Kristina, she's the best younger one we've had in ages. Love Molly too. sure wish Rick would come back.

  5. Excuse my french, but...DAMN. Why do the writers always have to make the cops look bad? Ronnie was right on when he was giving it to Dante, but to arrest Jason and then taking Johnny's gun and hiding it? Come on! I am sick of the cops being the bad guys of the show.
    Love Olivia. Kristina looked adorable.
    Sure hope that Sam is discovered and disappears for a long, long time.

  6. I'm on your side Sam your only doing your job. People are so jealous and hateful, they are only people acting and doing their jobs. Same when they call Liz, lizard so childish.

  7. yeah Sam do that job - what are you going to do against armed men when you let an unarmed man go free

    Kdmask - I hate that anchor necklace that Brooke wears

    I loved that storyline on Knots now that was a show

  8. Thank you again writers for missing a great opportunity to share a moment in history that could help Kristina better understand her father and possibly see him in a new light. All the while Sonny was rhapsodizing about his relationship with Brenda and how he left her at the alter, I was waiting for that one definitive instant when he would describe his dream of Lily walking to the car, turning around and waving before she got in and then...CLINK BOOM; however it was Brenda this time as he explained to Brenda all those years ago. Why oh why, couldn't we have that flash of brilliance? Sonny had a real chance to connect with Kristina on a deeper level, though he was doing it already. She's been told by Johnny over and over again how badly he's treated women, in particular Claudia. This was a real chance for him to undo some of the damage. Kristina has always felt as the outsider compared with Michael, Morgan and even Dante to a certain extent in her father's eyes. This was a bonding experience that he could have shared with her. Especially, since it was someone she admired and could relate with her father on a subject. It would have allowed Kristina, maybe to even ask about Lily. Showed his remorseful side with what happened to Lily.

    This is what's wrong with GH these days. Small things like this go a long way. It revisits history. It connects present characters with past characters. It brings layers to show.

    For pete's sakes, how can you not see a woman hiding on a shelf between boxes, especially when her face is staring you in the face?!? May I ask, again, what is the point of Sam's character? Get a clue, Bob, they aren't Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They aren't even Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Please, don't let that happen.

  9. I miss Taggert!!! Atleast, when he was being obnoxious, it was funny. Quarterbrain, remember that one-liner? That was hilarious. I can still picture that scene and Robin's head whipping around when Taggert called Jason that at the
    '98 Nurses' Ball. Now, we've got Ronnie preaching about being a good cop, all the while he's bringing in a "suspect" without any evidence. Then he turns around and is obviously going to discard Johnny's gun. What are you thinking? They were on a public street! You're a cop! A bad one at that, but a cop nonetheless. There must be witnesses?? So transparent that he's going to get busted for this. At this point, I hope he does.

    Dante, you begged the Judge for "guardianship" of Michael. So, why is it, that you never know or are the last to know about what's going on with Michael? It's your responsibility to ensure that Michael doesn't have run-ins with the mob or police. Why are you allowing a fellow cop to harash Michael, knowing full well that it will jeopardize his freedom? I would have reemed Ronnie over bringing Michael in after not one but 2 fellow officers said he wasn't at the crime scene 'til after and has been stated as such in the report. Instead, you yell at Jason for needing help. After, all the bravado and lectures on how Michael shouldn't be around Sonny or Jason, you're asking Jason for his help? And, also not specifically about Michael, but stopping a war between Sonny and Johnny, no less. Can't have it both ways. In those circumstances, Ronnie is right. Can you spell Hypocrite?

    Matt had probably the dumbest line of the day. And, for once he had lines. "She's patronizing, but easy to work with, and she doesn't have tolerance for people that can't keep up." Can you spell contradiction?

    And, Diane had the best line of the day."Can you say, harashment?" "Can you say, wrongful arrest?" HAHAHA. But the best one of all, "Certainly" which sounded like "Surtenly", kinda like Curly from the 3 Stooges. No clue how Steve Burton kept a straight face??? Diane, you were the light in all this dullness!!

    I concur, Steve Burton must have been bored out of his mind today, he sure looked it.

    All in all, bad day for the writers. Or should we say, week, month, year, years, and/or decade

  10. I love the comments here. Especially the ones that abide by the KISS rule. Keep It Simple Stupid. 7 paragraphs isn't a comment, it's a blog unto itself, LOL.

  11. wow,When did VMG and BAG have that kid?? He is cute,looks like both of them. I am sorry,but Vanessa is way prettier then Megan Fox.

    I have been watching The Sarah Connor Chronicles on netflix and Brian Austin Green looks good!
    Of course enjoying Jonathan jackson too!

  12. I apologize for the long response(s) and/or comment(s). Sometimes, when I get going, I keep going without realizing that I've written so much. Kinda like now. I'll try and keep that KISS rule in mind. Thanks for the heads up. Don't want to step on any toes and/or take the thunder away from Karen, whose blog it is to begin with. Which I think is great.

    Sorry again.

  13. I like Ronny,he's not afraid to go after killers sonny and jason.

  14. Watchintele- no worries- we all get long winded at times. Anonymous, just because we can't stand the character of Sam does not mean we have anything against KeMo. We dislike a character, because she is poorly written to be nothing but Jason's slut. How exactly is it her job to rescue Jason yet again only to get herself into trouble so she can be rescued yet again? The stupidity of it is beyond belief. And why does she always have to be dressed like a hooker to go rescue Jason? Sorry- I have absolutely nothing against KeMo, but Sam is a waste of screen time.

  15. I think GH should hire me to be the b*tch slapper. I could come in a scene and give an appropriate slap whenever it is needed. I would have slapped Brook Lyn, Elizabeth (my least favorite!), Sam, Carly, probably every woman on this show a time or two! It would be such a fun job!

  16. Anon, some of those boys need some b slapping too! Patrick, Sonny, Jason, Sonny, Johnny, Sonny, etc..

  17. ah, write as long as you want in the comments..I try to read them all! LOL..there's room here!!

  18. I had my hard drive fried on facebook so I have been away but thank yall for catching me up on GH cause I quit watching it.I do my laundry at that time now ...Ole'

  19. I agree we have nothing against kemo. Gorgeous and somewhat talented actress. Girl can dance too! I voted for her over and over on DWTS. Having said that. only doing her job comment I'll pass on commenting. The cops are trying to do their job and put her criminal loser boyfriend behind bars, where he belongs. He's no Dexter Morgan only killing bad guys! Although he used to have a code, but that jason is long gone.

    I really didn't mind the brooke/Lulu fight. It was fun and soapy. Dante did a great job acting drugged. Man he looks good with no shirt. Loved Maxie sticking up for her BFF. And I am LOVING the Lisa story still. Not getting old to me at all.. I used to FF all her scenes but now I get a kick out of each one. Kudos to her.. Love my Jolivia and excited to see those scenes at his bedside next week.

  20. Karen I love your rumor about Sam being uncomfortable about Jason being Brenda's bodyguard. In fact, it made my night!

  21. Did you check out Sam's footwear for her little Lopez warehouse recon? Stiletto boots! Okay, so they were black to go with the rest of her outfit.

  22. Brenda's return has involved tooooooooooo much talk and not enough action. How much longer do we have to listen to her inane mumblings about security, ASEC, getting left at the altar and Sonny, Sonny, Sonny?

    Do something, for goodness sake! Don't just sit there and talk about it.

  23. This is why so many of us don't like Sam. They just make it so damn unbelievable. She isn't a bad ass ala Anna Devane.. She's all of 5" tall and maybe 95 lbs. Nothing wrong with that, just hard to believe she does what they have her do. And frankly, it's stupid.

  24. I would love to see Jason dump Sam for Brenda....

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2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...