Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday ABC Soap News, and Shows..

Who saw Vanny on The View?? Someone told me Lorraine Bracco's time ate into her's?? I didn't watch as I was actually giving therapy. (another of my many talents) What did she wear?? I will watch on You Tube when it's up. Speaking of VANNY, she's on Wendy Williams tomorrow too. That's syndicated, so look for it in your area.

I watched The Real World New Orleans instead of AMC today, I do admit it.  AMC is just not doing it for me lately and I'm not wasting my time. I am watching TV right now because it's BROILING out and I'm not doing anything but chillin' in the AC. Ok, The Real World. Let's dish a bit. OMG, what babies these idiots are! Calling the police over a toothbrush incident? Like the poor New Orleans Police dont' have enough sheeze to do. WTF. What a douche. AND the kid took Preston's hat and cut it up. Good Lawd. You are at the prime of your life-- how sad. LOL.  They should have a middle-aged "Real World" because we'd just have a blast. 

Amanda Setton, my fave KIMMY from OLTL is going to Gossip Girl. Read Go Fug Yourself for deets.

New SID cover

GENERAL HOSPTIAL: Rick Springfield's autobiography is due out this fall and he has some book signing dates up on his Facebook page. I saw Rochester and got all excited but saw it's MINNESOTA! do'h!!

RONNIE Line of the week: "That's why I worry about you Dante--IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT SONNY"!!

Meathook mention by Ethan. Guess he knows about AJ through osmosis.
They'd better show Ethan's Sponge Bath by Epiphany!! It's about the only thing that's even remotely exciting right now. Tracy shows up to take Ethan home.
Bernie was on today, doing the mobular thing. IT's so...sooooooo, stereotypical. I feel like Mr. Pink should walk out soon.
Diane was on with Spinelli-- I'm so glad Cougar Town is on hiatus. MORE CAROLYN FOR US! woot!!
Lucky is in Astoria..sitting on a park bench. I guess it COULD be Astoria, but it looks a lot like PC park! LOL.
Hells is thinking of telling Nikolas about the baby-but he'll piss her off. Dang it. I so want this OVER. Baby switches are SO OVER DONE ON SOAPS! Paternity switches, sperm switches, DNA switches, baby born switches. I'm TIRED of it..writers, please for the love of all Soap Goddesses, THINK OF SOMETHING NEW!!
The whole PCPD scenes were so boring, such a waste of freekin' time-- ugh.. blah, blah...blah.
Claire reminds me of  seat filler at the Oscars..she'll be gone when the big guns come.

PROP notice: on the "transfer papers" for Jason Morgan. It stated that Jason is 175 pounds and 5' 11" tall. Hmmm. 175?? okayyyyy.


  1. I have seen steve burton in person he is about 5' 9".

  2. Maybe Steve was 175" on the elevator scene in the Brenda promo... now, not so much!

  3. As much as I love vanessa marcil and genie francis two middle aged actresses cannot save GH. the writing needs to change. the show should center around the younger actresses robin, liz, maxie and lulu. but like I said the writing has to change.

  4. I met Steve and took a picture with him, and he is about my height, no taller, which is 5'9".

    As a middle age person, I relate much more to middle-age actresses (Alexis, Diane, Tracy) than to the younger ones.

  5. OK, just saw today's show. Did Claire really refuse a free meal in Sonny's restaurant so as not to appear compromised, and then agree to go out with him to eat at the very public Metrocourt? Can someone explain this to me?

  6. Skewz me, but wouldn't Ronnie need some sort of legal paper to take Jason back to jail? Would you go with someone just because they told you to? I see the Snookie Swoosh moved over to Sam today...enough already with that stupid bump in front! And is Clair wearing a bumpit??? I agree Burton is around 5'9 or 10 ...but l75??? hmmm maybe before he started going to the gym, lolol...loving the tenderness between Liz and Nik.

  7. I live on the Oregon Coast. Look like Astoria? Not even close! Unless I missed it, I didn't see anyone's hair even slightly blow out of place. Pretty darn breezy around here. lol

  8. I see people complain here about the writing, costumes, hair, etc. Here’s my pet peeve: It’s so apparent when a character, any character on GH, has a to-go cup of coffee there is nothing in the cup. They are drinking nothing, much less a hot liquid. It’s kind of acting 101. Generally speaking, I think the quality of acting on the show is excellent, but this little, consistent, technique flaw is surprising and very distracting.

  9. I love that Lucky described Astoria as a tiny town. 10,045 people is tiny I guess compared to Port Charles...

  10. He is really buff, So sorry but after all these years,Dante is who stole me WHAT A CUTIE,Lana

  11. Is it really matter how much Steve weight or his hight?
    They just wrote it... like one time they wrote that Jason Morgan was born in 1969....

    Steve is fine the way he is , one hottie!!!

    I actually enjoyed the episode. and that doesn't happen a lot lately LOL

  12. No, it doesn't matter what they wrote about "Jason" on that form, but I love finding stuff like that on the props. I thought I'd mention it because they really did focus on it for a minute.

    Yes, BOB..they never have any liquid in those cups..

  13. I'm fine with people discusiing SB's weight. It's refreshing instead of hearing people bash women. I myself always thought he was much taller than 5'9 but than again he's always paired with tiny women. Brenda, Liz, Robin, Sam. I can't really even look at Jasam, so unrealistic. And why they are going to now make Niz sweet and interesting makes me scream. Back to the weight issue GH is one of thw few shows with women with actual curves instead of perfect faked boobalage. Laura wright, Nancy grahn, Kimberly M, Julie Berman, all have curves and normal sized chests.

  14. LOL Karen.....
    i just think they wrote it with no real reason.. I am still laughing that when they showed the PCPD file it said Jason was born in 1969...

    Steve said that he just wears high boots and most of GH cast is tiny.. But Chad Ingo are higher than Steve..

    I agree.. I think GH's woman are very healthy and I like it...

  15. Bob, that is a pet peeve of mine, too. At least they could put water in the paper cups so they would have the weight to be believable. And so many times the actors are drinking out of obviously empty cups. Only the liquor glasses and beer bottles have actual liquid in them. I saw VMG on the View and she was wearing very little makeup, glasses and looked really thin. She was very charming.

  16. I think all the girls on the show look fine. Even Kelly Monoco. A lot of times, it is the clothes that make them look skinnier than they are and, for some reason, they put Sam in baggy clothes with cleavage.
    Not liking them making Nik and Liz more chummy now, but at least Nik isn't being a jerk now and is wise to Helena.
    I just want the writers to let Lucky know he has a kid. Please!
    For once, lets not drag this crap out.
    Loved Tracy/Epiphany/Ethan today.
    Still not getting why Dante and Co. think that Jason is such an asset to catching Franco. Do they not have any faith in their own ability? And Spinelli can go anytime now. They are making him way too whiny for my taste.

  17. Steve Burton was born in 1970 so maybe they're trying to keep their age near the characters?


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...