Friday, August 6, 2010

An Alexis Helena Scene: Thank YOU GH

OH, be still my heart.  I got an Alexis/Hells scene today!! And Helena called Alexis: Number One Bastard! WOOT! I know how much Nancy and Connie love to work together's so much fun to watch.  Alexis "He hates you... we all do"....heh. Helena dances around the truth with Nikolas. Nikolas should not have mad her angry! She sure got some good digs in at Elizabeth.

Johnny getting arrested..zzzzzzzzzz.  BLah, BLah...we know it's leading up to the big SHOOT OUT. Time to give Sonny a gun and a target. Then, they put Johnny and Jason in the 'waiting room' of PCPD together. Sam sat outside like she was watching Monkeys at the Zoo!! LOL

Lucky being a census taker...with nasty glasses to boot. Actually, James Franco's from HOWL?! And I think I saw a monkey being given to baby Pablo!! BTW, I still think I could act better than Franco's mom. For realz.

Spin told Lulu off and made the BIGGEST EYE ROLL face!! hahahaha. I wanted to too. She was so damn annoying today. @@ I'm still gobsmacked she showed up at that MOCA shoot and had nothing to do there. NOTHING.

Robin and Sonny talk about Brender.  Awww, Sonny flashed his dimples. :) SCRUBS...something to talk about besides crazy ol' Lisa. Pat doesn't know that Sonny/Brenda existed! LOL

One of the spoilers today was that Ethan gets hovered over by Tracy. CUT?? You bet'cha. NO fun Tracy scenes for us!!

Words of note used in today's script: Gravitas (Robin) Myriad and Mayhem (Nikolas)

Brenda/Sonny first meeting flashback. Maurice of the '90's swoon!! Vanny looks about the same, gotta say it!!


  1. please give Lulu a lobotomy....

  2. Spinelli NEEDS to DIE. Lulu does not owe anybody a apology least of all SPONOZO!!!

  3. OK Anons, deep breaths all around - death and lobotomies are a bit much, don't we have too much stupidity and death on this show already?!?!

  4. I for one was actually really pleased with what Spinelli had to say to Lulu. She's always been like this with whomever Mr. Wonderful is at the moment. Sings his praises like his s### smells like roses and can do no wrong and expects all those that love her to sing along. Well Lulu, this isn't the choir, and Spinelli hit the nail on the head today!

    He was blunt, direct and straight to the point without us being lost in his regular convoluted dialogue. It was quite refreshing actually, that there was no need to decipher to comprehend the subtext.

    It's funny how quick she is to turn on Jason after everything he's done for her. Always lent an ear when she needed it. Gave her a place to stay when she needed it. Looked out for her whenever she's needed it. And, all of sudden he's a bad person now that Dante is her boyfriend and he's a cop!
    Well I guess that old adage rings true: who needs enemies when you have a friend like you, Lulu.

    So Thank You Spinelli for saying it like it is. And what was Lulu's response to the verbal beatdown? Yes that's right, walk out the room because no one is buying what you are trying to sell.

    All and all, enjoyed those scenes, and his eyeroll. Hey, I just thought of this, he mastered the ability to emulate Stone Cold in shutting down when you don't really want to be around someone. Well done Mr. Grasshopper, well done!

    And on that note, I am done also, so you can stick a fork in it. (Thank you, Det. Dimestico)

  5. Lulu realized she has been wrong and was trying to make amends. Spinelli was a jerk and i'm hating this evil side to him. ugh

  6. Whoa all the Lulu bashing! Crazies people!!!

    Anyways When did Vanessa get married?? Who the f&ck is her husband?

  7. Vanessa only recently got married like within the last few months. It was all over the net that she was dating Jillian from The biggest loser and then bam! She gets married to a dude.

    I don't mind the Lulu bashing. She is self righteous. on the other hand, Teh GRasshopper need to hop right out into a prison cell. And Dante letting him do these things under his nose makes me lose respect for him too. Like others have mentioned on other posts don't they have a whole police force to do this crap?

    Becky is doing a great job mourning Aidan. I only wish they would show jason going to see her. The old Liason would have connected over this, even if it were for 30 seconds he would have consoled her. He hasn't even mentioned her name. He just says "the baby" not Jake's brother, just the baby.

  8. Vanessa dating Jillian? WTF??????? Is someone kidding? I didn't know that Jillian went that way, let alone our Vanny. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, just that I didn't know. Or was this just a joke?

    When Robin told Sonny about Brenda, I almost passed out--I've been waiting YEARS for this! I hope to join all my fellow S&Bers in celebration! I still have pictures of Sonny and Brenda all over my room (yes, I'm THAT crazy), and was thrilled to see the flashback! Don't mess this up, Guza, that's all I'm sayin' . . .

    I actually dreamt about Vanessa all night, I can't wait to see her, Sonny was his hottest and best when with her!

  9. First of all Anon #3, You must dislike most of the ladies on the show then. Carly is worse than Lulu about standing up for your man. Sam will follow Jason to the end, no matter how much he breaks the law. Even Robin idolizes Sonny and would turn a blind eye to whatever he does.
    I don't think Lulu owes Jason anything. He chose to rescue Sam instead of her when Franco kidnapped both girls....and like Lucky said. Sam chose that life, and Lulu is just an innocent. Lulu should have been the first one saved!!
    Also, if you don't remember, Sonny shot her boyfriend in the chest and Jason still wants Dante dead???So Lulu is supposed to stand by Jason during this? I do agree that she seems a bit self righteous, but right now, I think all characters are acting that way, including Spinelli, who all of a sudden is the most dull character on the show.
    I am also excited about a Brenda/Sonny reunion, only because they are the reason I started watching GH back in the days before the "wire wearing" incident.
    The writing is getting worse though and I don't know if I can stand much more story dropping...
    If they could pair up some new people, this might work. I would love to see Olivia and Steven because they would be more refreshing then watching the same boring couples trying again and again.

  10. First of all, Andrea, I don't dislike all the women on GH. Are there characters that I cannot stand? Absolutely! Whether it's the men or women of GH, if I don't like you, I don't. So really I'm an equal opportunity hater so to speak. Are there things I don't like about all the characters on this show? For sure! Even the ones I like. Are there things I like about characters that I cannot stand, yes. Who do I blame, the writing!

    Secondly, I never have liked the character Carly since she arrived in Port Charles. Nor, can I stomach Sam even on the best of days. Am I happy they have Robin glorify Sonny? No! Or have Elizabeth and Emily(when she was alive) idolize Jason. I hate it. Again, blame the writing.

    That being said, I can understand them standing up for Sonny and Jason, because they've always done it. No matter what has happened, they will always stand by them. Loyality. Reason being, because they share a bond. They went through something traumatic together, so I understand their motivation. (yes I know Dante saved her, and they to share a traumatic experience)

    Now, Lulu, on the other hand, she stands up for the person that's most important to her at that moment, I.E. Mr. Wonderful (insert name - Dillon, Logan, Johnny, Dante). Forget everything and everyone else. This is why I can't and will not support her adoration for Dante. Because, when or if Dante does something, she'll flip on him and expect those she loves to pick up the pieces and miraculously forget how she casted them aside now that she's through with said Mr. Wonderful. It's a pattern with her, and it's getting old. That's why I can't stand her and her reasoning. Unlike Lulu, Carly, Sam, Robin, Elizabeth, etc. will continue to support Jason and Sonny regardless of who they are currently involved with. That's loyality. They have it, Lulu doesn't.


  11. To answer your question about what does she owe Jason? Honestly, she owes him a lot more than she's shown. So Jason didn't save her. He had an impossible choice.If he chose to save her, everyone would have been on him for not saving Sam considering what she's given up to be with him, etc, gag me. So what possible decision could he have made that would have pleased everyone? There isn't one! That was the whole point of the stupid Franco storyline. Plot point. Another reason to blame the poor writing. Like I said, the show no longer revolves around character growth and telling stories true to characters, but rather just a bunch of plot points that keep falling flat.

    Lulu, innocent? Are you for real? She's no innocent. Constantly, involving herself into Jason and Sonny's business. Remember the whole Johnny relationship? Always, begging Jason to give John a chance. Pleading his case, so to speak. And, don't forget that she willingly hid the fact that Dante was a cop trying to take down two people that have been good friends to her, and really like family since she was born. That's just plain wrong! Why is it okay for Lulu to all of sudden be offended with what Jason and Sonny do and represent? She doesn't deserve a free pass, just because her boyfriend is a cop. Lucky has been a cop for years. Hello! Why was she okay with what Jason and Sonny did then? And Johnny? Got to be kidding me. I'll tell you why, it's because they served her purpose. She's self righteous. Yes, so are all the other characters namely, Sonny, Carly and even Jason. But the difference is, they protect those they love at any cost, especially family. Lulu not so much.

    Does Lulu have a right to be angry at Sonny? Of course. Should that extend onto Jason, maybe? But I think there is a fine line where he's concerned. His reason extend to Michael being sent to prison now and what happened to him. However, he didn't shoot Dante. Yes, he was aware of Dante's impending death. That's the name of the game that they live in. Dante knew the risks (kinda like Sam did, right?) So, according to your logic, Dante is no innocent either?

  12. Maybe it's me, but the one thing that I think that the audience isn't realizing is the reason behind Jason's anger. Do I blame Dante for Michael being sent to prison? Yes I do. At the same time, I do also blame Jason, Sonny and Carly for their part in Michael being punished. However, I can sympathize where Jason is coming from.
    Dante represents authority. Something that Jason has went against from the moment he woke up after the accident. He didn't like the rules being set out in front of him by the doctors or the Quartermaines. Cops are just a mere extension of that attitude.(Train surfing?) Sonny's world afforded him the opportunity to make his own choices and rules. Jason just wanted(S) control over his own life, like any child. We have to remember he's childlike in many ways. Thus, his innate ability to get along with all children and treat them like equals and bond with them. More reason for him being furious about what happened to Michael in prison and Dante for his role in this whole mess.
    Secondly, Dante is Sonny's son. Does Jason feel threatened? Very much so, just as he was with Ric. Jason has always thought of himself as Sonny's brother, and really first born. Sonny represents a father figure. Taught him. Guided him. Allowed him and most importantly trusted him to make his own decisions. Hence, why that bond will never be broken and why it's so strong.
    Thirdly, Dante was so arrogant, kind of like how Sonny is, (big surprise), about Michael just getting a slap on the wrist. For someone that thinks himself to be intelligent, he plumb forgot the one thing that was staring him in the face and what he talks on and on, ad nauseum about Sonny. What Sonny Corinthos represents! So that being said, in what world did you think that Michael, the son of a mob boss and nephew of a hitman would ever be treated like a normal kid would in similar circumstances? He wouldn't. And he wasn't. Jason new that. That was the motivation behind his covering up the death and not wanting Michael to suffer the consequences. Was it wrong on Jason's part? Damn right it was. He should have let the police handle it. In this instance, the truth would have set Michael free. But he didn't. So considering the circumstances and everything that has happened and who Michael's family is, Dante should have known better. If he was capable of talking to the Judge in his chambers privately after the fact, why not do the same thing to begin with? No need for the big grand stand in court. Michael was not only sent to prison to punish the adults in his life (Carly, Jax, Sonny, Jason, Diane and even Claire), but to put Dante in his place. Have we all forgotten Dante’s perjury? He lied! I think it was so he didn’t have to live with the guilt of sending his own father to prison. But he was adamant that Michael do it.
    Finally, you have an 18yr old kid who doesn’t have any inkling of how to protect himself in prison, surrounded by enemies whether it is other inmates or the guards, themselves, because of who your father and uncle are, and not to mention, brother of a cop. Michael was preyed upon. He was easy meat for a whole lot of vultures waiting for their chance. So maybe now you can understand why Jason is furious? He not only promised this kid that he would protect him, but would never allow anything bad to happen to him either. And, we can all guess the worst thing happened. His anger is being projected at Dante to go along with all the anger and disgust that he feels for himself and the way he failed Michael.

    So under these circumstances, I absolutely understand why Jason wants Dante dead? He put his own conscience ahead of Michael's safety and well-being and that doesn't sit right with Jason.


  13. Maybe it's me, but the one thing that I think that the audience isn't realizing is the reason behind Jason's anger. Do I blame Dante for Michael being sent to prison? Yes I do. At the same time, I do also blame Jason, Sonny and Carly for their part in Michael being punished. However, I can sympathize where Jason is coming from.
    Dante represents authority. Something that Jason has went against from the moment he woke up after the accident. He didn't like the rules being set out in front of him by the doctors or the Quartermaines. Cops are just a mere extension of that attitude.(Train surfing?) Sonny's world afforded him the opportunity to make his own choices and rules. Jason just wanted(S) control over his own life, like any child. We have to remember he's childlike in many ways. Thus, his innate ability to get along with all children and treat them like equals and bond with them. More reason for him being furious about what happened to Michael in prison and Dante for his role in this whole mess.
    Secondly, Dante is Sonny's son. Does Jason feel threatened? Very much so, just as he was with Ric. Jason has always thought of himself as Sonny's brother, and really first born. Sonny represents a father figure. Taught him. Guided him. Allowed him and most importantly trusted him to make his own decisions. Hence, why that bond will never be broken and why it's so strong.
    Thirdly, Dante was so arrogant, kind of like how Sonny is, (big surprise), about Michael just getting a slap on the wrist. For someone that thinks himself to be intelligent, he plumb forgot the one thing that was staring him in the face and what he talks on and on, ad nauseum about Sonny. What Sonny Corinthos represents! So that being said, in what world did you think that Michael, the son of a mob boss and nephew of a hitman would ever be treated like a normal kid would in similar circumstances? He wouldn't. And he wasn't. Jason new that. That was the motivation behind his covering up the death and not wanting Michael to suffer the consequences. Was it wrong on Jason's part? Damn right it was. He should have let the police handle it. In this instance, the truth would have set Michael free. But he didn't. So considering the circumstances and everything that has happened and who Michael's family is, Dante should have known better. If he was capable of talking to the Judge in his chambers privately after the fact, why not do the same thing to begin with? No need for the big grand stand in court. Michael was not only sent to prison to punish the adults in his life (Carly, Jax, Sonny, Jason, Diane and even Claire), but to put Dante in his place. Have we all forgotten Dante’s perjury? He lied! I think it was so he didn’t have to live with the guilt of sending his own father to prison. But he was adamant that Michael do it.
    Finally, you have an 18yr old kid who doesn’t have any inkling of how to protect himself in prison, surrounded by enemies whether it is other inmates or the guards, themselves, because of who your father and uncle are, and not to mention, brother of a cop. Michael was preyed upon. He was easy meat for a whole lot of vultures waiting for their chance. So maybe now you can understand why Jason is furious? He not only promised this kid that he would protect him, but would never allow anything bad to happen to him either. And, we can all guess the worst thing happened. His anger is being projected at Dante to go along with all the anger and disgust that he feels for himself and the way he failed Michael.

    So under these circumstances, I absolutely understand why Jason wants Dante dead? He put his own conscience ahead of Michael's safety and well-being and that doesn't sit right with Jason.


  14. Maybe it's me, but the one thing that I think that the audience isn't realizing is the reason behind Jason's anger. Do I blame Dante for Michael being sent to prison? Yes I do. At the same time, I do also blame Jason, Sonny and Carly for their part in Michael being punished. However, I can sympathize where Jason is coming from.
    Dante represents authority. Something that Jason has went against from the moment he woke up after the accident. He didn't like the rules being set out in front of him by the doctors or the Quartermaines. Cops are just a mere extension of that attitude.(Train surfing?) Sonny's world afforded him the opportunity to make his own choices and rules. Jason just wanted(S) control over his own life, like any child. We have to remember he's childlike in many ways. Thus, his innate ability to get along with all children and treat them like equals and bond with them. More reason for him being furious about what happened to Michael in prison and Dante for his role in this whole mess.
    Secondly, Dante is Sonny's son. Does Jason feel threatened? Very much so, just as he was with Ric. Jason has always thought of himself as Sonny's brother, and really first born. Sonny represents a father figure. Taught him. Guided him. Allowed him and most importantly trusted him to make his own decisions. Hence, why that bond will never be broken and why it's so strong.
    Thirdly, Dante was so arrogant, kind of like how Sonny is, (big surprise), about Michael just getting a slap on the wrist. For someone that thinks himself to be intelligent, he plumb forgot the one thing that was staring him in the face and what he talks on and on, ad nauseum about Sonny. What Sonny Corinthos represents! So that being said, in what world did you think that Michael, the son of a mob boss and nephew of a hitman would ever be treated like a normal kid would in similar circumstances? He wouldn't. And he wasn't. Jason new that. That was the motivation behind his covering up the death and not wanting Michael to suffer the consequences. Was it wrong on Jason's part? Damn right it was. He should have let the police handle it. In this instance, the truth would have set Michael free. But he didn't. So considering the circumstances and everything that has happened and who Michael's family is, Dante should have known better. If he was capable of talking to the Judge in his chambers privately after the fact, why not do the same thing to begin with? No need for the big grand stand in court. Michael was not only sent to prison to punish the adults in his life (Carly, Jax, Sonny, Jason, Diane and even Claire), but to put Dante in his place. Have we all forgotten Dante’s perjury? He lied! I think it was so he didn’t have to live with the guilt of sending his own father to prison. But he was adamant that Michael do it.
    Finally, you have an 18yr old kid who doesn’t have any inkling of how to protect himself in prison, surrounded by enemies whether it is other inmates or the guards, themselves, because of who your father and uncle are, and not to mention, brother of a cop. Michael was preyed upon. He was easy meat for a whole lot of vultures waiting for their chance. So maybe now you can understand why Jason is furious? He not only promised this kid that he would protect him, but would never allow anything bad to happen to him either. And, we can all guess the worst thing happened. His anger is being projected at Dante to go along with all the anger and disgust that he feels for himself and the way he failed Michael.

    So under these circumstances, I absolutely understand why Jason wants Dante dead? He put his own conscience ahead of Michael's safety and well-being and that doesn't sit right with Jason.


  15. Sorry for the same post being posted 3 times.

    Just wanted to end of by saying, this is why I'm annoyed with the writing. Because in the past, the story would have been tailored around fleshing out how the character felt and why they felt that way instead of just giving this little excerpt and onto the next plot point.

    I dunno if anyone else has been able to see this is why Jason is this angry with Dante, and if not, maybe that's why he's been coming off as a complete dim wit. However, I think it's probably because they don't allow for us to see him being portrayed true to character instead of the shell of a person that he is now. But I digress.

    On another note, I do understand why Spinelli is involved, as stated numerous times he's the best at what he does and under these conditions I don't disagree with Dante allowing Spinelli to assist because there is no red tape for him to adhere to. So time is of the essence when a kidnap child is involved so I'll give Dante and Spinelli a free pass.

    And, Andrea, I apologize if you may feel that I'm pointing my finger at you, because I'm not and those weren't my intentions. I just wanted to give my perspective on the whole thing and I do respect your right to your opinion.

  16. I am all good. Everyone has their own opinions and that is why I like coming to this site. To read everyone's opinion. If everyone thought like I did, that would be bo-ring.
    To reply. I guess I think the blaming of Dante as more BS. Yes, he was a little arrogant with what he did, putting Michael in harms way, but he really thought the justice system would do their job.
    Plus, how did this all start? With JASON, Sonny and Carly deciding to cover up the death of Claudia instead of doing what was right. They think they are all above the law. Even when Michael was acting out, the BIG 3 (that is what I like to call them) still kept the cover up.
    I guess I was more on the side of Dante because he is a cop and I think the writers make them all look bad. Now I am not the biggest fan of Dante's because he is using Jason as his crutch. I think, as a cop, Dante should think the cops can take care of finding Franco, like they should.

  17. Totally agree, Andrea, that it was Jason's mistake that started this whole mess. I've never liked the fact that he's been stuck in the Carson orbit. Personally, they seem to bring out the worst in him. But that's another story in it self.

    Also agree with you that they always make the cops look bad. Which I never agreed with. It would have been more promising if they were to have Sonny and/or Jason serve some real time. I for one would love to see Sonny behind bars, and watch how he tries to cope with being locked up. The psyche of it all being explored would do wonders for the show. Remember the scene when Taggert turned up the heat in the interogation room? Watching Sonny's claustrophobic anxiety was awesome. It's called General Hospital for a reason. Even though it could go by Gangster's House these days.
    This is why I thought they could have gotten Sonny and Jason away from this whole mob thing and explore other options if you want them to be the heroes. Otherwise, it's just ridiculous. And, has been since SBu left the first time. Way too much focus centered around the mob and not enough cast integration unless it has to do with a mob story. For once, I would like to see a story written that talks about someone else's life besides Sonny and Jason and the danger it brings to the rest of the canvas, since that seems to be the story of choice!
    Enough already, we get it. Their lives are dangerous. They will feel remorse or regret for a short while and then back to business. How many times can we watch that? It's like "watch", rinse, repeat.

    Here's a thought, how about having Jason go towards a career in medicine. That would be interesting. If he's your star, then go there. It may be a stretch, but so is everything else in this show at this point.

    Or even better, have him walk away from the mob and start working at ELQ. Now that's more credible. I would love to watch him work along side Edward and Tracy. Can you imagine those scenes? Edward doting on him and Tracy yelling instructions or whatever. Bring back Ned and Dillon. And for the love of God, let Monica know that Jake is her grandson. That would be funny, having Jason in the office and Edward constantly pestering him about Jake and his upbringing as a Q.

    See it's not so hard. Try it, Bob. Look outside the bo...err...I mean mob. So many stories that could be told. If you want the mob around, center it around Johnny Z. He may not be the star of the show, but it still has the element of mob around. The mob has been around since the late 70's and early 80's. It's part of the fabric of the show. But it was never the entire quilt. Try something new.

  18. Totally agree, Andrea, that it was Jason's mistake that started this whole mess. I've never liked the fact that he's been stuck in the Carson orbit. Personally, they seem to bring out the worst in him. But that's another story in it self.

    Also agree with you that they always make the cops look bad. Which I never agreed with. It would have been more promising if they were to have Sonny and/or Jason serve some real time. I for one would love to see Sonny behind bars, and watch how he tries to cope with being locked up. The psyche of it all being explored would do wonders for the show. Remember the scene when Taggert turned up the heat in the interogation room? Watching Sonny's claustrophobic anxiety was awesome. It's called General Hospital for a reason. Even though it could go by Gangster's House these days.
    This is why I thought they could have gotten Sonny and Jason away from this whole mob thing and explore other options if you want them to be the heroes. Otherwise, it's just ridiculous. And, has been since SBu left the first time. Way too much focus centered around the mob and not enough cast integration unless it has to do with a mob story. For once, I would like to see a story written that talks about someone else's life besides Sonny and Jason and the danger it brings to the rest of the canvas, since that seems to be the story of choice!
    Enough already, we get it. Their lives are dangerous. They will feel remorse or regret for a short while and then back to business. How many times can we watch that? It's like "watch", rinse, repeat.

    Here's a thought, how about having Jason go towards a career in medicine. That would be interesting. If he's your star, then go there. It may be a stretch, but so is everything else in this show at this point.

    Or even better, have him walk away from the mob and start working at ELQ. Now that's more credible. I would love to watch him work along side Edward and Tracy. Can you imagine those scenes? Edward doting on him and Tracy yelling instructions or whatever. Bring back Ned and Dillon. And for the love of God, let Monica know that Jake is her grandson. That would be funny, having Jason in the office and Edward constantly pestering him about Jake and his upbringing as a Q.

    See it's not so hard. Try it, Bob. Look outside the bo...err...I mean mob. So many stories that could be told. If you want the mob around, center it around Johnny Z. He may not be the star of the show, but it still has the element of mob around. The mob has been around since the late 70's and early 80's. It's part of the fabric of the show. But it was never the entire quilt. Try something new.

  19. Totally agree, Andrea, that it was Jason's mistake that started this whole mess. I've never liked the fact that he's been stuck in the Carson orbit. Personally, they seem to bring out the worst in him. But that's another story in it self.

    Also agree with you that they always make the cops look bad. Which I never agreed with. It would have been more promising if they were to have Sonny and/or Jason serve some real time. I for one would love to see Sonny behind bars, and watch how he tries to cope with being locked up. The psyche of it all being explored would do wonders for the show. Remember the scene when Taggert turned up the heat in the interogation room? Watching Sonny's claustrophobic anxiety was awesome. It's called General Hospital for a reason. Even though it could go by Gangster's House these days.
    This is why I thought they could have gotten Sonny and Jason away from this whole mob thing and explore other options if you want them to be the heroes. Otherwise, it's just ridiculous. And, has been since SBu left the first time. Way too much focus centered around the mob and not enough cast integration unless it has to do with a mob story. For once, I would like to see a story written that talks about someone else's life besides Sonny and Jason and the danger it brings to the rest of the canvas, since that seems to be the story of choice!
    Enough already, we get it. Their lives are dangerous. They will feel remorse or regret for a short while and then back to business. How many times can we watch that? It's like "watch", rinse, repeat.

    Here's a thought, how about having Jason go towards a career in medicine. That would be interesting. If he's your star, then go there. It may be a stretch, but so is everything else in this show at this point.

    Or even better, have him walk away from the mob and start working at ELQ. Now that's more credible. I would love to watch him work along side Edward and Tracy. Can you imagine those scenes? Edward doting on him and Tracy yelling instructions or whatever. Bring back Ned and Dillon. And for the love of God, let Monica know that Jake is her grandson. That would be funny, having Jason in the office and Edward constantly pestering him about Jake and his upbringing as a Q.

    See it's not so hard. Try it, Bob. Look outside the bo...err...I mean mob. So many stories that could be told. If you want the mob around, center it around Johnny Z. He may not be the star of the show, but it still has the element of mob around. The mob has been around since the late 70's and early 80's. It's part of the fabric of the show. But it was never the entire quilt. Try something new.

  20. Vanessa does not look the same. She may wear her hair the same, but you could tell how young she was when those flashbacks were shot. Don't get me wrong, she looks amazing and I like her very much, but the beautiful Brenda stuff was always a little over done. The woman is 41; she has aged a bit and is way too skinny! Besides, GH is loaded w/beautiful ladies.

    I'll say this...Brenda has been off the canvas for years and even when she was on in 2002 it was only for 6 months. Her character hasn't been a true regular since 1998, I know because I've watched GH faithfully for a very, very long time. lol So for this to fly, the writing has to be really good. Another round of Jax/Sonny fighting over her will sicken me, we spent the 90's on that. Also, her and Jason were only friends, nothing more and I don't want to ever been more then would be too stupid.

    I don't want to see Kelly Monaco get bumped back to brunette hottie #2 and have to watch her and Jason dissolve again, so GH would be wise to create good stories across the board, not just for Brenda.

    I also thought Robin's comment about Brenda being a "wild and crazy" & "Sonny never get getting over her" was dumb. Yes Brenda was free spirited, but honestly I found her desperate antics over Sonny back in the day to be pathetic after awhile. It was a pleasure when they were truly free of each other. Jax was a much better fit for her always.

    But now I really like CarJax, so we'll have to see. Lately though they are also annoying. Still a devoted fan.

  21. Wow. Am I the only one who thinks that Michael got what he deserved? It was not Jason's fault or Dante's fault that he went to prison. Michael bashed a woman's skull in with an axe handle!!!!!

    If you ask me, he should be in prison for the rest of his life, along with Sonny and Jason!

  22. No I wasn't kidding about Vanessa marcil & Jillian from the biggest loser. Google it; Here's a snipit:

    Oh yes my friends it looks like that allegedly The Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels and Vanessa Marcil are dating. According to Perezhilton the two ladies are very close and have been hooking up for awhile, whatever that means. Adding to this newly hot rumor is the blurb that the NY Post posted last year saying that Jillian and Vanessa were canoodling on the dance floor at a wedding. So is there any truth to this rumor, could these two actually be a couple? Well since there is no official word from Marcil or Michaels people, I guess we will just have to wait and see. The two are clearly friends as they have been seen out and about together which is obviously what sparked the whole new romance rumors.

    Kind of funny she married right after that. hmmmmmm

  23. RE: Vanessa/Jillian

    Happens all the time in Hollywood. Bearing, I mean. I remember a few years ago a certain sitcom star was getting his own spinoff and it was well-known in H-wood that he had a partner and suddenly he got married to a woman to boost his heterosexuality. When the sitcom failed after a year, he got divorced right away

    Just saying...

    Hollywood does what it has to do for publicity pusposes when a star is back in the limelight.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...