Friday, August 13, 2010

General Hospital Today: STEPHEN COLBERT Mention!!

WOOT! Brenda said "I love Stephen Colbert"...which you know was a reference to when  he dished about GH on his show. I love it when things like that happen. That was about the most exciting thing today.
Claire got Jason out of jail pretty damn quick. Love how she's using her "feminine wiles" to get SONNY!! Good God, I feel like I'm watching Bonanza sometimes.

Brenda and Sinclair...I could care less.  And we get to see them on the couch talking about a big party they went to-- and not the actual party. wow. Whatever. GELATO Mention!! Those of you that know me, know what that means!! We didn't really get to SEE the gelato cart-- but it was mentioned!!

OMG, I so hope you DVR'd today because it was borrrrrrrring.


  1. I honestly thought of you, and the rest of us, you have endured many a GELATO card accompanied with a bad accent all in the name of traveling abroad.

  2. I LOVE Brenda, but she seemed a little nervous, the way she was smiling, and then blurting out laughing like the Octomom on The View (if any of you was so unfortunate to have seen that interview). I know she just has to get her land legs, and that she is the best and most beautiful soap opera star, she just seemed a little off today . . . Did anyone else notice?

  3. Honestly I am already tired of Brenda. I like the character but I feel that I am being hit over the head to like her and usually when that happens I have the opposite reaction. Of course if she manages to break up Jason/Sam then all will be forgiven in my book.

  4. Does anyone else think Vanessa Marcil (Brenda) looks painfully thin and like she had too much botox? I love the actress and I'm happy to see her on GH again, but even though she is still beautiful something looks off. It's driving me crazy because I thought she'd be an actress who would avoid all that stuff.

  5. Referring to VMG, I think it's just the make-up. If you look at her interviews on the View or Wendy Williams she looks more refreshed and less sickly. She's always been skinny and she's age I mean she's hot and 41.

  6. Sick of brenda already? Seriously? wow. I'm tired of Lulu, Sam, Carly, Jason, Ronnie, Dante, Sonny (except for Sexis scenes)and claire. For once GH made a move in the right direction by signing Vanessa. Give her some time to settle, she will amaze you and light up every scene she's in. While its annoying to watch her in another country, most soap delay scenes with the stars we want to see them with for days and even weeks. It makes the numbers go up folks.

  7. I do think Vanny is too thin... but that's from me, normal sized woman. LOL. I personally do NOT want to see her for another week or 2 not being in Port Charles!!

    GELATO!! You know Guza wrote that for ME!!! xxoo

  8. Brenda has too much hair. She is too tiny to carry off that long mane.

    I too want to see Brenda break up Jason and Sam. I want to see Brenda set Carly on her butt then kick her while she is down. I want to see Brenda curl up with Jason while Sonny and Jax pant after her. And while I am wishing I might as well go all the way: I want to see Brenda bring Jason back into the Quartermaine fold.

    Hey, I can wish, can't I?

  9. I too think she looks like she has had plastic surgery...her face looks weird.

    I am already bored to tears with her return...things had better pick up quick. All that hype and then such a let down. But we all knew it was going to happen.

    I am still hoping Brenda can cause Jasam to implode and maybe Spinelli can be in close enough range to get rid of him too. Jason went to prison and Spinelli's common sense must have gone with him. And I love Laura Wright, but if I see that sneer on Carly's face one more time I may have to start FF'ing through every scene she is in too...

  10. Wow you girls are harh. VM has been on since Wed (do we count that even?)
    You wanted change and they brought it. Now suck it up and wait for the story to evolve. It hasn't even been a full week.

    Now excuse me while I stoop to your level (lol)I do have to agree that VM's laugh was odd. And her head has always been too big for her body. Trust me, it looked worse in short hair.

    Leave it to Sam to offer to lap dance a judge in order to bribe him. She is just skanky. WHo cares that there may be a nov sweeps wedding with these 2? Who will even come? Molly? Sonny? And Spin? Please do it privately, after what she has done in the past to his own child why give them a gala? I miss the old Sam with GV's Lucky and with her sisters. This sam is a lap dog, once again. And I am fine if jason just sits and rots in prison.

  11. I think we need to give it some time. Vanessa is supposed to be a target of some knife-wielder so she would be a little off, I'd think, even if she insisted she was OK.

    I think she looks fine--time has passed for her as it has for all of us and few of us are going to look 18 again. I do think the hair is too straight and stringy, especially with a formal gown. They need to give it some waves and curls, like Julie Roberts. I really don't care for that long lank straight stuff--it is rarely flattering.

    I rather liked the character of Murphy the movie stud--he seemed pretty natural and though the ego was a little noticeable here and there, he was likable. Hard to imagine a girl would be sitting around thinking of sleezeball Sonny The Creep, with something like Murphy to distract her. Not that Murphy could hold a candle to the Jax that was in love with her. THAT was the real romance!

  12. Re: Anon (1:02 A.M.)

    I have the exact same wish as you do! Though I love JaSam, I love the thought of Jason and Brenda even more! And I REALLY hope Brenda makes Carly cry when she takes away ALL 3 of her men! I also love Jason with the Qs so I'm with you 100% on this one! :)

  13. This cannot work in fact, that is what I consider.

  14. This won't really have effect, I think so.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...