Wednesday, August 11, 2010

General Hospital Into The Brenda Blue Yonder!

Opening shot credit: BexYoungArtist

There she was...right in the opening credits between Ingo and Dom! On her first day...just think, Sarah Brown was there 2 years and nothin!!  John Ingle seemed to be missing..hmmm

LOL... I thought the subtitles gave it a bit of an  OLD "ITALIANO" feel. Wasn't it suspensful how they didn't show her at first? Spooky Music? ? hahahhaa She had some salad by her and shaking hands. It was THRILLING!!!!!! Then she walked (back to us) to the stage and some guy has a knife, tries to slash her face...and she's saved!! She then walks out to the stage, mole shining in the spotlight!!

People on Twitter wonder why I call Brenda "Brender"...I so forget about people not knowing the Wubs History! I call her that because of Aussie-Boy Jax's accent :) and when I'd write the wubs, it would just come out that way. (yes, I do hear them talk to me)

Claire and Sonny...ugh. I keep seeing Claire and thinking, oh...don't bother. She's just a little fly taking up space. That whole scene was so stupid. "Who do you love better? Carly or Brenda"?? :eyeroll:

I loved Kristina's shirt. I also like Taylor. Although the name "Taylor" is so obviously '2010's"!! Is he a werewolf? Oh, that would be a hoot. Someone on Twitter was saying maybe THAT'S Brender's kid. I personally don't know what's going on with her "secret". Whatever.  Do you like Taylor??

Here's a hint at how today went: The MOST exciting part of today was Carly's daydream about pulling Lulu's hair and screaming like a banshee! LOL

ALMOST  FORGOT! New Spoilers are UP!!! Go, hit a sponsor for the charity of the month! Thanks.


  1. Watching those old eppys just gave me chills!!!!!! Loved brender with Jax liked them even more than with Sonny. Sonny waas passion, jax was love

  2. I loved seeing just the opening like someone else mentioned. Also loved seeing tamara's Carly. SJB looked horrible in that hairdo as if she were trying to look 40.

  3. So we've been having Brenda promos, and Brenda marathons, yet we hide her for her first scenes.... I guess
    I see Karen's point about trying to be suspenseful... but not like we didn't know it was her.

    I agree with everyone else about the old eppys, reminded me of when I adored this show. I wish that SoapNet would stick around and give us old eppys of all the good soaps.

  4. I'm so thankful for wikipedia catching me up with the Brenda info. I've only watched long enough to know her from the Alcazar storyline. I haven't watched yesterday's episodes yet...I can't wait to see Amber Tamblyn and Tamara Braun again!


  5. love brenda and jax. the most romantic couple ever on GH in my opinion.

  6. I watched the "Brendathon" and the episodes were so good...I now have no desire to see this new incarnation of Brenda. It's dvr'd and I know I will watch it sometime, but I feel no aticipation or excitement over it- it is just another episode of GH...

    Anonymous, that hairstyle on SBJ was when she was growing it out from a very cute short cut to the longer hair she had prior to leaving the show.

  7. Sorry- I meant SJB...

  8. They started by showing Brenda's shoes, then her back, etc., because that is how they always bring in new or returning important characters. Remember them showing Stephan's ring when he was on the plane to PC with Nik? It's part of the show's history, which I like. The way they had Sonny looking out of his window watching the rain, like he did all those years ago while pining for Brenda . . . They are honoring the story and the past, which is a good sign.

  9. It can't work in actual fact, that's what I think.

  10. Hey, there is really much worthwhile material in this post!


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