Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Birthday Card

Soap Dude on Twitter posted this to me... it's made by Starrgirlfish.  GH "How the Years Go By". I did have a tear in my eye while watching. Enjoy!


  1. Oh, I've seen this before!! It's sooo wonderful! Thanks for sharing it!!

  2. WONDERFUL! FABULOUS! TERRIFIC! GH the way it was meant to be...not nice to make a girl cry so early in the morning, lol! and....happy birthday, Karen! love you!

  3. I've seen it before too, quite awhile ago, though. Great clips of some of the real 'glory' days!

  4. I had completely forgotten how Lucy always managed to lose her clothes at the Nurse's Ball! What great memories!

  5. Happy Birthday Karen and thanks for all you do! xoxox

  6. Happy Birthday Karen!! LOVED the video!!

  7. Loved this but it left me sad that it is gone.

  8. CampusDisco saying "Loved this but it left me sad that it is gone."
    I second this statement. It makes me never want to watch GH again, or maybe not until they find the writers who used to write the wonderful stories we just watched. Those were the days. I'm so sad now

  9. happy birthday. loved the video. i forgot how good GH used to be. someone must not like sam, she is missing from the video. seeing liason makes me remember jason can be human. with sam he is a robot.

  10. I noticed there were no Sam scenes too...then I tried to think of one scene she has been in that was worthy of being there. All I could think of was the scene when she goes looking for her baby at the hospital after she died...I honestly don't think she's had one scene of consequence since then- and how long ago was that?

  11. I loved this! Makes me miss the nurses ball I saw a few clips of it and made me want it back! I loved that and miss Lucy! So many good characters now gone :(.

  12. Love my LIASON, and classic GH of course! Ah, the memories... *sigh*


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