Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Who TOOK Peter?


I watched the show... and the best thing was Peter being bagged in the head! Suspects are many: 
Lesil, Franco (thinking he's Drew?), Jason... someone said Cameron on twitter, someone Val and Anna hired, or?? 
But..I think the cuff links were recording devices so...it could be that Valentin hired someone to take him. Maybe Jason? 

Peter is tall. REALLY TALL LOL ..the only person I think that could put that bag over his head is Jax! We know it's not him. 

Anyway, it's nice to have something to speculate on the show again. The pre-wedding has been tedious.

Maxie's Dress? HORRIFIC Oh my GOD. WHAT? Looks like when you were pregnant in 1963 and HAD to get married and your Aunt Bessie covered you up so no one could look at your shame!

Anna's was pretty, but pointy shoulder pads? I know they are "in" ...eesh. 

I'll be here later!


  1. Anna's wedding dress: A
    Maxie's wedding dress: F

    I think Valentin and Anna had Peter kidnapped until they can figure out what to do with him. But it will cause the PCPD to suspect many different people including Franco and Jason. This could potentially be fun, but I'd rather see Peter killed.

    Whoever did the kidnapping, however, was wearing blue jeans if I saw the screen correctly.

  2. "I watched the show... and the best thing was Peter being bagged in the head!"

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    "Suspects are many:

    Lesil, Franco (thinking he's Drew?), Jason... someone said Cameron on twitter, someone Val and Anna hired, or??"

    Or the Tribbles? Little Violet? Finchy's bearded dragon Roxie? Caaaaaaaaaaaarlos who is really alive? Coleman?

    "But..I think the cuff links were recording devices so."

    Ohhhh! I didn't even think of that.. So very soapy.

    "Anyway, it's nice to have something to speculate on the show again."

    I so agree!!!!!!!!!! :) Let the fun begin!

    "Maxie's Dress? HORRIFIC Oh my GOD. WHAT? Looks like when you were pregnant in 1963 and HAD to get married and your Aunt Bessie covered you up so no one could look at your shame!"


    "pointy shoulder pads? I know they are "in" ...eesh."

    What??! Shoulder pads are in again? YUCK! WHY?!!?!

    1. I didn't know shoulder pads were in again. I loved them back in the day. I have bony shoulders and wanted to look muscular. Lol

  3. Could be Obrecht torturing Peter again.

  4. lol My first thought after reading the title was....Who cares!

    kd said..." But..I think the cuff links were recording devices"

    ***...I was thinking the same thing when he was putting them on. Why more people don't use recording devices is beyond me. I hope someone gets him to confess and then arranges a faux rescue that gets him to the wedding. Then they can turn on the confession just before the ceremony.

    As for who maybe Robert who's working with Anna again.

  5. it's not Jason cause that is too obvious - it's gotta be someone we don't expect - I wish it was Britt! or MAC!

  6. We don't want Peter just kidnapped - we want him dead. I was hoping the cufflinks were poisonous. Lots of rumors about Franco dying.

  7. Hi everybody!
    Just wanted to give you all a heads-up: I got a 12-hour Twitter suspension for joking about what violent act the fictitious Liesl Obrecht may commit. I'll be through it in 4 hours but it is the principle of the thing. Be careful with any statements like "We want Peter dead" etc. if you are on Twitter. They seems not to care at all that it is a fictitious character on a TV show.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...