Thursday, March 11, 2021



Jackie goes to Anna's to talk to Finn but he's at Chases'.  Anna explains the stuff about Peter to Jackie.  Nothing much. Only to not keep lying to people because it's toxic. 

Chase had Violet go with the nanny to breakfast and the park. Finn missed a million calls from Jackie. The DNA test is still waiting. Gregory comes over. Chase goes to take a shower. He and Finn talk about the whole DNA thing--CHASE HEARS THEM! Then the gets a phone call about Franco. Finn is going to go see Liz. Chase picks up his phone to give it to him and sees "DNA test results on it" and asks him what it's about. Finn tries to Lie... Jackie comes in and says it's time to tell the truth! ! 

Terry is with Liz. She made breakfast. Liz called Nikolas, he's coming home after he tells Ava. Sam comes to see Liz. Liz tells her that Jason killed Franco. She says NOPE. Liz says YEP. Then Sam leaves. 

Cam called Joss and Trina to meet him at GH, he thinks Franco is faking his death like Taggert! OMG!! He is a kid of Port Charles!!  He can't hack the computer so they go to the morgue. Terry sees them. Trina tells the pathologist her friend fell and to help them. CAM GOES IN AND sees Franco's name on the chart. Finds his drawer--opens it up...slides out the body!! Pulls the sheet back and...yep. He's dead. Cam touches his face, cold. Then he sinks to the ground.  Liz comes in later-- (Terry called her) and Cameron said he was hoping Franco was protecting them. But..he's dead. 

Jason is talking to Carly in the Corinthos' Kitchen. He thinks Peter killed Franco because of course he does.  Then Sam comes over. Asks him if he killed Franco. He says no. 

Sonny is getting ready for the poker game. Some guy comes in that knew Lenny and Phyllis and wants to buy the bar. He's an old friend that rented a room from them. Sonny thinks he's a "sweet talking". He's probably the guy that's been vandalizing places so he can buy them up.  The guy says he'll buy them out and they can run it until they retire. Sonny doesn't like him. Sonny goes off to play a poker game. 

TOMORROW: FKINGPETERASS is on ..and he's in HIS OFFICE at the Intruder like nothing happened !! WTF. UGHHHHHHH 


  1. The shrew gave me a headache today yelling in her high shrill voice.

    Cameron was great again today.

  2. Jason tells Carly AND Sam he didn't do it but not Liz. Not the police Commissioner. WTH?
    I think I saw Roger breathe under that sheet before Cam pulled it off. Can't imagine staying still for all those takes!

    Sitting here realizing all 3 of the teens lost or thought they lost their father or father figure in just the past 6 months. Leave it to GH for the morbid storylines.

    I could care less about Finn/Jackie/Chase. I love Finn & Chase but I'm just not interested in this story.

    Like others have mentioned, I enjoy Valentine & Anna. Bring Hayden back please.

  3. at the risk of repeating myself - PETER'S DNA is all over the studio - and gun residue--------------my gosh, BARNEY FIFE could even solve this murder......

    1. PCPD isn't very good at solving cases. Between them and Anna not making a copy of the evidence and letting Peter burn it, I don't have too much confidence in the law enforcement of Port Charles. At least Nina isn't crying about Nell.

  4. I second your "WTF UGHHHHHHH".
    Heart wrenching morgue scene.
    Morbid is the theme on GH.

  5. William Lipton. The best actor on GH

    1. I nails it every time. Working with such power houses like Kin, Roger, Becky, etc.

  6. and WHY would Sam even GO SEE Elizabeth? They don't like each other.

    1. That made no sense to me. It would be like Carly showing up.

  7. Chandler Mansion:

    Jackie and Anna: Oh look they are bonding..

    Friz home:

    Terri and Liz: Awwww glad Terri is there for Liz. And when Liz was looking for her hospital ID, that was a great scene!!!

    Sam and Liz: What happened to Sam's shirt? Gee I hope her bread is okay.

    Sam: What if Franco,

    Liz: Did something to deserve it?

    Sam: I'm going to go.

    Uh why Sam? Because that is what you were going to say bitch?!!?!?

    Pennsylvania side of the river bar and massage:

    The Cauffee's and the visitor: Oh I thought that visitor was their son!!! It's just a shyster.. Mike wins the line of the day.

    Mike: I know a sweet talker when I see one.

    ROFL! Oh yeah? You do huh? :) You remembering something? :) You can sweet talk with just your dimples. :)

    Carson kitchen:

    Jarly and the Tribbles:

    Jason: I didn't kill Franco.

    Tribbles: I believe you Jason. I know who really did it. Can I kill him?

    Oh Cyrus was brought up!!! I forgot all about him. Where the hell has he been?

    Jason and Sam:

    Sam: Did you kill Franco?

    Geez Sam. If you two were still together, you would NEVER ask him that question!!

    Chase's home:

    Chase and Finchy: YAY! A scene with them!!! :)

    Finchy and Greg: Ohhhhhh! Chase overhears!!! WOOT WOOT! :)

    Chase, Finchy, and Greg: OHHHHH! Chase sees Finchy's phone!!! :) Yeah Finchy, what DNA test? :)

    Chase, Finchy, Greg, and Jackie: Oh NOW Jackie wants to tell Chase the truth? Well, okay. Tell him the truth, and then go read the DNA test! Although it's probably tainted by now. Need to get a new one!

    The hospital:

    Cam, Trina, and Joss: Just like Trina!!! She knew her father was alive, and now Cam thinks his step daddy is alive! When Cam showed his mama's ID, his hand was shaking. :(

    The morgue: OH CAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( He made me cry!!! So BobTodd is really dead!!! Unless he is faking this. Use that drug to slow his heart rate.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1991* Mac crashes Anna's family dinner.

    1. William Lipton has been killing it all week. All the Emmys to him, and I mean now!

      Jason is back to being The Borg, and I hate it. Have him tell Liz the truth, bring in Britt and keep him the heck away from Snarly. The only thing worth while in their conversation yesterday were the Tribbles. Lol!

    2. "Julie H says, William Lipton has been killing it all week. All the Emmys to him, and I mean now!"

      YES!!! Give him all the emmys!!!!!

      "Jason is back to being The Borg, and I hate it. Have him tell Liz the truth, bring in Britt and keep him the heck away from Snarly."

      The only thing I can come up with is that they are in on the fake BobTodd's death!! Otherwise I don't know!

      "The only thing worth while in their conversation yesterday were the Tribbles. Lol!"

      Hahahaha. They overshadowed Jarly! ROFL!

  8. You all know I'm so glad they finally killed off Franco, so I'm not one bit emotional over that, but damn, Will Lipton has been killing me! He deserves all the Emmys. His scenes have been so gut-wrenching, so raw. Absolutely outstanding acting from him. Bravo!!!

    1. That's exactly what I think too about Will Lipton. Best actor on the show.

  9. I am so proud of William. He's done a fantastic job!

  10. Did my ears deceive me or did that guy in the Tan-O say his name was Elijah Crook? If so, what a name lol. Nothing like a little anvil. If anyone can figure out where this mess is headed, drinks are on me at the Tan-O. Because I can't. It is a disconnected mess. Maurice Bernard deserves better than this stinkeroo.
    Jackie and Anna - one on hand it's refreshing to see two intelligent women in a scene without them ripping the other's face off..but on the other...zzz. What is the point if Jackie doesn't harbor feelings for Finn? And the buildup for Chase finding out the truth is a scene in his living room? Can you say "afterthought?" They're playing Chase like he's the same age as Cameron. Yeah, he'd be devastated to find out the man he thought he was brother is actually his father...but Josh Swickward's acting choices make me think he's 13 years old.
    Rebecca Herbst - under used and under appreciated. History and she can turn on the waterfalls with the flip of a switch. She needs to be moved more front and center. Less Kelly Monaco, who is quite capable...but the writing has been all over the place for her character. I truly think the best thing for her would be to single for a while. There is chemistry between her and Dante, but not sure I want them to go there. Maybe it's possible for them to develop a friendship like Carly and Jason.
    Franco. Again, another character that's been all over the map. Roger Howarth has done the best with what he's been given and somehow managed to make Franco an anti-hero that fans began to care about. The character gave Kin Shriner something to new to play off of, but now with Franco gone, I hope Scotty will still find a way to stick around. He and Monica should join a club for the most lost children (Logan, Karen and Franco for Scott, Dawn, AJ and Emily for Monica).
    Poor Peter. Wait til Heather Webber gets wind that he killed her son. How about some iced tea, Peter!

    1. I so agree with everything you wrote. Especially about Chase. He is NOT a teenager, just tell him for crying out loud. Ugh!

      I would be so there to see Heather wreak all kinds of havoc on PLP. And eventually a murder mystery. I just love Rebecca Herbst, she should have been the female lead on this show for years, along with Genie and Finola!

    2. I agree they are also my favorite actresses

    3. Thank you for saying what we have been saying for years. Becky is a rock star and should be front and center on the canvas. She is a legacy character tied to a legacy family.

  11. Emma Samm's has Long Haul COVID. She might not be back soon or at all.

    1. Awwww. :( I want her to get well! I hope she will be okay. :(

  12. I guess Jake and Aiden are permanently in the "attic" now.

  13. What is Sam wearing now? A sweater with a hole in one shoulder??? OMG

    1. ROFL! I just hope her bread is okay and safe!!!

    2. Really did look like bread. Oh man.

    3. "lindie says, Really did look like bread. Oh man."


    4. Sam needs to use some of her P.I. profits and hire a personal shopper.

    5. Ya, she has half of Jason's millions too. lol

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Why does Terry call Elizabeth Biz? I must have missed something

    1. They were best friends in high school and that was her nickname back then. (Although I forget what it actually meant.)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...