Thursday, March 25, 2021

Getting My Beauty Mode On


So today really IS the day I'm going to get my hair done!! So enjoy and have some fun. Think of ways to either kill Carly or make her vocal cords rupture lol. 


  1. I love this drawing as a former fashion illustration student!

  2. The character has so many connections I don't think I want her dead. LW is a good actress, but the harping and whining is old. Only The writers can change that. Would love to see Joss turn on Carly. Instead they have her idolizing her. Give LW something to sink her teeth into. Not just deaths. They were on to something with her pregnancy with Donna and now we hear nothing and the baby is 100% fine.

    Right now there are Carly fans vs Liz. Carly fans vs Ava fans. Carly fans vs Nina.
    Same fans seem to idolize Sam. Sam comes to life when away from the 4 musketeers.

  3. Press conference. Still talking.

  4. GH airs@3pm here in NYC & it's a repeat. 😥

    1. Yeah.. For everyone, it was a repeat of Ned telling Monica that she cheated on Olivia, and Brooky overheard him.

  5. Got to see Turkey boy again. ABC said today's show will air tomorrow.

  6. We got to see a new one here but that will mean a repeat for us tomorrow. I will say nothing till everyone has seen it.

  7. OMG. Heinrich is BEYOND annoying.

  8. No GH for me 😭😭😭
    Here in TX Biden talked forever but DAYS was on finally and watched towards the end. Thought for sure GH would be on. I'm central time zone. Bummer. 😥

  9. I always loved Valentin and Anna scenes. Also they better keep Tristan Rogers around. He is GREAT with everyone. Loved when he was sitting on the couch talking to Maxie. I have NEVER been a Britt fan because of all the cruel things she has done, but she is really growing on me. Wonder if she'll ever see that doc for the shaking hand. Also, did they completely drop the story line about Florence?

  10. Are they doing the Nurse's Ball this year? Probably not. My favorite JPS song was from 2017. And So It Goes. So much feeling in that singing.

    1. PS. Looks like Billy Joel wrote that song too.

  11. Also, William Lipton wrote that song he sang in Curtis club



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...