Monday, March 8, 2021

In the Studio


Franco has Peter tied up in his studio. Oh, Roger is going to have fun with this LOL . He points a gun at Peter but says..nah. He gets out his old "torture" type tools LOL . He tells him he's going to cut out his tongue!!  OOooooh, you MUST WATCH!! So good. Peter does confess. BUT THEN Franco says he's not killing him, just recording him and FKING PETER GETS OUT OF HIS BONDS! DAMN IT holds the gun on Franco! Shakes like a leaf!! Then Franco tells him to run away and Peter says no, there's no evidence against him and goes to shoot Franco. Franco throws somehthing at him and then they tussle. The gun goes off but we don't see who's shot. Damn it! 

Willow is at Chases' apartment. Violet comes out and is looking for Finn. They talk with her. 

Gregory asks Jackie and Finn about what happened the night before their wedding. OMG and FINN TELLS HIM!!!!!! what!!? WHOOT! Greg figures out Chase could be Finn's son. 

Maxie wonders what is wrong with her baby and there's nothing wrong. She argues with Britt about Peter. She still doesn't believe he's bad. 

Mac, Anna and Val can't find Peter. Valentin goes to find Jason. Mac yells at Anna for her part in all this. Tells her to apologize to Maxie. She goes in. They both cry. Maxie still loves Peter. Yada yada. 

Jason tells Spinelli that Franco is hearing Drew in his head. Oh, Jason is sitting at Sonny's old desk! LOL Sonny would hate that ish. Jason wants Spin to track Franco.  Valentin gets there and tells him about Maxie being in GH. Spin runs out. Valentin tells Jason that he has an offer for him. "Closure". Asks Jason not to do anything just yet. Britt comes in and tells him not to be stupid LOL. I think she wants him dead. NO! She says not to kill him, the WSB will get him. 


  1. I think franco dies the best actor in daytime.(roger howarth). good job LW you proved you have the power. and with all the talented actresses on GH she is not needed. spinelli needs to lose the mumbo jumbo talking, the man is in his 40s. and britt and jason are hot.

  2. I watched the preview in real slow motion and the gun was in Franco's gut when it went off. They'll probably make Peter out to be a hero who was saving himself from Franco.

    And Britt is the perfect woman for Jason. lol

  3. why do the writers write maxi like a dumb blonde? too cartoonish

    1. It's stupid. Blonds aren't dumb. I should know because I am blond. Lol. I get very insulted by blond jokes

    2. Well, if maxie doesn’t get her roots dyed soon, she won’t be a blonde much longer

  4. I still think Franco dies or is in a coma - but I will be angry if Jason is arrested when time of death CLEARLY was when Jason was with Valentin and Britt and Spinelli! although I also read Cameron kills Franco and Jason takes the blames.... I don't see this ending soon - spoilers NEXT week say Maxie is still thinking of marrying Peter...… GOOD spoiler was 'Phyllis is surprised to see someone show up', so I am thinking Nina DOES show up and see Sonny?

    1. hmmmm Have you been reading Celebrity Dirty Laundry because they don't print spoilers. They speculate and make guesses on what could would should maybe happen. lol It's like some of the speculation and guesses we makee here only we don't post them as spoilers.I never read it anymore. In fact when I do a search for spoilers I include them as a site to NOT include in the list.

    2. So ticked that Franco may die! Hated the character but RoHo made me like him! ❤ Getting with Liz helped alot too.❤😉
      Wish they'd just kill Peter already! Oh and Maxie...OMG! I'm just over her...I mean really, how stupid is she??

    3. Steve said on Patreon that 'Franco's dead' and the look on his face was of shock and Bradford says, 'Okay, just settle down' and they tried to pass it off but they were very flustered - so that is why I think Franco really died.....

    4. "mufasa says, Steve said on Patreon that 'Franco's dead' and the look on his face was of shock and Bradford says, 'Okay, just settle down' and they tried to pass it off but they were very flustered - so that is why I think Franco really died....."

      I've read that they want Todd Manning and Starr back. *Shrug*

  5. I'm a long time reader, but this is only my second post. I read a spoiler/speculation about Franco. It said that as Franco lays dying, he is visited by Zander Smith who tries to convince him to fight to live for Cameron's sake. I certainly hope Franco survives because I am a big fan of Roger Howarth.

    1. I love Zander!! Hey long time reader! Nice to see you posting. 😊
      Definitely can't wait to watch!

  6. Gregory Harrison, Kim Delaney and MIchael Easton are all top notch and were sublime in their scenes today in a way that runs circles around the newbies on the show and yet I still don’t really care about the story because the writers haven’t invested in it. What’s that old saying? Show me, don’t tell me. I don’t buy Jackie and Gregory because we haven’t seen any relationship development between them. I think Kim wants to play Jackie as attracted to Finn but the writers haven’t committed to that. I mean what is the point of revisiting all of this if after all these years Jackie still doesn’t love Finn? I think MIchael Easton has more chemistry with Kim than with Finola. I’d like to see Finola with Gregory Harrison although I don’t know how the writers would get their characters together. I’ve always loved the character of Jackie because she was different than most soap female leads back in the day. She was assertive, smart and could stand up to any man.

    1. I could see Jackie with Finn...but that's if he and Anna are finished for good.

  7. Maybe it's hopeful but I do not think Franco will die. They just want us to think he will. Nothing new. Maybe a coma. He's one of the best they have. And Hiney lives on.
    This Finn story is just nothing. All to destroy Harry?
    Will anyone ever be happy on GH? Doesn't look that way. A soap does not have to always be sad, dark and depressing. GH has sure proved that going back in history.

  8. Jackie's hotel room:

    Jackie and Finchy: Man! She is so thirsty!

    Jackie, Finchy, and Gregory: WOW!! The truth came out!!! Amazing!!! Oh and when Gregory brought up Chase, I was waiting until he put 2 and 2 together.. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS HE DID! :) Yes yes get those test results. Unless the results were tampered with. Did you see the look on Jackie's face? I wonder.

    Jackie and Gregory: Oh Jackie shut up. The truth has to come out. Chase is a big boy! He can handle it!

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Jason, Spinny, and V.C.: Spinny so worried about Maxie! Awwwww!

    Britch and Jason: Oh come on you two! Kiss already! :)

    Chase's place:

    Chillow: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Chillow and little V: It's so funny when she stretched and yawned hahahaha. She is adorbs!

    Finchy and Chase: Awwwwww! :)

    Finchy and little V: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene!!! I can't take this!!!! :) Someone take a picture!!! :) Oh and it looked like the little actress was smiling. :)

    The hospital:

    Mac and Anna: Mac is pissed. I don't blame him!! Anna has been stupid lately. Now that she has that dress, she can fly away and go find Superman. :)

    Mac and Spinny: The look of relief on Spinny's face when he found out that Maxie is okay.. Love it!!

    Maxie's room:

    Maxie and Britch: Oh the baby is okay. Maxie needs to avoid stress.. Quick someone give her stress!!

    Britch: Peter has done some horrible things.

    Maxie: If I recall, so have you.

    Oh shut up Maxie!!!! So have you!!!

    Anna and Maxie: Maxie is still stuck on stupid!!!!! She really is too stupid to live.

    BobTodd's art studio:

    BobTodd and Hiney: BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    BobTodd: Thank you so much for bringing a gun. It's so pretty. Hello my old friends. Okay I'm sorry, but don't do that again.

    ROFL! Great scenes! Love the slap and getting a confession out of him. OH NO! GUN FIGHT!!! OH CRAP!

    Sidenote: Hmmm I wonder where Sam and her bread are.

    1. HAHAHAHHA to Sam and her bread! Thanks Sonya, that made me laugh! :)

    2. "Julie H says, HAHAHAHHA to Sam and her bread! Thanks Sonya, that made me laugh! :)"

      Hahahaha. You're welcome!! Thanks to Di, I think of Sam's girls as bread now!!

    3. That Di....too clever and funny! :)

    4. "Julie H says, That Di....too clever and funny! :)"

      Hahaha yes!!!! :)

  9. Yes, Maxie is too stupid to live. I'm sick of her, I'm sick of PLP, and I need more mea culpas from Anna. Who just a few days ago was also too stupid to live. Valentin and Jason together was VERY nice! And Britt coming in was perfect. I may be alone here, but I don't really care what happens to Franco or Jackie. And I'm anxiously awaiting Zander's arrival. Which truth be told, I'm hoping is not Zander, because I would like the actor to stay around for a while.

    How many days now without Sonny? It's been a very nice treat, lol!

  10. I'm not an RH fan or a Franco fan but his relationship with his family has really grown on me. If he is sacrificed for ppl I will be really pissed. And Maxie is a total idiot.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...