Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Back to Reality UGHHHHHH


So, my first day back more full time since COVID! I work until 1:30 and have to get home so I don't think I'll get GH in until later in the evening on Tues/Thursdays. I MIGHT today if I can because of the whole exciting ending yesterday. 
In case I don't, please use this space to give your 2 cents. Lord I hope it's Peter that's shot but-- I don't know, he seems teflon. 

Still no Sonny yet? To what do we owe this fun?? YEAH!! 

I MADE IT BACK!! It won't always happen but I really wanted to watch today LOL So I can let you know what's what. 

Maxie is still whining to Anna... ugh. Maxie just get it over with . Anna told her she had Peter kidnapped. Maxie is angry.

Sam tells Liz all about Peter and what he's done. Then Liz leaves to find Franco.

ALexis comes to GH ..Sam tells her about the wedding. 

Robert tells Spinelli he has to step up and help Maxie put her life back together. 

Jordan yells at Robert about keeping things about Peter from her. 

Scotty goes over to Liz' and talks to Cameron. Cam has a plan. Talks to Scotty about Franco. 

SON OF A B.........PETER SHOOTS FRANCO and it looks like his heart. I AM NOT HAPPY. 

Good Anna Mac Scene. 

Maxie tells Anna that Lesil was more honest with her than she was. Then Spin and Sam come to see Maxie. She tells them she's sorry she didn't believe them about Peter. 

Oh my god, he's dead and FKING PETER SHOT HIM??????? PETER? PETER. Peter who should be DEAD. Not Franco. Roger Howarth better not be off this show and better be back as TODD or I will ...retire.  
OH PHEW!! Franco opens his eyes when Liz gets there. That's a lot of blood tho. Jason calls it in and gets a whambulance. Oh, no...he tells Liz to tell the boys he loves them and he loves her. She gives him CPR.  And...he's dead. Liz pleads with him to wake up. Jason tells Jordan he's dead. Liz says goodbye to him. I THINK he's dead but this is a soap and I have no idea if they are faking it, or he's dead dead. UGH That's how soaps have cheapened death. Jordan asked Liz what happened... Liz said Jason killed him. 

Stupid Peter shows up at GH ...Val yells at him. Peter says he's just like his father and he's going to go see Maxie.  Anna says no way. And Maxie lets Peter come into the room. 

UGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Stupid show.


  1. If Franco is shot I imagine Peter will leave him to die.

  2. Brooke Lynn coming back soon.

    1. Probably pregnant with Valentin baby

    2. I hope not. There are enough invisible babies on this show already.

  3. If Roger was leaving the show, wouldn’t there have been some press access to it? If he is leaving good luck and God Bless. He’s a really nice guy. I would also be done with this show as well.

    1. He's not leaving. There's an article on SOD website.

  4. There were rumors that Franco sees Zander and Zander tells Franco that he needs to back to be with Liz and the boys.

    1. I haven't heard that rumor, but I love it! :'(

  5. Friz home:

    Scotty and Cam: Are they making a bucket list for BobTodd? Awwwww. :)

    The hospital:

    Mac and Anna: Awwwww! :( Great scene!!! :) Now Covid hug. :)

    Sam, her bread, and Alexis:

    Sam: Mom!

    Alexis: Sam?

    Sam's bread: Hi mom!!! Do you have any Grey Poupon?

    Spinny and V.C.: Spinny giving V.C. a piece of his mind made me feel better. :)

    Sam, her bread, and Spinny:

    Sam's bread: Oh Spinelli! You have to calm down and relax! Do you have any butter?

    Scorpio brothers: Awwww! I'm glad Mac apologized to Robbie! :) That's what Mac used to call him back in the day. :) Great scene!!!

    Maxie's room:

    Britch and Maxie: Yes yes no stress. Someone please give her stress!!

    Anna and Maxie: Oh Maxie is getting all upset! Stress!!!!!

    Outside Maxie's room:

    Hiney, Sam, Sam's bread, Spinny, Anna, and V.C.:

    Sam's bread: Do you have any marmalade? No? THEN GET THE HELL OUT!!!

    Private room:

    Jordan and Robert: Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: Call it in? How quaint.


    BobTodd's art room:

    BobTodd and Hiney: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Shot in the heart! So much blood!!! I was so upset I was crying. This is horrible!!!!! He looks so pale!!!!

    BobTodd, Jason, and Liz: Okay this scene was so strange. Is he dead or "dead"? Why was no sheet over BobTodd? The strange look between Liz and Jason when she said Jason killed him! Is this all a set up? Just to get Peter? I hope so!!!

    1. And why wouldn't Franco say that peter shot him!!!

    2. "Di says, And why wouldn't Franco say that peter shot him!!!"

      Maybe he did and we didn't see it.

    3. I was happy for you that Sam's bread was back.

      Highly approve of your line of the day. Runner up was Robert referring to "the Peter problem". Sheesh Robert, ya think?

      45 blog comments when I logged in this morning. I knew there would be an uproar, but holy cow!! I'm hoping it's a setup. The Peter problem has got to go!!

    4. "Julie H says, I was happy for you that Sam's bread was back."

      Oh thanks! ROFL!

      "Highly approve of your line of the day. Runner up was Robert referring to "the Peter problem". Sheesh Robert, ya think?"

      Another runner up, when Hiney tells Anna about Sam and Spinny, aren't they fun? ROFL!

      "45 blog comments when I logged in this morning. I knew there would be an uproar, but holy cow!! I'm hoping it's a setup. The Peter problem has got to go!!"

      Hahaha yeah. The episode was shocking!!!!

  6. wouldn't it be great if viewers could vote who gets killed off. my guess majority would vote plp killed off.

  7. If Franco is dead, then I would not want to be Peter.

    The wrath of Heather Webber is NASTY!

    1. One could only hope for this.

    2. That is good. I can see him being shook by Momma Webber.

  8. So Steve B was right when he blurted Franco was dead....would Peter NOT have BLOOD or GUN RESIDUE on him???????come on writers - we want Peter GONE!!!!! 2 years - wrap it up already
    Not wanting Franco dead - I am just about done with GH....
    and I HATE that Jason will be blamed...……….

    1. I hate that he'll be blamed too. If Jason had shot him he wouldn't have hung around and called an ambulance.

    2. Exactly! It's so flippin' obvious!!

    3. And, it's not even Jason's gun. Jason wouldn't be stupid and hang around with the door open or call 911 Hellooooooooooooo

  9. I'm still watching and so pissed! Liz just walked in. She better not think Jason did it! So over Peter/Wes Ramsey. Just because his girlfriend is o. GH we lost a wonderful actor!! So pissed!

  10. Roger is my favorite. I think I am done with GH if he is gone. He brings a humor and quirkiness to the show that is so needed.

  11. Why is Jason the one at the scene? Its just stupid. I know he was told, but again, stupid.
    He should have immediately told Elizabeth that he found him this way after receiving a call.
    Instead they write him to stand there staring when his lifelong friend hovers over her husband sobbing. As long as Peter gets what is coming to him, it will be worth it. Will that happen, who knows.

    Next no doubt Carly will be coming at Liz like a maniac for accusing Jason.

  12. For the record I want Franco to survive! Love Roger

  13. Franco dies and Peter lives. 2021 rocks on.... :(

  14. Peter has to be one of (if not) the most reviled character to ever grace GH. He really deserves the David Kimble treatment. Good God, how many kids does Scotty have to lose?

    1. Isn`t that three now (Karen/Logan/Franco)? (Also, there may be some miscarrages I might be missing). Only the never-mentioned Serena is left. :(

    2. Yup, just Serena and adopted Christina who has disappeared since Port Charles left. I just realized that Franco never got to meet his half-brother Steven Lars.

    3. Peter doesn't even deserve the David Kimball treatment. David Kimball (Y&R...for the GH fans who may be confused) was a really great villain, who eventually got a really great death (crushed to death by trash compactor).

      Peter deserves death by flick of finger on forehead.

      A very lame death. For a very lame character.

  15. Franco is trending on Twitter. That is crazy!

  16. OK, so Peter shot Franco. He has a white shirt on and not a drop of blood. Ya right?

    1. Peter really is despicable. Franco has to be dead. Tons of blood

  17. This is so ridiculous that they are keeping Peter and killing off Franco. This better be Roger Howarth choice.

  18. I've never held back my disgust of Franco being paired with Liz so I'm celebrating the long awaited demise of that disgusting character that never should have been brought back especially as a family man with Liz and her boys. It was truly shameful to pair them. Hope he really is dead and gone like he was intended to be when Jason killed him before our eyes in that studio when the original, one and only, James Franco played Franco. That character was never once meant to be redeemable and should have stayed dead then. Anywhooooo, I do find it completely unacceptable it was Parking Lot Peter who was the one to take him out. Another pointless, hated, useless character taking up valuable screen time with nothing but rewrites and bad acting, because he's one of Frank's pets now. Even if he's killed off, no doubt, Frank will bring him back as someone else just like he's done with Michael Easton and Roger (at least M&R can act) Roger will be back as well. Frank can't live without his pets. Mark my words. I'm hoping GH is trying to get itself back on track by fixing what is wrong with the show...if so Peter should be the next to die. They need to get ratings back up. They've been far too long in the toilet.

    My condolences Wubsie. They should've just kept RH as full on Franco and not tried to normalize him. Roger was so perfect for that, I know!

    1. Matchbox Ginny, you rebel! But I can't argue with a thing you said, lol! I think Roger is a fine actor, but I'm not a huge fan like everyone else is. Never liked the fact that Liz was paired with an insecure man child.

      The Peter problem is now a nightmare and he needs to be gone.

    2. hear hear, MatchbookGinny.

      And thumbs up to you too, Julie.

  19. Just read Rgwr Howarth not leaving show for good. Must be coming back as another character

    1. Yes, but he didn't say if his character will be back, or a new character..

  20. i really hope RH is ALIVE i love his character

  21. Also if the PCPD was GOOD then DNA of Peter is everywhere!!!! And in Franco clothing. So stupid that Jason will be blamed.
    Yes Roger didn’t say he would be back as Franco. Guess a new character. Maybe Drew??

    1. Sorry I LOVE RoHo but not as Drew. Billy was Drew. I wish they'd bring him back. I really really wish Franco weren't dead, so if it's true that RoHo is staying, then I hope this is a rude and it's to trap Peter. Cause I need Franco alive.

    2. Yes. I thought of that too. Peter DNA would be all over that room. He also had no gloves. Not Jason gun that was used.

  22. Why was Franco strapped to a gurney in a neck brace if he was dead? The coroner would have taken him, not EMTs.

  23. Roger Howarth (who I love) is taking a break but will be back. My guess is the producers have stopped trying to "redeem" a former serial killer and will bring him back as someone else. Todd Manning, perhaps?

    1. They should bring him back as Todd since that's who he plays most of the time anyway, and yet another name attached to him would be ridiculous. (And sonya would soon be needing a whole line for his name. lol)

    2. "Di says, (And sonya would soon be needing a whole line for his name. lol)"

      ROFL! Yeah I'm sure you are right! :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...