Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Peter's DOWN!! LOVE IT


At least Peter is down and out...I wish he was dead but...maybe I WILL GET MY WISH!! 

Peter is in a storage unit. Someone slammed the door shut. 

Maxie is so upset Peter isn't there. 

Everyone is talking, milling around. Lucy looks good. OMG more "talk"...yada yada. It's painful. Anyway, Anna says they should maybe postpone the wedding. Finn is like WHY!!? They talk about doing their own wedding.  All mushy stuff. How much they are in love.

So, the upstart is, Val and Anna planned to kidnap Peter and put him in a property that's "off grid" .... make it look like he left on his own and he left Maxie a note. Says staying with her was too dangerous. Then, they'll take the time to gather information to put him away. 


Bad idea....and boring. But here I am! 

OMG Dante goes to the parking garage to talk to Lulu on the phone. He hears a banging noise and PETER IS YELLING AN DANTE OPENS THE DOOR! stupid VALENTIN!! GEESSSSSSSSSH US. Why didn't he have a guy drive him OFF the property? WHY can't we have NICE THINGS?

OH, AND just as Finn is going to stop the wedding. PETER RUNS IN! He has no idea what happened... ugh. ugh. ughhhhhhhhh. Mac yells at him and says it's not safe. Peter just wants to get married. Anna and Valentin are like: Ummmm...what. 

SO, I guess the wedding is happening.

THANK GOD Dr. O Objects!! 


  1. WHY and HOW would Dante be talking to LULU??????????
    I cannot believe Valentin and Anna were behind this!
    SCREAM Scream...………...scream...…….

    1. I'm sure they just leave the phone by her ear, since he can't be there. They say when someone is in a coma and the other person talks to them it's said that they can hear you. So the nurse or whoever is probably holding the ph. But then again, using my imagination ya know.

    2. "mufasa says WHY and HOW would Dante be talking to LULU??????????"

      Why? Because he still loves her and wants to be close to her? How? Laura put the phone next to Lulu's ear. :)

    3. I figured he called her cell and was leaving a message.

    4. I understand calling but it sounded like Lulu was going to answer. That was my question. I wish he had been calling his mom or something- more realistic. I wasn’t mad.

    5. I'm with you - I thought it was very odd

    6. "mufasa says, I understand calling but it sounded like Lulu was going to answer. That was my question. I wish he had been calling his mom or something- more realistic. I wasn’t mad."

      No he was talking to Laura on the phone.. :) Then he told Laura to put the phone near Lulu. :)

  2. *sigh* Well that's an hour of our lives we'll never get back.

    Talk about stupidity. Why didn't they just hide him under the pulpit!!

    Thank God for Obrecht at the end.

    1. "Di says, *sigh* Well that's an hour of our lives we'll never get back."

      Well, little V made the show so much better when she said, oh oh! :)

  3. So wish it was someone else at the end. I love Obrecht but just wanted a shocking moment. Frisco would have been my pick. I guess we should just be glad it was SOMEONE.

    1. Frisco? Why??? Dr O has the info, it makes more sense for it to be her.

  4. Oh and Thank goodness for Violet. What a cutie pie.

  5. From the coming attractions for tomorrow it looks like Peter finds out about Alex being his mother. I can't wait for him to find out and this secret to come out and be done.

  6. Hiney finding out about his real mother will change nothing. Anna will pretend she didn't know. Finn referred to him as her son before the wedding which I did not get. Hiney is THE most annoying character on any show I've ever seen. And again...why must he always whisper?
    It is all just stupid.

  7. first anna looked gorgeous. maxie looked ridiculous. I love finn. and the chemistry is anna and valentin. episode was a waste of time. Finn is my dream man. Hate dick dastardly. would love for him to die.

  8. SURELY they aren't going to make PETER a victim??????????? I will lose it - I thought Franco was supposed to remember things - Anna and Valentin better start talking and yep, once again Finn is left out ---------this will break them up....

  9. the only good thing no carson

  10. Yes THANK GOD for Dr O because dumb ass Dante didn't complete the mission LOL! No he opens the door LOL and let's Peter out! Smacks my head against the wall 🙄🙄 So glad Valentin and Anna have opened their eyes to Peter and what he is! So now...the good bye note to Maxie? Will it still be there? LOL!! I can't wait til tomorrow's show!

    1. "Michelle L says Smacks my head against the wall 🙄🙄"

      Oh I thought you were going to say, smack Dante's head against the wall ROFL!

  11. Metrocourt wedding:

    Britch and Robert: Hmmm chem testing? I hope not!!! Oh Britch is just talking about her mother hahaha.

    Flashback of V.C. and Anna's plan: I like it!!! :) Yes yes yes. OH! The letter for Maxie, nice touch! :) And then Dr. O can show Maxie the file of Alex spilling her secrets! :)

    Finchy and Anna: Anna is making excuses why they can't be married right now.. Hahahahaha. Finchy brings up Anna being Hiney's mother and she agrees. Enough is enough Finchy just break up with her!!!

    Robert and Jackie: More scenes with them and more alcohol! :) I wonder if they are going to hit the sheets. Hmmmm. Anyway Robert is way too happy! Was he Mr. Feet who kidnapped Hiney? Oh he tells Finchy and Jackie he didn't. Okay okay I believe you Robert.

    Anna, Maxie and Finchy: Oops Finchy sees Anna in her wedding dress! BAAAAD LUCK! :) Anna's dress is pretty, but hate the shoulder pads. Looks like she is going to fly away. Maxie's dress is actually pretty.

    Finchy: NOW everything is going to fall apart? That's the word on the street or the ballroom. Yeah they are starting to catch on to the plot yup.

    ROFL! Finchy would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Chillow: SPARKLY! And I love their dialog for Finchy! Awwwww. :) Hey where is Roxy? She could calm Finchy down!!!

    Greg and Finchy: I love their dialog too!!! About Robert and Jackie. :)

    Lucy and Dante: LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) We need to get you a man!!! :) No not Dante. Love Lucy's dress!!!

    Scorpio brothers: YAY! SCORPIO BROTHERS! :)

    Mac: If you don't watch it, people are going to start to feel that way about you.

    HEY! That's not nice and not true Mac!!! APOLOGIZE TO HIM NOW!!!! GRRRRRRR!

    Storage unit: Dante calls Lulu awwwww. :) Oh so Laura is there too with Lulu and Leslie!!! GREAT! :)

    Dante and Hiney: Hiney all sad and panicky! HAHAHAHHAHAHAA. Oh wait Dante what the hell are you doing?!!?! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Back to the Metrocourt wedding:

    Hiney and Maxie: UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH!

    Maxie and Dante: Oh they are all playful and fun. :)

    Oh no!!!!!!!! The wedding is starting!!!! The whole episode I was waiting for Dr. O to show up to stop the wedding.. Oh my stomach was all tied up in knots and my hands were sweaty!! Dr. O where are you?!!?!?! OH THERE SHE IS! :) YAY!!!! Little V wins the line of the day.

    Little V: Oh oh.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Perfect line! :)

  12. All I can say is REALLLLYYY???? Anna and Valentin are supposed to be smart / super spies. Why why why are they dumbing them down/ Valentin was a super villain - and he can't kidnap someone properly??? My 3 year old great niece hides things better than he hid Peter!! And Dante!!! WTH - All we've heard about for months is that you need to complete the mission! You need the pen clicks for that???

  13. Today's episode was just... bizarre. Valentin leaves Peter tied up on-site at the hotel? Idiotic.

    What I really dislike, however, is it's clear the Peter character has run its course. But because the actor's real-life girlfriend has a lot of clout on the show, we're stuck with him for the foreseeable future. Blech.

  14. bye felicia? i mean... where is felicia?

    1. Not only is Felicia the mother of Maxie, but she's also been established as Anna's best friend. Grrr.

    2. When Felicia was mentioned as being out of town, I knew that the wedding wouldn't happen. Granted, the show was being a bit tongue in cheek, with Maxie pointing out how "She's not really my Aunt". LOL

    3. And wouldn't Robin and Emma be at the wedding, too?

  15. GH Writers:"...And then evil Liesel walks in, and objects the weddings! Fans will feel devastated and heartbroken over this interruption!"

    GH Fans:[Cheering, Jumping up and down, crying with Joy]

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes Matthew yes!!!!! :)

    2. Right on, Matthew. lol "continues jumping and cheering"

  16. If all that Dr O has on Peter is that Alex is his mother that is not enough to arrest him or deter Maxie from marrying him. Anna and Valentin probably won't say anything yet because they have no proof. I.bet Maxie still arrives Peter.

    1. I meant to say I bet Maxie still marries Peter

  17. Thanks for the recaps! Michigan's gov talked today and I only saw the last 15 minutes. Gotta say I was furious!! And I agree with all of the comments above. How stupid do they have make Valentin and Anna to keep stupid Peter with this stupid story line. He needs to die or put away for a long, long time. I am so done with Dante, too. I'll give him a clicky pen...right in the nose.

    Praise the soap gods for Mutter. She is my new heroine on the show because the other ones are now just too stupid.

    1. Dr. O and Robert were the bright spots of yesterday's weird show.

  18. I read on Twitter that little Violet adlibbed the "uh oh"!

    1. I did love that. She looked so cute -- the line of the day.

    2. I hope they keep little Violet forever. She is one of the best child actresses since Kimberly McCullough.

    3. "LSV422 says, I read on Twitter that little Violet adlibbed the "uh oh"!"

      Oh really? Haha it was perfect! :) I'm glad they kept it in.

  19. There were parts I liked yesterday - Jackie and Robert, Finn and Violet, and of course Dr. O crashing. Ana and Val had the stupidest plan to take Peter. Lucy and Willow looked stunning. Aside from the fact that I hate Peter, he and Maxie have zero chemistry. And what exactly is Dante's mission since he had the opportunity to do something about Peter?

    1. Ugh, exactly. Why didn't Dante kill Peter? Is his conditioning wearing off? It was not explained.

      I also thought Lucy looked great. I love any opportunity to see her again.

  20. They are dumbing down all the characters to prop Wes Ramsey. It is so wrong.

    1. Agree! Now Valentin has sunk into the dumb hole. Never thought I'd see that. Does seem to be contagious on GH. Like a pandemic.

  21. I guess now Jackie and Finn will have a one night stand...………..sigh......unless Anna and Valentin are getting together??????????



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...