Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Shot Thru The Heart.


WHAT a week! GH trended, Wubsy lost her ish and GH was the talk of the town!! I still have lots of feels, that's for damn sure. Let's get to it. 

PS. Yes, that's the Bon Jovi Song. 

BITCH SLAP OF THE WEEK: We were all Franco in that room, giving Peter August a nice round to the chops. Ugh, I hate him. Not in a "I love to hate him way" either. But you all know that, don't you? Anyway, I'm glad Franco got a good one in before....well, before what happened happened. 

SHOT OF THE WEEK:  Ok, So... ASS-Face Peter shoots Franco in the heart. I'm like: Um, that's not good. Blood? ALL OVER. I mean a lotta blood. Still not good. Jason looking stunned, Elizabeth trying to save him. Still....this is GH RIGHT? RIGHT??? I mean, it could be a ruse??  Just wait for it... 

STIFF OF THE WEEK:  Welp. That's ONE way to prove it. Have Cam go into the bowels of GH and pull out that cold metal drawer and find Franco inside. Unless this is a double-double ruse, he's gone. Given Roger's interview with SOD On the subject, looks like the character of Franco is no more. Roger will return "somehow" in months to come.  Feelings? I'm kinda over the Michael Easton-Roger Howarth merry-go-character of the year but it will keep RH on my screen so?? Who do you think it will be? Todd? Would they dare make him Drew? My money is on Drew. SELLING him as Drew? good luck. 

LIGHT BULB MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Thank YOU Soap Goddess! Maxie finally tells Peter to BUZZ OFF. Dear Lord, I was so afraid she was going to take him back!! Phew. He will become obsessed with her for sure. He'll be another  Early-Stage Valentin but smarmy and unlikeable. Great.  Side Note: Yes, for everyone asking, Kirsten's make-up was way way off the entire wedding and hospital scenes. People were talking about it. It was a distraction. Not sure what was going on? 

I'M NOT YOUR FATHER OF THE WEEK:  So, Chase gets the truth. Now, this whole thing played out very weird for me. I love all the actors involved but--Chases' reaction? Just 'off'. I didn't get a sense of anything and I swear they were going to break out laughing at any second. Maybe I just had some lingering trauma from the Franco stuff, not sure. Anyway, they haven't opened the results yet so...we wait. 

THE SONNY SHOW THIS WEEK: AH, we escaped it for so long!!! I swear this could just be it's own show, buried on Hulu somewhere and no one would watch; cancelled after 1/2 a season. It's so contrived and SO SO cliche. Even the poker game was straight out of a '70's show. "LADY LUCK"! Sonny saves the bar from good natured yet evil real estate developer Elijah and.. NO ONE CARES. Bring him back to PC (still no memory) and have them all work/take over Kelly's. I guar-ooon-tee you it will be better than this. 

MILDEW OF THE WEEK: Another who cares? Good GOD--they are stuck in a loop in that living room discussing Wiley until I am screaming for relief. HE'S TWO. GET OVER IT. I'm here to say this and it's mean: The actors are NOT pulling off any kind of "chemistry" or "longing" or even zexual tension in these talks. I get that there's a dance going on-- do they or don't they like each other? WE CAN'T TELL. They are BORING. Even when they "argue" they are BORING. I mean, paint dry boring. There. Got it out of my system. 

FORGOT YOU WERE ON THE SHOW OF THE WEEK: Um, yeah...Danny!! 'member him? Well, he popped out for 2 seconds at the Q house because that's basically where he lives now. He tells Jason Sam misses him and so does he. Yawn. 

I GOT NOTHIN' OF THE WEEK: I'm so over Anna and her BS when it comes to Peter. Put him under the floor at Wyndemere's horse stalls like you did to Faison. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I think we can all agree that Becky and especially William took it for this. Holy hell. I was getting goosebumps by the end.  photo thx to @CrimsonRum 

THOUGHTS OF THE WEEK: I need this section because there is SO much to unpack. Franco's death was shocking because they managed to keep it a secret (from the majority and no one I know spoiled it). I had no idea it was coming. If anything, I thought Franco would kill Peter or wound him enough to send him away and then pass because of the tumor. BUT NOPE!! The fact that Peter has done so much damage to the canvas and is such a terrible character hurts my heart. Faison's son could have been so much more. If we HAVE to keep him (management...cough) then I hope he just is evil-evil from now on. Period. And don't try to redeem him. Thanks, we don't want or need that. The Sonny Show has to be happening because Maurice said I need time off here and there, just let me do whatever whenever...because..? Why else would we have it? They've built sets, gotten in a host of extras--for what?

  All in all, yes, GH was compelling to watch and I hope it shook things up and maybe people will tune back in. We shall see. Killing off a major character (even one with a lot of love/hate fans) was gutsy. Hope it pays off! 


Franco dies at the hands of Peter 

Peter is back at the Intruder working like nothing happened

Jason is getting blamed

Nina is sad she can't see Wiley

Chase finds out his father might be his grandpa but DNA results aren't shown yet 

Maxie tells Peter to leave 

Liz has to tell Cameron Franco is dead

Cam has to check that Franco is really dead-dead

Sonny plays poker 'Saves' the Tan-O 

Elijah is not happy about Sonny saving the Tan-O

What I will miss the most:  Scotty and Franco. Damn.  photo thx to: @Loveamystery 

SPOILERS:  Brook Lynn is back in town and so is Gladys. Check them all out over on Diagnosis Daytime! 

BELATED Happy Birthday TO DAVE!! Thanks for all you do with the blog!! 

Blog is out a bit late today due to the clocks going forward. (NOT My fave thing!!) Cheers. 


  1. You give love a bad name. Love me some Bon Jovi. Lol

  2. RoHo will probably come back as Drew. Then what, Sam and Liz fight over him? Oh and Kim comes back to town and fights over him too? Because when he was Drew he was in love with Kim and not Liz. Hmmmmmm

  3. I won't give up on GH, but there is sure some stupid, stupid stuff. Now I do like Michael a lot, but he doesn't have chemistry with any of the women really. I did like he and Maxie in the Lamaze class, but IDK. I'm not really a huge Chase and Willow fan either. I think Chase isn't the greatest actor and Willow is very bland.

    The Sonny stuff should just be DONE. Stupidest storyline ever. Some of the 80's wonky stuff was better. MO should just be on a vacation altogether for 6 months of the year IMO. Frankly, so should Carly and Jason. Use some of the good actors that are barely on; Mac, Felicia, Scotty, Lucy, Robert, Liz etc. I thought Becky Herbst was OK in the scenes. The one who really "killed it" was William Lipton. That young man is so talented. He reminds me of the talent that Jonathon Jackson had/ has.

    I guess Brook Lyn will come back with Valentin's baby. Joy. I am still team Anna and Valentin if they won't put her back with Robert. I think maybe they won't put her back with Robert is that he is not on the show enough for that. I am not sure.

    I was never a fan of Franco, but I did get used to him and Liz and even started to like their little family. Poor Liz. Her men either die or leave.

    Thanks for a great SS as usual Karen.
    Happy belated birthday to Dave. We appreciate your help as well.

    1. "Some of the 80's wonky stuff was better."

      Haha. Yeah like the Casey the alien storyline. :) Well, that was in 1990, but still. :) The freeze the world storyline was in the 80's! :)

  4. PSSS. You are not going to shoot somebody at close range and not have blood all over your white shirt. lol

  5. Dante, complete the mission already. Just leave Anna alone.

    1. That story line is stupid if Dante never completes his mission. He won't

  6. I am TRYING I promise to be positive, and THINK that the PCPD will actually go check for DNA and find Peter's DNA everywhere - but Jordan is not a good actress and a horrible Police Commissioner! Did she even ROPED off the studio? These are the things that Frank does that RUINS GH for all of us.
    We ALL know why Peter is still there, but that doesn't make it right.....
    BRING Sonny back and have him still not remember - and bring Phyllis and Lenny-
    WHY would Gladys even COME BACK?
    Chase, Willow, Sasha and Brando are not needed...
    I am SO over most of GH now...……….disappointing...……….

  7. "Shot through the heart, it's all part of the game that we call love..."

    1. I had to listen to Bon Jovi after reading Karen's blog because that song is stuck in my head. lol

  8. I didn’t like Franco at first but Roger Howarth, and Elizabeth’s love for Franco made me love him. I’m sad about this turn of events. I thought the Friz family was one of the rare bright spot on the show. Franco was the only man in Elizabeth’s life who ever put her first. It was also her longest relationship on the show so far. Franco was the only stable father figure her boys had. I loved the bond he had with each boy. I’m also mad that Becky Herbst is losing the pairing she built for the last five years and her leading man, again. This is a huge slap in the face for her. General Hospital keeps throwing guys at her, she builds popular pairings and then the show takes her leading man away and give him to someone else. I expect she’ll be on the back burner for the next six months. She’s so undervalued.

    Instead of fixing what’s wrong with this show, the writers decided to shock us by killing a character. I don’t want to be shocked, I just want good stories, which we haven’t gotten since CVE and DOC have been head writers. GH destroyed a family, Anna and Maxie for a character no one likes. I also doubt this shake up will bring back viewers. People who don’t like Roger Howarth won’t like his new character and people who love him no matter who he plays will continue to love him. As for Roger Howarth’s new character, I think he’ll be very similar to Todd. The writers probably want him to interact more with the rest cast.

    1. I agree with you Ghost. I didn't like Roger Howarth as Franco at first, but the interactions with Liz and her boys and the great chemistry with them as a family won me over.

    2. I agree - wasn't an RH fan or Franco fan, but they won me over with their loving family.

    3. I agree with everything you wrote.

    4. Ghost. You took the words right out of my mouth. Franco and Elizabeth sold their love story. There was the slow build and they built a beautiful family. As you said, he was the only man to put her and her boys first so I am not happy they killed him off when it should have been Peter lying on that floor.

  9. Thanks for another great SS! I do enjoy this blog...sometimes more than watching GH.
    IF they try and redeem Hiney after he killed Franco in cold blood on camera, I may be out. Watching Anna with him just made me sick.
    The death of Franco does remove the probability of any wit or humor as he and Scott were the last remaining characters who brought that to the show. Why do they have to write GH so dark? What is there without some light and hope of good things to come.
    I too am disappointed in GH and don't see it changing much going forward.

    1. Actually I find that Robert brings some great humor to the show but it's a more intelliigent homor and not so slapstick.

  10. I have major mixed feelings at the moment.

    Like most people here, I couldn't stand the Franco character at first, but Roger Howarth sold me on him. More importantly, he had GREAT chemistry with Elizabeth. "GH" hasn't had a couple that good in ages. I find it weird that the writers and producers would spend so much time building that up just to have it end.

    BUT... 1) it actually got "GH" trending on Twitter. With all the soaps having ratings trouble, that is a good thing. 2) It is probably the first time in years that I have actually been shocked as a viewer. Also a good thing, I suppose.

    I mostly watch "GH" these days for the actors who play Todd/Franco/whoever, Ava, Laura and Anna. So, I really hope the writers give Roger something meaty to play when he returns.

    Oh, yeah: Didn't miss Sonny at all. Let Maurice Bernard have more time off.

  11. I love roger howarth from his days on oltl. always thought he was the best actor in daytime.also rebecca herbst should be lead actress not LW. LW is a 1 note character. william lipton who is a teenager is the best actor on GH. the webber-baldwin family was my favorite. they had chemistry. my guess he will come back as Drew and go back to Sam. the mumbler has not been in a storyline in ages.

  12. my hope is LW breaks up with WR and than they can kill plp off

  13. Zazu, I was going to say that too. I like this blog more than GH.

  14. Great SS and comments! Am I terrible to have been wishing Maxie would lose ppl's baby? She already has two kids we never see and this one is so unnecessary.

    1. No, you aren't terrible. There's still time. However IMO GH can't resist having a new evil spawn. Faison was a villain that you loved to hate, like so many others. Until Hiney.

  15. "WHAT a week! Wubsy lost her ish"


    "Roger will return "somehow" in months to come."

    Yeah I can't wait! :)

    "Feelings? I'm kinda over the Michael Easton-Roger Howarth merry-go-character of the year but it will keep RH on my screen so??"

    Yeah I just want RH on my screen eating dammit! :)

    "Who do you think it will be? Todd? Would they dare make him Drew? My money is on Drew. SELLING him as Drew? good luck."

    Well if he is Drew, then I will have to call him FrankenDrew. :) If he is Todd, then YAY! :)

    "So, Chase gets the truth. Now, this whole thing played out very weird for me. I love all the actors involved but--Chases' reaction? Just 'off'."

    Yeah that scene was so strange. Chase's eyes were bulging out of his head! Hahahhahaha!


    UGH! Boring! Dull! Yawn of the week!

    "What I will miss the most: Scotty and Franco. Damn."

    Yeah. Me too. :( Dammit! :(

    "SPOILERS: Brook Lynn is back in town"


    "and so is Gladys."

    UGH! Why?!?!! I don't care about her! She is so boring and annoying!!

    "BELATED Happy Birthday TO DAVE!! Thanks for all you do with the blog!!"

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DAVE! I agree with Wubsy! Thank you for all you do with this blog!!! :)

    1. Oops forgot 1 other thing.

      "Sunday Surgery: Shot Thru The Heart."

      The song popped in my head and I started singing it. :)

    2. Me too Sonya. Been singing it all day. Had to watch on U tube as well

  16. Realistically, no new viewers are going to tune in. GH was trending not in a good way. Not because it was a "look what's happening, you need to see it" but in a WTF is happening and why.

    I don't know whose decision this was, the writers, Frank or the network, but it's going to backfire. There is not one compelling story going on right now. There's no romance, there's no humor, there's no love, there's just a bunch of whining people.

    They killed the only real family they had--and why? To send Roger Maura's way is my guess. He's not going to be Drew cause he'd have to share scenes with Becky and that must be avoided at all costs.

    At the end of the day all this does is highlight how creatively bankrupt GH is and that they have no respect for Rebecca Herbst, which is both stupid and shameful

    1. Exactly. Trending on twitter for a day doesn’t translate in a steady increase in ratings.
      Roger is coming back as a new character, and he’ll probably be paired with Maura. I’m sure their fans will be happy but GH is basically telling Rebecca Herbst she’s not good enough.
      You're right about the show being awful. I don’t remember a time when GH was this bad. I don't care about the Sonny story, Nina’s kid, Chase’s parents, the vanilla quad, Brando, or the awful Peter.

    2. I've been watching a really long time and I can't either. There is literally no joy anywhere on screen.

  17. I hope that RH is not destined for MW. I loved their friendship. Ava and Nikolas are great together and could get in trouble together. But wait...the fact that they may be feeling happiness and contentment surely means their relationship is doomed. That is not allowed on GH.
    I totally agree with what Lucy D. posted.

    1. I agree, the Nik & Ava story was just getting good. But I can't imagine who else they'd pair him with

  18. Thanks for a great SS.

    I'm also over the" Michael Easton-Roger Howarth merry-go-character of the year"

    If he plays a recast Drew does he go back to Sam, looking like Franco, because Drew didn't look like Franco. That would be even more confusing. If he comes back as Todd again that would make more sense. If he comes back as someone else then he needs to suck it up and CHANGE character. Have a haircut, stop with the Todd/ Michael/new Franco mannerisms and create a NEW character. I know that some of you find the food eating foolishness fun, but it's been done to death. The only way it should be repeated is if he comes back as Annabelle II.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...