Friday, March 19, 2021

It's a baby


Nice Friday here, sun is out but it's still cold! I think we are going up into the 60's next week! I will be out Mon/Tuesday because of a doctor and then a hair appointment. REAL LIFE!! damn it LOL 

Dante, Peter, Graveyard GUN! Ugh, you know Dante is talking too much before shooting. 

Sam finds out Maxie is with Spin and didn't text Peter. 

AND OF COURSE SAM STOPS DANTE FROM KILLING THAT SHITBAG UGH. THANKS SAM. She pleads with him not to do it and throw his life away. :EYEROLL:  Anyway, Dante thinks his PTSD is still with him and is shook. Sam says she'll help him. 

Carly goes over to mouth off to Liz about Jason being arrested. She's such a bitch. Even tho Liz tells her to leave she won't go. Badgers Liz about what she saw, yada yada. Carly says Jason would never do that. They go back and forth and back and forth. 

Chase is talking to Finn about being his son. Finn says they should get the DNA redone at Mercy because GH results "aren't that great" LOL . They talk about being Father/Son not Brothers. Not much to report. 

Ned talks to Olivia about Brook Lynn, Olivia says that he needs to see her asap. She's not going to tell him what's going on yet though. Olivia is also talking about how she felt with Robert and taking chances. 

Brook Lynn runs into Valentin but she has her coat on for now. OH! She opens it! LOL he laughs a bit. Is it mine? She says yeah..he wants to help her. She doesn't want him to. She leaves. 

Brook comes home and tells a surprised Ned she's PG. He can see that, thank you LOL 

Robert talks to Jackie about the whole paternity thing. He feels very close to her now. Not sure why? She gets an alert that the INVADER put out a story about Finn/Chase DNA stuff. I guess Cyrus told Peter August to do it.

Sonny....zz...Phyllis, cleaning the bar. That bar is the cleanest damn place in the tri-state area. He was playing poker to win back his rings from the pawn guy. But...sigh...alas, he only broke even. Good God that bar never ever has a customer in it. Phyllis tells Sonny that she and Lenny had a baby girl that lived a few days and never had any more kids. 


Cyrus was the one that planted the story. He also talked to the lab at GH and said "make it say what I want it to say".

Nina goes to the Tan-O 


  1. The scene between Dante and Sam made me so mad. It just showed me how much she's been phoning it in wwhen she's been with certain other actors. Why do TPTB put up with that?

    I was so glad that Finn said he's getting another DNA test because he doesn't trust GH. I hope the new results come out soon and that they sue the invader for slander. lol That'll teach mPeter and put Cyrus in his sights for a while.

    1. totally agree especially about sam. actually like sam and dante

  2. someone please put a bullet in plp's head. and snarly only knows how to be a witch. zero compassion for liz and a man she was engaged to. jason needs to have sex with carly .

    1. No. Who needs to have sex with someone who will probably insist on telling how to do it. He needs to become friends with Britt and go from there.

    2. OMG that was too funny and true. I can't imagine anyone having sex with Carly now that you've said that!

    3. that is hysterical but so true. but it would keep snarly busy for awhile.

    4. Waiting for Joss to stop idolizing Carly and rebel. Now that would be interesting.
      I hate that GH is allowing Carly to be right and be able to throw this back at Liz. And Liz will have to apologize. UGH

    5. Linda -- I agree. Joss becoming disenchanted with her mom and rebelling would be interesting to watch. Maybe she and Cam can "go bad" together. I'd be into that!

  3. I haven't watched today's show yet but I can't believe that Carly was allowed in the room when Jason and Diane were with Jordan. Those are the things that make the writing especially of Carly so off. I am starting to fast forward when she is on. Somehow she is always brought front and center.

  4. Whoah. Brooklyn has a huge basketball in her belly.

  5. Kelly's:

    V.C. and Nina: Oh they are reshowing the Nina touching V.C.'s face!! :) I am glad they are reshowing it. I love it! :)

    V.C. and Brooky: Great scene!!! He wants to help her with the baby awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Charlie is gonna have a brother or sister! YAY! :)

    Sam and her phone: Sam is all of a sudden a worry wart.

    Q home:

    Nedlia: I hope mom and dad don't get a divorce. :( Great scene!!! Talking about how they changed.. :(

    Ned and Brooky: Hahahahhaha. Ned wins the line of the day.

    Ned: I'm not mad. I'm not mad or disappointed. I. I am thrilled to be a grandfather! I am THRILLED that YOU are going to be a mother. Oh um. I just find it concerning, that Valentin Cassadine, the man who orchestrated a hostel take over of ELQ and manipulated OUR family, in order to do that, is now tied to the same family to your baby.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA. Ned is losing it! :) Awwww but but but he is going to be a grandpa! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Nathan's grave:

    Dante and Hiney: Boy for a man who has been brainwashed to kill, he sure does talk alot. Oh look when Hiney fell, he fell on a fake ground! ROFL! The ground moved! ROFL! Even Nathan's name plate moved! ROFL!

    Sam: Dante stop!

    OH DAMMIT SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dante and Sam: DAMMIT ALL TO HELL!!!

    The hospital:

    Chase and Finchy: Yes yes yes take another test at Mercy! :) Great scene!

    Jackie, Chase, and Finchy: Oh oh! The intruder alert!!!! At first I was confused.. The whole world knows the truth!!! :) DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Cyrus and Hiney: Hmmmm Hiney seems calm after Dante almost killed him. Hiney is sitting near the bathroom. anybody in the bathroom? Anybody flushing the toilet?

    Jackie and Cyrus: I love when Jackie tells him to get lost hahahaha. Careful Cyrus she can bite.. Of course Cyrus could too. :) I love how Robert is kicking Cyrus out hahahaha. I thought at first it was Marty Tad. :)

    Jackie and Robert: Hmmmm more chem testing? :) Robert can be charming! :)

    Olivia and Robert: SO SPARKLY! :)

    Friz home:

    Liz and Cujo:

    Liz: Jason killed Franco!!!!!

    Cujo: *GROWL*

    Liz: Jason killed Franco!


    The Pennsylvania side of the river bar and tanning place:

    Mrs. Cauffee and Sonny: Oh a little girl she and her hubby had died. Is that why they call their place the Tan-0?

    Mrs. Cauffee and Nina: OH OH! ROFL! YAY! Now let the fun begin!!!! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1990* Anna goes to Robin's school to give her the lunch she forgot to get*

  6. Is that Finn's office he and Anna are in? Why are there nursing books behind him? Weird.

    1. Yeah that is his office!! I'm very distracted about those books he has! :)

  7. Finally Dom Z showing his good acting chops. And, Sam is actually likeable with Dante. Wow

    1. Surprisingly, Sam did not annoy me (for once) in the scenes with Dante.

  8. PS. Robert and Olivia do have chemistry. #1 Anna #2 Olivia #3 Jackie (Jackie not so much).

    1. I like him with olivia, even though he is old enough to be her father. always liked him with Holly.

    2. "Witch says, even though he is old enough to be her father. always liked him with Holly."

      Wait what? Robert is old enough to be Holly's father? Never thought about that.

    3. I think she means she likes Robert with Olivia, even though he is old enough to be her father.

    4. "Kathy M says, I think she means she likes Robert with Olivia, even though he is old enough to be her father."

      Hahaha oh!! :) They don't look like they can be father and daughter either. :) Brooky and Robert on the other hand.. Yes. :)

  9. Mrs. Cawfee anvil: when she revealed her young child had died...I wondered if this was an anvil if they’ll find a way to bring her and Lenny to Port Charles, they’ll work in Curtis’ new club and maybe their child didn’t die after all. Jordan?
    Nina surprise! Eyeroll. You just know she’s going to fall in love with ‘Mike’s’ bolgonese.
    I like the banter between Robert and Jackie. Tristan Rogers has chemistry with pretty much everyone. If Emma Samms ever comes back, a Holly-Jackie confrontation revisiting the rivalry between these two would be interesting.
    Cyrus... you just know they are setting this up for a big who dun it. Everyone is going to be gunning for him.
    I like Sam and Dante.

  10. Tristan Roger's does have chemistry with everyone. Yes. Tristan is 74 and Lilo is like late 40s I think. As far as I remember they have always put him with younger women partners.

  11. I am hoping for the worst for sonny and carly. anxious for sonny to fall for nina.

    1. YES, PLEASE! Nina seducing Sonny would be perfect. It would serve Snarly right.

    2. Yes yes yes!!! I would love that so much! :)

    3. They would probably look ridiculous together-she seems rather tall and he is a small old guy.

  12. Well, I called it with Cyrus tampering with the DNA results. (And only in a soap would a newspaper print something like that. LOL)

    I loved the scenes between Olivia and Ned, and between Jackie and Robert. That's an essential part of a good soap, IMO.

    I know a lot of people here don't want Nina to be villainous again, but dammit I am totally looking forward to her f**king with Carly and Sonny.

    1. "Kevin says, I know a lot of people here don't want Nina to be villainous again, but dammit I am totally looking forward to her f**king with Carly and Sonny."

      Yeah me too!!!! Soapy delicious goodness. :)

    2. Anyone that messes with Sonny, Carly, and Jason is all right by me whether it be Ava, Nina, Nelle, New Franco, Old Franco, etc., etc.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...