Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Graveside Manner


Brook Lynn is PREGGO!! Like BIG . Michael and she talk about Sonny being dead. He asks who the daddy is and she says none of your biz. They talk for awhile then she tells him it is Valentin. 

Alexis is at the house with all the girls. She tells them she's going to plead guilty at the trial. She says she has to so she can pay for what she did.  Alexis invited Valentin to come too.  The girls don't want her to plead guilty but she thinks it's for the best. 

Cam is in the cemetery looking at all the dead people he knows. Looking at his Dad's grave (BioDad Zander). Talks to him and says how crappy his life has been. "maybe if you stuck around and didn't get yourself shot, I'd be ok". Zander appears and says Cam is right, it's all his fault. He tells him not to make the same choices he did. Then Joss and Trina walk into the scene and Zander disappears. 

Trina and Joss in the coffee corner talking about the memorial. They want to make Cam feel better.. they take flowers to the cemetery.  Cam is hostile. Woe is me. I think he's going dark. YEAH I HOPE SO

Brando and Sasha..he's checking out of the hospital. Has no shirt on so Sasha is oogling him. THey almost kiss and Cyrus walks in. GLADYS walks in too. Hugs him. Brando thinks she wants something. And..in a later scene it's shown that cyrus brought her to town. 

Peter is telling Maxie he's still living at the house and he's 'joined to her". :eyeroll: Creepass'd Peter. He's telling her everyone lied and she'd better not try to keep him out of her life or the babie's. yada yada.  He's keeping the key so nothing happens to "she or James or the baby". I always forget about James.  She placates Peter so he'll leave. Vows that she'll keep her baby safe. 


  1. Peter was extra creepy today.

  2. so just like that, Frank made Zander a loser???? THAT is what Cam got out of it? I guess they needed something to make him a 'bad boy'.....but having Zander bad is NOT the way to do that...
    Maybe NOW Maxie will be the strong woman she has always been - and not a whiny person.

    1. I mean......he was a loser *shrugs* he did try to pick himself up with Amber Tamblyn's Emily, but we all know how that ended with Natalia's Emily.

  3. Yeah. I didn't get the Zander is all bad. He had good as well.

  4. Kelly's:

    Joss and Trina: That's not the coffee corner Karen! It's Kelly's! :) Anyway they were talking about Cam and Joss was thinking about flowers.

    Joss: Maybe the way to get closure isn't to forget. It's letting yourself remember. I'm thinking, oh they are going to buy Cam flowers to make him feel better.

    The cemetery:

    Cam and Zander: I see Zander's grave and I burst into tears. ZANDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Cry* I MISS YOU ZANDER!!!!!! Oh such great scenes!!! When Cam kept asking where were you, the scene changed! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!?! Don't change the damn scene! I was enjoying them. These were great scenes!!! Chad Brennan looks great! :)

    Zander: You talk tough Cameron. You sound like me.

    YES HE DOES!!!!!! Cam is so angry and hurt. :( Cam wins the line of the day.

    Cam: I gotta say, when my father figures go, they go in style.

    ROFL! Cam listen to your dad!!!! Don't make the same mistakes he made!!!

    Cam, Joss, and Trina:

    Cam: What are the flowers for?

    Joss: They are for Dev and Sonny's graves.

    Huh?! I'm so confused. Well, anyway I love that Zander was still there! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Molly, Krissy, Sam, Sam's bread, and V.C.: Why is Sam still wearing that torn up sweater??!?! It makes me think she was in an accident!!! Then I worry about Sam and her bread.

    Alexis: I'm going to plea guilty.

    Sam's bread: No mama! Don't do this!!!!!!!

    Sure Molly is going to be a lawyer, but why would Alexis need Molly to help her? Alexis was a lawyer she should know what is going to happen to her. I'm so confused. And why isn't Diane there?

    The hospital:

    Brando and Sasha: Shirtless Brando yum!

    Brando, Sasha, Cyrus, and oh look a surprise Gladys: Dammit it Cyrus! Brando and Sasha were going to kiss!!! Oh no not Gladys UGH!

    Gladys and Cyrus: UGH!

    Gladys and Brando: UGH!

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Hiney: UGH! Come on Maxie!!! Kick him in the family jewels!!! Strangle him with his tie!!!! Let the baby kick him!

    Q home:

    Brooky and Michael: BROOKY AND THE BABY BUMP YAY! My first thought was, Brooky is preggy and so is Maxie. Oh oh baby switch? NO NO NO NO! I want Maxie's baby to go away! Maybe to the attic. :) I'm glad Michael figured out that V.C. is the baybay's papa! :)

    1. I feel like Maxie was already showing when Brooklyn and Valentin had sex. Maybe not. But seems like the longest pregnancy in soap history!

    2. "Paul773 says, I feel like Maxie was already showing when Brooklyn and Valentin had sex. Maybe not. But seems like the longest pregnancy in soap history!"

      Was she? I don't remember.

    3. Yes, I agree. I feel like she’s been pregnant forever!

    4. Brooklynn was HUGE, bigger than Maxie, good grief. PLP was just gross, creepy, and AGAIN, needs to be gone.

      I second those double ughs about Gladys. So she is in cahoots with Ponytail? UGH again!

      I enjoyed the Davis girls especially with the Valentin addition, but the whole conversation was bizarre.

      It was so great to see Zander. My goodness, he is so handsome and would be a very welcome addition to GH. We need a HAWT looking 40 something fella. :)

    5. I agree about Zander. Instead we get a creepy looking 40 something in Peter and a not great looking younger Brando.

    6. "Julie H says, I second those double ughs about Gladys. So she is in cahoots with Ponytail? UGH again!"

      I don't want her to be in cahoots with Ponytail!!! UGH! I want her gone!

      "I enjoyed the Davis girls especially with the Valentin addition, but the whole conversation was bizarre."

      Yes very very bizarre!!!

      "It was so great to see Zander."


      "My goodness, he is so handsome and would be a very welcome addition to GH. We need a HAWT looking 40 something fella. :)"

      Yes!!! Wonderful welcome addition!!! And yes we do!

  5. Brooklyn is HUGE. She hasn't been gone 9 months has she?

    1. I could be wrong and Brook Lyn just left town in November 2020. That would put her at FOUR months pregnant, not like 9.

  6. What was in Peter's pocket that he blackmailed Maxie with?

    1. I think it was his key to the apartment; he told Maxie he was keeping it.🔑

    2. Thanks Shelley D. He is getting so creepy

  7. Alexis would know EXACTLY what is going to happen to her since she's a lawyer. Helloooooooooooooo. Was she just testing Molly? That was so stupid.

    1. PS. The whole Alexis losing her license is just so stupid. She has been a lawyer for like 30 years. Yes, she does date bad boys, but never done something stupid to get disbarred for life. Man, these writers are SO dumb.

  8. Replies
    1. I don't recall Liz ever having a dog

    2. Cam said that Zander should have been there when his dog died.

    3. I think they made that up - like when Cam was a kid....

  9. Ugh. Maxie pregnant. Brook Lynn pregnant. Anvils ahead. We’ve been down this road 10 million times.

    1. Yup. They must have advanced Brooklyn pregnancy so much for a reason. Arghhb

  10. I am so happy to see Valentin interacting more - the actor is one of my favorites. I love Ava telling it like it is to Nina. Ugh, hate Gladys.

  11. I really like JPS too. Valentin is one of those villains with layers. One minute you hate him and the next you love him. Plus he's great actor.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...