Friday, March 26, 2021

Happy Birthday


Well, I heard there WASN'T A NEW GH yesterday due to THE POTUS presser! Biden is ON MY SIDE! I didn't miss an eppy this week!!

Sam took Dante to talk to Kevin. I actually thought I missed something but people are saying no. Anna's in talking to him now?? 
Olivia is outside the room saying the rosary? WEIRD 

Jason is in jail...across the way from Taggert. Taggert is led off to be sentenced. Then Britt comes to "do a check up on Jason" and then she asks him what's up. He says that Peter killed Franco. 

Michael and Sasha are in Kelly's. Gladys and Brando come in. Brando tells Michael it was his mom that says Jason threw the gun. 

Nina stayed at Phyllis' house and is back to the bar to talk to Sonny. Sonny says he's happy there. (ahahaha). Phyllis tells her about the break ins and how the town is dying. They want her to write a story about Nixon Falls to help it out. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. GEESH that's this story? WHAT. Nina is going to stay and write the story. 

Laura and Martin meet. It was his birthday last week. He says he has no other family or kids or a significant other.  He's been married and divorced 3x. 

Carly and Cyrus.  There was a meeting planned by Jason for the Five Families and now Cy is wondering if Carly is going to go. Michael calls her and tells her about Gladys. She figures out that Cyrus put her up to it. Cyrus says if Carly does what she wants then Gladys might recant. 


Sam and Britt team up to get Peter and help Maxie. 


  1. ABC/GH sucks! Yesterday the press conference didn't even cut into GH here just DAYS (central time zone) so I was still able to watch DAYS at night, does GH air a new episode on Hulu? Of course not....🙄 They could follow in DAYS steps and do this but don't. Lose ratings this way. But I digress.

  2. The hospital:

    Anna and Dante: Hmmmm. He was deprogrammed off camera! CRAP!!!!

    Sam and Olivia: Well, I'm glad they are getting along. :) Will Sam's bread and Olivia's cupcakes get along too?

    Anna, Sam, Olivia, and Dante: Ohhhh. So Dante will still see Kevin and it's not just a 1 time thing. Good!!! Oh Anna building up Robert to Olivia! :)

    Sam and Dante: Oh my! Eye sex!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Cyrus: I was team Carly, until Cyrus said,

    Cyrus: Wouldn't it be a relief if she recanted her story? Just as it would be a relief if my mother returned to me. Do we understand each other?

    #TEAM CYRUS! :) And Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: The more I know you Mrs. Corinthos, the more I'm thinking you're not just a passive bystander.

    ROFL! You're right Cyrus! She's not! :) She is Cujo! :) Also Carly Babes! :)

    Laura and Marty: Great scene!!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MARTY!!!! Oh wait a second!!! He doesn't have a girlfriend or wife? Well, we gotta set him up with someone!!!!! :) Awwww a birthday cake. :) Awwww that is sweet Laura! All of a sudden I wish Stefan Cassadine was still alive.. I miss him. I loved when he would call her Lasha. :)

    Jail cell:

    Taggart and Jason: Oh at first I thought he was having a dream about Jason! Hahaha. Another episode of Taggart! YAY!

    Britch and Jason: Man has Steve Burton been exercising lazy? He is so huge compared to teeny tiny her! :) I love that Jason was holding her shaky hand!!! Awwwwwwwwwww. :) What is their couple name? Jitt? Right Karen? OH SAM SHOWED UP! JELLY!!!!

    Sam and Jason: Sam looks so gloomy sad.

    Britch and Sam: Glad they are working together..


    Brando and Gladys: Gladys = Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Gladys: Why do you care so much anyway? If I recall, Sonny kicked you to the curb.

    Because he is still in wuv with Sonny!

    Michael and Sasha: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Gladys and Sasha: I don't think Gladys likes her. ROFL!

    Gladys and Brando: Gladys notices that Brando has been stealing glances toward Sasha hahahaha awwwwwww he likes Sasha. :)

    Michael and Brando: Oh! Well, I'm glad Brando told Michael the truth!

    Pennsylvania side of the river bar and tanning place:

    Sonny, Phyllis, and Nina: Wait! Nina is leaving? I'm so confused with this storyline!! I want her to stay!

    Sonny and Nina: YAY! She is staying!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps to my time machine to go to 1998* Since Liz is thinking Jason killed BobTodd, and it seems like she hates him now, I went to see when Liz first met Jason. And since there is no Thursday, will have to show other videos of Jason and Liz too.

    *Jumps into my time machine again to go to January 3 2000. Liz looks for Jason at Sonny's penthouse.*

    *Also goes to January 6th 2000.* Jason doesn't think it's a good idea for he and Liz to hang out anymore. Awwwww. :(

  3. So now Jason tells Britt but still doesn't say a word to Liz. STUPID.

    I am digging the chemistry with Jason & Britt!

  4. So how many people now think Peter framed Jason for killing Franco? Can they just all get together and figure this out instead of being in their own bubbles working separately? Kill Peter and put us out of our misery.

    And I am another loving Jason and Britt. I'm also liking Dante and Sam and I didn't think I would.

  5. Nina is writing an article about a struggling small town for a FASHION magazine? Ugh, c'mon writers. This is even more stupid than The Invader publishing a story about Finn's DNA results. There is reasonable suspension of disbelief and then there's also pushing things into the realm of absurdity. This is the latter.

    It looks like the writers are going to have Nina really fall in love with "Mike." Yawn. I prefer her manipulating to hurt Carly intentionally.

    I did like the scenes between Laura and Martin. I think these two actors work well together. But...

    Friday's episode really crystallized something for me. I am *so* tired of the writers/producers using Sonny as the moral voice of "GH." Yes, let's take life lessons and advice from a mob boss, whose entire business model is based on breaking the law and intimidating others. I don't think Sonny and Carly would irritate me as much if they were just written for what they are instead of always straining to make them upright and the heroes of the show. Gross.

    1. I agree Kevin. I don't want Nina involved with Mike. I want to see her be the bigger person and bring him home. Hopefully Sonny's first reaction to Carly's shrewish behavior will help her see it for what it is and we won't have a screech fest every time she's on. I know that things have changed during Covid but writers are the only ones on the show who can legitimately phone it in. Get some group interaction and clear up this mess, writers.

  6. Laura is so beautiful. Why put her in jackets that look like drapes?

  7. Took me a little while, but I'm starting to like Britt. And, starting to like Jason and Britt as a couple.

    I loved the Amy mention while Laura was talking to Martin. What happened to her on the show? Did she just move away? I forget. I know that the actress passed away awhile back. Shell Kipling; think that was her name.

  8. To the best of my knowledge, they've never formally established Amy as having died, but her photo IS on the rarely seen memorial wall along with the likes of Steve Hardy, Alan Quartermaine and Tony Jones. Friday's conversation with Laura and Martin was the first time they've actually hinted that Amy is no longer with us.

  9. I hope they don't sacrifice Britt in the offing of Hiney. She has been great in every scene. There has been such a lack of creativity lately. Hiney wasn't the man Maxie thought he was; Anna wasn't the woman Finn thought she was. And clearly Charlotte will soon be back in her 'bad seed' mode.
    GH needs a jump start. Something unexpected and colorful. Too many characters seem like they are just dragging along.

    1. I hope not because I am finally starting to really like Britt. I will be furious if I end up really liking her and they kill her off

  10. Give Genie Francis and Rebecca Herbst the keys to the show already! Genie was sublime in her scenes with William Lipton. Those were real tears as she listened to him sing. Her remembrance of Amy was poignant. Perfect for both the characters and maybe the actresses. Shell Kepler as Amy was envisioned as something much bigger on the show but it never happened. Amy was always over shadowed by Laura. And it was sweet for Laura to realize that maybe it was t easy for Amy since Laura was so high maintenance as a teen. Genie turns the most mundane scenes into gold. Same fir Rebecca Herbst. I have nothing against Laura Wright. But her no it all Carly is not enjoyable to watch.

    1. totally agree, my 2 favorite GH actresses.

    2. Genie is always golden in her acting. I for one am so glad that Tony Geary is gone and Genie is on her own shining bright like she always has.

  11. I agree. But I am also going to through Finola Hughes in the mix. Yes they have ruined her character but the actress always gives 100% plus in her scenes.

    1. I agree. They just need her to keep her eyes from tearing up all the time.

  12. I like Jason and Britt together too. Don't like Jason as a hitman, but like his scenes with Britt. I hope they let use know the reason why know one is telling Liz that Peter could've killed Franco.

  13. "Karen says, He says he has no other family or kids or a significant other. He's been married and divorced 3x. "

    What?!!! I didn't hear him say he was married and divorced 3 times!!!! :0



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...