Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Didn't See That Coming: Terry Walks The Streets


Laurelton Murders circa 1985

(Note from WUBSY: Wow, I do not remember this!! LOL I remember the character of Terry but that's about it!! )

I remember this storyline as one of those "who cares?" storylines throughout my GH watching history. I mean, there were some good moments, which I will applaud, but for the most part, this added very little to my GH memory. 

(As always, I try to do these vlogs from memory because I think that is more fun. And I appreciate when all of you chime in and set me right.)

The positive was The Brownstone. Bobby and Jake bought and renovated the boarding house and rented it to "Young Doctors in Love". (bonus points if you remember that movie, we can make that another vlog someday). I know there was Kevin, Patrick and Terry and some others that came in and out of view. Kevin and Patrick were brothers and Kevin was gaslighting Terry with 2 murders of people no one cared about. 

They all went to Laurelton for a grand wedding and it was a stunning location shoot. My mind says they filmed it in North Carolina, or maybe that was where Laurelton was, I don't remember. More than likely they filmed it in southern CA. But... it was a location shoot. When is the last time Karen said THAT in one of her vlogs?

And so here it is. Grand old wedding and Terry walks naked down the center street of Laurelton.


It was definitely one of those "is this really happening?" "are they really going through with this?" "what the...?" moments. Yup, there she was. 

Having some of the vets in the storyline (Bobbie, Anna, Frisco and Jake) did help. I am not totally sour. And I do miss Jake. He was a great character. Over time more people came in and out of that Brownstone and I agree with Karen when she says over and over again they need to resurrect it and bring it back. All the college kids can move in. 

So... do you remember Terry walking naked down the street? I know one person who doesn't! (ha ha ha) What were your thoughts on this storyline? Should anyone make a reappearance in Port Chuck?

Obscure Trivia: The actor who portrayed Kevin was named Kevin Bernhardt. Before this role, he was a fill-in as Frisco for 15 episodes. Apparently, Jack Wagner was in a contract dispute/negotiations with the show and was out for that time. How many of you remember Kevin as Frisco before he was Kevin as Kevin?

Karen HERE: Hello, thanks to Dave for this blog!! I'm out today with a hair appointment, much better than the dermatologist yesterday for sure!! 


  1. I also was never a huge fan of this storyline, but I liked Jake a lot and I LOVED the brownstone. (I remember once when Edward Quartermaine had to drop by and he referred to it as a "yuppie flophouse." LOL)

  2. I remember this story. You are totally right that nobody cared who the victims were, but one was played by Bosley from Charlie's Angels, David Doyle.

    Originally it was set up like a real murder mystery. Viewers didn't know who the killer was, and shortly after the wedding Kevin was arrested and went to trial. Charges were dismissed when a quiet, shy librarian named Lucy Coe provided his alibi. Then on a big Friday cliffhanger we saw Lucy dressed in lingerie and Kevin secretly meeting with her. They'd been having an affair. The twist in the storyline was that the killer was the one originally arrested and put on trial. Kevin had a brother on the show named Patrick, also a doctor, and there were a bunch of red herrings that indicated he was the killer, but it was Kevin all along. (I bet Lynn Herring would have never guessed how many more times she'd be dressed in lingerie on this show after that first time!)

    Robert had just left the show for the first time when this story started, and Anna was the new commish. I think Anna and Bobbie had to do a lot of the heavy lifting, because the actress who played Terry was a bit overmatched. She was okay, but not as strong of an actress as this story probably needed.

    I remember hearing at the time that Kevin had briefly played Frisco, but I don't actually remember any of those scenes. Pretty much as soon as this ended the writers quickly moved on to a better story: Duke's arrival and the Mr. Big story.

    1. I remember that Friday cliffhanger with Lucy! It was fantastic.

    2. OMG. I wanted to do a future vlog about Mr. Big. These are just fillers for when Karen cant make it, and I remember vividly Robert walking the docks with Bert Ramsey and getting a confession out of him.

    3. I vividly remember Robert walking with Bert and busting him by calling him Mr. BIG, 2 hitmen were waiting to take out Robert but Duke jumped in tbe way of the bullet, and Robert took out both of the hitmen pushing Burt down and doing a cop roll. Sorry, the memory flooded back. 15 year old me loved it.

  3. I remember loving that Laurelton storyline and especially seeing Lucy Coe for the first time. It was a good murder mystery.

  4. I was a pre-teen when I watched this story and it was one of my favorites. It was a true whodunit that kept you guessing, and really showcased Anna as kind of the Sherlock Holmes of Port Charles which I think was the real draw to me. The audience got to see her uncover the clues so we went on the investigation with her. I remember enjoying the multiple location shoots, the focus on the brownstone and tenants (Jake, Bobbie, Terry, Felicia, Tony, Frisco, Tania. Can you believe they all lived there at the same time?). It also introduced Lucy Coe as a mousy librarian. I recently found the storyline on youtube and it was still enjoyable to watch all these years later. It was great to see Terry's evil grandmother Jennifer Talbot again (played by Martha Scott of Ten Commandments fame) Thanks for posting about it delcodave!

    "Kevin O'Connor you're under arrest for the murders of Neil Johnson, Earl Moody, and Jennifer Talbot"

    -Anna Devane

  5. Wasn't the reason Terry walked through the town naked because her sugar levels were off? I do remember that Terry did have a some sort of medical problem, that if not taken care of would cause weird behavior.

    I have to confess at first glance at the title I thought it was referring to the current Terry on GH and I was trying to figure out which storyline that would fit in. Hey, I haven't had enough coffee yet.

    1. you ever notice they never have the same name of 2 characters at the same time on a show? but in real life you have a circle of friends that has a few davids and karens, etc....

    2. Hahaha. I noticed. :) If they did have a lot of people with the same name, people would be so confused of who we were talking about. :)

  6. My recollection is that this was GH’s version of the Scarlet Letter. Terry, who was from the old south, felt that she was a slut who needed to repent for her sinful ways. The story was well written, but it didn’t work because it was isolated from the rest of the show. They invented an entire town that nobody cared about. The lasting impression of this story was Lucy Coe who was introduced as that mousy librarian that Kevin O’Connor was having an affair with. The way they had Lynn Herring dressed, there was no way you’d ever guess she was some sexpot. So that scene where Lucy got undressed as the Librarian and into Lucy’s sexy lingerie was a shocker back in the days when there were no online spoilers, Terry and Bobbie who were at each other’s throats when Terry was introduced finally became close and it seems odd that the show never revisited that relationship after Terry left and was never heard from again.

  7. I remember the Laurelton murders storyline, but not Terry walking around naked. I remember Lucy sleeping with Jake and she got pregnant. :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...