Tuesday, March 23, 2021



Well, my hair got moved to Thursday!! SO here I am!!  I'll be out Thursday so reset!! 

Laura and Cam and Liz. Laura is going to take Cam to find "justice" ...and goes to Curtis' Club? Umm..okayyyy 

Finn shows up at Elizabeth's house. He says he's sorry about Franco and wants to be there for her. "Family" because of Violet. He talks about he and Anna not marrying. 

Nina and Sonny. He says "I know you". He tells Nina he dreamed about her and recognizes her. Knows her voice from when she called. Phyllis calls him Mike and Nina is all ..HUH?  Phyllis tells Nina the story of Mike and how he came to the Tan-O. 

The New Club: Portia brings Trina there. Curtis is waiting for the inspectors. She apologizes to Curtis about blaming him for Taggert 'not dying'.  Then Laura and Cam show up (see above).  Laura wants Curtis to help come up with a plan so Jason gets convicted and Cameron won't think about hiring a hit man. Anyway, long story short. Trina finds an old guitar at the club and convinces Cam to play to say goodbye to Franco. He sings. 

Carly, Jax and Ava at the Metro talking about Nina. Carly's being a pain in the ass, Ava tells them she left to get away for a bit but doesn't know where she is. Jax goes to call the state department. Ava and Carly ask Martin about grandparent's rights. He says in NYS they sure can sue for visitation. Ava's like HA HA told ya so. 

Ned thinks Brook will use her baby to get ELQ back from Valentin. He's right. BUT he tells her not to do that. They talk about the Q family and past sins. 

Valentin is talking to Martin about the baby and he wants to be a part of it's life in "every way". Marin tells Val to try being nice to the mother and not involve the lawyers. Then he goes to the Q house. 

END: Valentin goes to the Q house and tries to play nice with everyone. William Lipton is very talented. 

Nina gets on the phone to tell Carly about Sonny. Carly answers but she's already mad that Ava told her grandparents have rights LOL SO you KNOW she's going to mess this up!! 


  1. Yes, she's definitely going to mess this up. She went immediately into shrew mode.

    William is very talented and I love that they bring that talent into the show. I don't want him being a "bad boy" or a drug addict. That's not the route all teenagers take. In fact it's often just the opposite for the oldest kids in a family. I want them to let us enjoy the light that is our dynamic trio.

  2. Hope they finally give Joss & Cam a love story. He has been pining away for her for multiple years.

    Kudo's to Ava and her portrayer whom I love. Finally showing women have friendships.

  3. at LEAST Nina didn't pretend to be the woman's in Mike's dream - cause Phyllis would have KNOWN she was lying...
    I hope Phyllis and Lenny DO a child somewhere in Port Charles - maybe Portia or I don't know - and they come back - and Sonny buys them a restaurant....love them so much......

  4. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Cujo, Jax, and Ava:

    Cujo: When or if Nina sees Wiley, that is up to Michael and Willow.

    Your nose is growing Cujo!

    Cujo, Ava, and Marty: Hahahaha love it! Ava sure showed Cujo!!! GRANDPARENTS HAVE RIGHTS!!!!! :)

    Jax and Ava: I love that Ava was sticking up for Nina! :)

    Marty and V.C.: Oh man why does the camera have to be so shaky!!! UGH! OH! Marty gave great advice! YAY! :)

    Q home:

    Michael, Ned, and Brooky: Yes Ned!!! Your first grandchild! YAY! Awwwww. :) Brooky is about ready to pop any day now! Love seeing Lila's picture. :)

    Michael, Ned, Brooky, and V.C.: Wow V.C. just walks right in!!! Hahahaha. Does he have his own key? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Friz home:

    Liz and Finchy: Awwwww love their friendship. :)

    Cam, Laura, and Liz: Glad Laura is there and glad she wants to help Cam! :)

    Curtis's new club:

    Portia, Trina, and Curtis: Love that Trina apologized to Curtis. :) Great scene!!

    Portia, Trina, Curtis, Laura, Cam, and Liz: Hey nobody invited the Tribbles or Sam's bread! How rude! Wait a second someone left their guitar behind? The former owner? I guess this person wasn't a musician, or they wouldn't have left their guitar behind!!! And why does it look all beat up? ROFL! Cam singing awwwww. :) Would have been perfect if ghost Zander showed up!!!

    The hospital:


    Pennsylvania side of the river bar and tanning place:

    Sonny and Nina: Okay let me guess what will happen next! Nina sleeps with Sonny, and falls in love with him because of his dimples and charm, and then his super super sperm gets her pregnant!!! Oh look Nina calls Carly! If Carly can shut up for a minute, which I doubt. :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: I just had a dream about you. I mean not that kind of dream.


    1. Sonny probably did have "that kind of dream" lol

    2. "lindie says, Sonny probably did have "that kind of dream" lol"

      HAHAHHAHAHHAHAH! Yeah he probably did! He looked too happy seeing her! :)

    3. HAHAHAHAHAH to you both! That was hysterical!!

    4. "Julie H says, HAHAHAHAHAH to you both! That was hysterical!!"

      Hahahahaha yeah it was!!! :)

  5. Will Lipton is not long for GH. He is way too talented. Sad for us, but good for him

    1. "lindie says, Will Lipton is not long for GH."

      Yeah he isn't I'm sure. :(

      "He is way too talented."

      Yeah he is!!!!

      "Sad for us, but good for him"

      :( I would miss him!

  6. Someone on Twitter suggested that L&B Records should be brought back by BLQ and sign Cam. He could sign at Curtis' new nightclub, I know he is only 18 but it is a soap.

  7. I remember Lucy Coe. I was shocked and I didn't like her back then. Don't remember a whole lot more. I didn't have a VCR at some points back then and I worked.

  8. How old is Nina supposed to be anyway? There’s been several suggestions different times of Nina having a baby. First of all, wasn’t it established she went through menopause? And the actress does not really look to be in child bearing years to me. Nor the last actress, MS.

    1. I thought they mentioned Nina went through menopause and can't have kids too.

  9. We had a Hiney free day, yay! Can we now have a Hiney and Sonny free day? That would be perfect.

    Yup, Snarly is going to go off on Neener, who in turn won't tell her about "Mike". Just ugh! This will go on forever and ever.

    Well I was teary eyed mess after Cam's song. I just love how Becky's acting was so subtle. And Genie wiping away tears....sob! As Sonya says, I was dead. :)

  10. I am all for Ava and Nina teaming up against Carly. Love it.

  11. and for sure Curtis needs to hire Brook Lyn to sing -
    SO is his new place a bar or could Cam sing? I was sad Joss wasn't there to hear it....
    AND Donnell announced on his zoom that we would LOVE the name of the club, so I can't wait to know what it is!

    1. I wonder if it will be called "Stella's?"

    2. "Kevin says, I wonder if it will be called "Stella's?"

      Ohhhh! I like that!!! :)

  12. I say keep Phyllis and Lennie. Get rid of a bunch of others. I used to like Carly. She is getting to be such a witch. I thought Nina was a witch.

  13. Will Lipton was outstanding and I loved the group watching him reacting, especially Laura. Finn was adorable and I am liking Brooklynn and Val - so happy to see him on everyday! Ned should be on more often, too, but Michael is so dull, alone or with anyone. I hope Nina sticks it to Carly just because I hate her so much.

    1. I have to agree. When someone does anything to the golden team of Jason/Carly/Sam/Sonny it is always so much worse than what they have done to others.

    2. I liked Ned with Brooklyn yesterday. Nice scene about his first grandchild

  14. Could the Nina/Sonny meeting be any more predictable? I like Carly, until lately. She is to shrewish. At least she's not whining. I noticed that Elizabeth has been whining more these days. They (writers) just love whiny females and that whispering Hiney.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...