Wednesday, March 31, 2021

One Black Shirt

 Yesterday's Thoughts: 

I don't like the plastic chairs at Curtis' Club.. but I DO like Laura and Curtis talking.

Evil Peter unleashed is way more watchable. 

Michael IN BLACK....DEAD!! ahahahahaa. OMG. HE WANTS TO TAKE OVER FOR SONNY? On what freaking Planet?? AHAHAHAA. WELP, he had to go buy some black wardrobe to even think about talking to Jason about it. 

I can deal with Taggs and Jordy. 

Love that Finn and Valentin were there for Alexis.

Carly and Anna. Anna's so calm and British and Carly's such a big mouth. Oh, Val is going to help too? Interesting. 


Britt goes to Maxie's house. Maxie says this baby "needs to disappear". She says Peter has to believe her baby is still born. Maxie says Britt has to help her with that.  Britt says it won't work. Maxie says they'll tell Peter the baby is dead and Maxie will have someone care for her outside of PC. Then, after a couple of months, she'll say she's too sad and move, start a new life. Britt says that's just dumb (it is)

Robert shows up at Anna's and wonders why Carly is there.  (me too). Carly leaves. Anna and he talk about Peter being guilty. Robert thinks her plan is dumb LOL. He also tells her Maxie has her own plan. BUT! Maxie won't tell him what it is. Anna thinks they need to tell Maxie the plan before she does something 'drastic'. 

Valentin is at the Metro to meet Peter. Tells him to turn himself in. Peter goes to make a call. Carly comes in and yells at Gladys and tells her she's going to get her lawyers involved because Gladys is lying. She says it loud enough for Peter to overhear. Valentin steps in to "save" Gladys. He takes her away and asks her out for a drink. They go to the PC Grille where she drinks up and he lets her just blab away. 

Carly confronts Peter next. They talk about his newspaper and she'll pull all ads from there and get a ton of people to do the same. Plus, his lease is up. 

Alexis at court.  Molly and TJ go to the court house. Alexis pleads guilty. Dante testifies that he doesn't think Alexis mean to harm him. She needs treatment not jail. Alexis says she's sorry and ready to make amends. The judge dismissed attempted murder charges since Franco wasn't hurt. She gets 3 years for assaulting Dante. 

Curtis comes to see Jordan and he finds out Taggert is staying there. They talk about being a policeperson and lies/cover ups. 


  1. Now Peter and Cyrus will set Jason up for Glady's watch

    1. totally agree, peter will kill Gladys

    2. I would get some Joy if Peter set Carly up for it. I would even agree to keeping Peter a while longer. They could do a prison storyline with her and Alexis.

  2. Michael being a mob boss is a joke. He is a momma's boy. can we get back to GH being a hospital. sick of the mob stories. even the sopranos ran out of stories.

    1. I agree about Michael. they would have to recast the part

  3. The actress who plays Gladys is a good character actress. She’s believably annoying. The little things like how she was pouring the remnants of one drink into the fresh drink and squeezing the lemon... just the sort of thing you’d expect someone clueless would do.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree. The way she was manhandling those drinks really caught my eye, lol!

    3. I agree. She is playing the hell out of that small part.

  4. Wasn't the Intruder owned by Todd (Roger Howarth) at one point? Maybe after Peter is hopefully murdered, Todd will come back to claim it, thus bringing him back to PC.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. (And go back to calling it "The Sun." The current name makes no sense for a presumably daily, city-specific newspaper.)

    2. GH has said that Roger won't come back as Todd. I was sorta hoping for Todd.

  5. Something weird. I feel like Wes Ramsey and Laura Wright (the RL couple) don't even have chemistry acting together.

  6. The courtroom:

    Sam and Alexis: Hey look Sam bends over.

    Sam: Mom I am here for you. 100 percent.

    Sam's bread: Me too mom!!!!

    Oh 3 years in jail!!!! Are we not going to see her for a little while? Or is she going to have a storyline in jail? Sam wins the line of the day.

    Molly: I'm so scared.

    Sam: She's still going to prison!

    ROFL! Duh! :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Carly, Anna, and Robert: The look on Robert's face when he sees Carly! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Anna and Robert: I LOVE that they are working together!

    Robert: Annie you have got to come up with some more evidence for me.


    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Hiney: Hiney is so whiney!!!! I rhymed. :)

    Carly and Gladys: LOVE IT! TELL HER CARLY! TELL HER!! :)

    Gladys, V.C. and Carly: Ohhh so this is your plan Carly and V.C. :) The look on Gladys's face when V.C. stood up for her! Hahaha. She liked it! :)

    Carly and Hiney: Slap him Carly!!! Slap his face or punch his gut!!! Then just have Zex! Come on you two have needs!


    V.C. and Gladys: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh the look on her face, she is smitten with V.C. Hahaha. Plan is working. :)

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    V.C. and Gladys: He is getting her drunk! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GO V.C. GO! :)

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Britch: Hmmmm. I like Maxie's plan, even though it might blow up in her face. So how is this going to work? Maybe Brooky is really pregnant, and then her baby is stillborn, and then Maxie sees that, and keeps THAT baby, and Maxie gives Brooky Maxie's baby. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Well, I'm glad Britch is helping.

    Jordan's home:

    Taggart and Curtis: Yeahhhh Curtis don't want to help you Taggart! He has a new life!!!

    Jordan, and Curtis: Jordan, Curtis isn't going to tell you why he really showed up.. You two are over! Go be with Taggart.

    1. Sam was just all kinds of goofy yesterday. Line of the day....I was like huh?? And the "bread", lord help me lol! She's something else. Loved Diane and Dante yesterday. And Dian was right, Alexis is still one hell of a closer! :)

      Maxie's plan is stupid, and Britta knows it. Wait until Robert hears!

      Valentin was killing me yesterday. I just love him. His facial expressions were perfect!

      And absolutely no to PLP and Snarly having the zex!!! My corneas would never recover!

    2. "Julie H says, Sam was just all kinds of goofy yesterday."

      She was!! Probably her outfit was way too tight on her! :)

      "Line of the day....I was like huh??"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah I was confused too!!

      "And the "bread", lord help me lol! She's something else."

      It almost spilled out! ROFL!

      "Loved Diane and Dante yesterday."

      Me too!!!

      "And Dian was right, Alexis is still one hell of a closer! :)"

      Alexis is!!!

      "Maxie's plan is stupid, and Britta knows it. Wait until Robert hears!"

      Yes her plan is stupid, but interesting. It will blow up in her face. Yes Robert has to hear it! :) Anna's plan is better.

      "Valentin was killing me yesterday. I just love him. His facial expressions were perfect!"

      I love his facial expressions and I love him!!!

      "And absolutely no to PLP and Snarly having the zex!!! My corneas would never recover!"

      ROFL! I'm surprised she hasn't had Zex with anybody by now since Sonny is "dead"

  7. So, let me get this straight: Alexis has to pay for ONE crime, while Sonny and Jason run around free after years of wrongdoing? I am all for accountability, but that sticks in my craw.

    1. She killed a few people too didn't she?

    2. Yeah, but she already stood trial for those! LOL

    3. Yup. Why do the guys get away with murder?

  8. Boy, when I see Robert show up at Anna's I get an automatic smile on my face. They did start with tea and ended up with alcohol, LOL. Maxie's plan is so stupid but Britt has really been a good friend to her. Gladys and Val - perfect scenes.

  9. Today is the 58th anniversary of the "GH" premiere. I am glad it's lasted this long, despite all of the ups and downs.

  10. So Alexis wouldn't go to Rehab but is willing to go to jail. Maybe she will run into Sean, Matt Hunter, Johnny Z., and Ryan?

    1. Also Steven Lars. (I am sure Blackie is out by now.) LOL



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...