Thursday, March 4, 2021



Eden posted this ....awww. little Wileys 

Chase and Jackie up in the Metro Room. She put Violet to sleep. He tells her about Alex/Anna secret. Asks how anyone could marry having that type of secret. Jackie of course had a whopper. LOL 

Nina goes to visit Wiley. He's cute. She winces every time Willow says she's Wiley's mother. 

Jax and Carly talk at the Metro. About .... Nina. Pointless. Carly just wants to be the center of attention LOL 

OMG--Carly goes to the Q house while Nina is there..SERIOUSLY? UGHHHHHHHHH Willow goes to put Wiley in his PJs, comes down is upset. She says that Wiley told her she's not HER REAL MOTHER ahahhaha. OMG So, Nina must have told him that? And he can TALK? 

Anna and FINN. Finn wants to know what else Anna is hiding. He's mad she shared things with Val and not him. He's angry she let a murderer around Violet and realizes they had Peter kidnapped. "You let Violet be in a wedding that was never going to happen! I'm just an after thought to you'!! Anna cries pretty. Finn isn't having it. 

Cam and Liz come to visit Franco at the Metro. He's there until he can check into Shadybrook tomorrow. Liz and Cam brought more things for him to take and Cam wants to apologize for running off before. Cameron gives Franco the phone that has the Drew video on it but Franco won't watch it. I think it explains Peter's part in all this. Liz gets a call to go to GH. Cam was going to stay a bit longer but Franco says it's not safe. Liz also leaves.

Franco watches the video he made of himself as Drew, telling him about Peter. 

OH! Finn goes to see Jackie when Anna leaves. 


Valentin says he's going to expose Peter's lies. Maxie says to stop. Robert says to listen to him. Valentin says he has to protect Peter from Jason Morgan and Maxie too.  He says that Peter did the kidnapping and mind stuff with Helena and Faison. Then he says that he brought down Drew Cain's plane. Sam goes nuts "I KNEW IT"!! I KNEW YOU DID IT!!

Maxie won't believe it because she says Anna would never do this to her. Robert calls up to Finn's room to get Anna out. Anna comes down and tells Maxie everything. Mac punches Peter. Maxie goes into labor. END

THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD HAVE kidnapping foolishness, imo. 


  1. If Maxie loses the baby because of this Peter will lose what little mind he has left and mayhem will reigh.

    BTW....Boston station cut in at 28 minutes and had a covid briefing. Best ep in a while and most people in that region will have missed it. Hope everyone gets a chance to watch it.

    1. "Di says, If Maxie loses the baby because of this Peter will lose what little mind he has left and mayhem will reigh."

      I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) If that happens of course.

    2. I'm sure if anyone has Hulu they can catch it there.

  2. THIS seems more like February sweeps! At least action!! except Wiley can NOT talk and that is SO stupid that ONE conversation with Nina would make this child speak up...……….

    1. I felt so bad for Willow!! How dare Nina! Both Michael and Willow allow her to have a relationship with their son and this is what she does???? Uncalled for!

  3. Nina is mentally unstable like her daughter. after saying what she did to wiley.

  4. Finchy's hotel room:

    Finchy and Anna: He has a good point!!! Why confide in V.C. and not him? You don't want Finchy to be in all this mess? Blah blah blah. Where is Roxie? Just break up already and Finchy go to the hospital to see the DNA results!!

    Jackie's hotel room:

    Jackie and Harry:

    Jackie: I love you son.

    Harry: I love you too mom.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    BobTodd's hotel room:

    Friz and Cam: Family. :) Oh no! Cam can't be alone with his step daddy? THAT SUCKS! :( Breaks my heart!! Poor Cam. :(

    Friz: Oh no Liz! If Cam can't be alone with him then neither can you!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    CarJax: Oh Carly shut up and just have sex with Jax already!!

    The wedding: At first It's like V.C. isn't spilling his guts.. SPIT IT OUT GAH! Oh there he goes. :) Yes yes! Hiney killed Drew!!!! Sam's bread almost spilled out of her oven!!! 00 Maxie come on!!!! Believe V.C.!!! I'm glad Anna came down!! I love when Mac punched Hiney! HA! :) Now Mac apologize to Robert!!! Oh oh Maxie's baby alert!!!! ALERT ALERT.. Bye bye baby?

    Q home:

    Willow: Mommy mommy mommy mommy.

    Nina's thoughts: I need pepto bizmol.

    Nina and Wiley: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Sweet sweet sweet.. :)

    Carly and Nina: I can't believe Carly is there!!! Keeping an eye on Nina even though Carly denies it!!

    Willow and Carly: Willow wins the line of the day.

    Willow: Wiley just said that I am not his real mommy.

    BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA! Nina getting that revenge. :) The look on Nina's face! BAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1988* The Investigation Into Frisco's Death.

    There is a lot more. Keep going. Oh and does anybody remember this? Daytime dilemma! I remember!!! I used to love them!!!! :)

    1. Sam's bread almost spilled out of her oven!!! LOL, great description! Mumbles and her dress were quite distracting AGAIN!! Seriously the shot of Maxie sitting and doing the breathing thing, and Sam's whatever was right there! Ack!

      Neener is a nut job and a mean one at that. For shame for what she told Wiley!

      Somebody needs to punch PLP in the face again. Once was not enough. And I wanted to be sitting at the bar with Mutter and Val and dish the dirt. I think the 3 of us would get along fabulously, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Sam's bread almost spilled out of her oven!!! LOL, great description!"

      ROFL! Thanks! :) Thanks to Di I think of Sam's girls as bread now! :)

      "Mumbles and her dress were quite distracting AGAIN!! Seriously the shot of Maxie sitting and doing the breathing thing, and Sam's whatever was right there! Ack!"


      "Neener is a nut job and a mean one at that. For shame for what she told Wiley!"

      The look on Neener's face though when she was looking at Carly! ROFL!

      "Somebody needs to punch PLP in the face again. Once was not enough."

      Well, punching him over and over and over sounds good. :)

      "And I wanted to be sitting at the bar with Mutter and Val and dish the dirt. I think the 3 of us would get along fabulously, lol!"

      Hahahahaha. I am sure!!! :)

  5. Why do I think that Hiney will come out of this just fine? At least there was some action today.
    Finn makes a better partner for, anyone but Anna. Just nothing there.

    1. I could see Finn with Alexis or bring Hayden back.

    2. Hayden...I was so damn sure Hayden was going to walk thru those doors LOL! (more like hoped haha) but nope Dr O which was actually better, set this reveal in motion!

  6. Anna and Valentin are great partners. I agree with Tristan, there is so much history forgotten. Perhaps, they had to have few people at the wedding because of Covid, but it looks really silly. Time to lose Peter. I always find it strange that when there is a loss that there isn't much grieving. Shouldn't Carly be really sad instead of interfering in Wiley's life?

  7. Poor writing. Anna neglected to mention she found out when Finn was in the hospital - at the time that was the reason she gave for not telling him.

  8. Cute photo! There was a photo on Insta of the actors who play Carly Michael Willow and Nina and the boys who play Wiley. They were wearing their masks. CUTE photo and some asshats had to ruin. It asking why they were wearing masks. 😉 Der....Anyways...on with the show!
    Loved it! I have to admit, I honestly thought Valentin was going to lie but he actually told the truth! I LOVE him!! It's finally out! I actually was sad for Maxie and Anna...and poor Finn. 😥😥 I sure as Hell hope Maxie leaves his butt! If she doesn't she deserves whatever she gets.
    Suck it Heiney!! Val you are my favorite!

    1. Gotta say Michelle, I thought Val was going to lie, too. I was SO HAPPY that he spilled his guts! I felt bad for Anna, (only because Finola is a phenom!) but she's getting everything she deserves.

  9. If Peter isn’t arrested on the spot then this is a huge travesty. I loved Valentin, too. Poor Anna looked so pretty. Nina should have kept her mouth shut. When Wiley is older and can speak, Willow could tell him Nelle was his birth mother. No words for the annoyance of Carly-can’t even watch her and Nina is annoying, too. Wiley is a doll. I really like Jackie and her relationship with Chase.

  10. I am starting to think Nelle's mental illness was hereditary. look at nina and nina's mother.what nina said to wiley a toddler was not normal.

  11. on the positive side the weber-baldwin family is wonderful. those 3 are talented compared to the majority on the show.

    1. I love the entire Webber-Baldwin family. Good actors. The characters have become the heart of the show.

  12. also I know this sounds crazy but I never saw Sam yelling at Peter and saying I KNEW IT - truly never saw it ---------- anyone else not see that part? maybe it was my recording.

  13. I heard Sam say “you killed Scout’s father” I think.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...