Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Overnight News


SOD published a story yesterday saying that Roger Howarth has not left GH. "Just taking a break" .. 

READ it HERE: Roger Howarth Talks GH Status  . We know this could mean Franco set this all up and isn't dead. I don't think so. Why? Too much blood. We saw Elizabeth saying goodbye for the effect of nothing but the audience. We JUST had Taggert do this. Sonny is still presumed dead. Would they do it again??? I think the rumors are true and Roger will be back as another character or Todd Manning. Prospect Park doesn't own the rights to that anymore so??? 

You'd think I'd be happy he's not leaving the show. It's not really about that but I'll give my full thoughts on Sunday. GH was certainly hopping yesterday. It trended "Franco" for 3-4 hours on Twitter. There are over 48 comments in this blog. Wubsnet on Facebook went nuts. I guess I should be glad. Fact is: PETER has killed Nathan, Drew, Franco, split up Fanna and got Maxie pregnant. HE should be laying there in a pool of blood. Period. 

Chad Brennan (Zander) Shows up with Cameron (I think today?) Probably to comfort him. Weird because Cam has never seen or even known his bio-dad. But I'll see how it plays out. 

Amanda Setton is back as Brook Lynn after having her baby. She should show up next week. 

See you at 2! 


  1. Never saw so much blood before from 1 bullet wound..That amount was def overkill (no pun) & sorta fishy..If he's not really dead than Liz is a terrible nurse & ditto for the EMTs unless they are all in on it which I don't believe they are.

  2. I hope its all fake. I love the webber-baldwin family. the chemistry between the actors is great. GH should center around this family. and no todd manning

  3. I am interested in seeing how this all plays out and will reserve judgment. As long as Roger H. isn't leaving, I ultimately will be happy. He is an incredible actor and a great asset to the show.

    (I will say that back when he joined "GH" as Todd Manning, I was hoping he and Ava would team up against Sonny and Carly, and that rivalry would drive the show for awhile. "GH" needs a formidable pair to keep Sonny and Carly in check.)

  4. Watching the show late last night was not easy. At least it happened fast. IMO the writers etc. are just done with Franco. My guess is RH will be Drew and he will be the one to take Hiney down. Sadly That would be a long way away. So I hope I'm wrong because I want Hiney gone now. Still missing OLTL I would love some mixing up. A unique idea would be a blend of the two soaps with Port Charles and Llanview having stories and characters intertwine.
    GH is just too darn depressing.

    1. I think you're probably right, he will play a recast Drew.

    2. If he plays a recast Drew does he go back to Sam, looking like Franco, because Drew didn't look like Franco. That would be even more confusing.

  5. I wish it was all a setup by Franco. I wish he relieved Peter's gun of bullets and set up a performance art by pretending that Peter shot him with a really bullet, but used fake blood.

  6. I kinda miss the days when we got to be shocked for more than a few hours before we hear on the internet the actor is still on the show. I mean, I'm glad he's still on the show and we don't know how he'll return, but it colors the whole way we view the next episodes. It's hard to grieve with the characters when you're pretty sure it will all work out. Of course, nobody really dies in Port Charles--but still.

    1. Also, I'm not admin on this blog. I have no idea why that's the name of my profile. LOL.

    2. I agree about the leaks on the internet. They ruin everything these days.

  7. Ok....I adore Howarth. First soap scene I ever watched had him being shot in the back and thrown off the cliffs in Ireland by the Men of 21. That said...I HATED Franco. He never should have been saddled with that baggage. I am SO hoping this brings back Todd...and Starr and Blair and Tea...

    1. I'm having flashbacks to the last time they tried to erase our show and they ended up almost killing it.

  8. I don't think Franco is dead. He has faked his death before. Nobody is talking how Franco had his hand in his coat before he got "shot". My guess is:
    1. Franco had a fake blood bag under his coat.
    2. The gun had no bullets, only charges.
    3. Jason realized that Franco wasn't dead. Franco (off screen) told Jason to pretend he was dead, to nab Peter.
    4. Liz was in too much of a panic, to notice Franco was still alive.

    Franco faked his death to nab Peter, but also let Liz and her boys to "move on". Franco still has his tumor, which he knows will worsen.

    1. But Hiney is not nabbed. What would be the point to let him get away again? And now have Jason suspected of his death. Doesn't make any sense although sense is not a big thing on GH. I don't think he would do that to Liz and kids at this point.

    2. When he grabbed his side, it was because Peter took a jab at him. But Peter shot him near his heart. So looks like he is dead. I don't want to believe it but I just rewatched after reading your post (so hopeful) but no....😥 I think he's really dead. 😭

  9. To put the Webber/Baldwin clan thru this is unforgivable. It is cruel to do this to prop up an a$$hat like Peter. You know he'll kidnap Maxie next. And to rip out Liz. Cam and Scott's hearts like that? And I do not want him back as Drew. Billy needs to be Drew. I love Todd but bringing him back this way is wrong.

  10. "Weird because Cam has never seen or even known his bio-dad. But I'll see how it plays out."

    Oh I am sure Cam saw pictures of his dad somewhere. I'm sure Liz told Cam all about him.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...