Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Behind Bars


Unremarkable week marked by unremarkable story movement but... let's get going!! I hope YOU had a fantastic one. We had wild weather; great then basically a monsoon! Guess it's spring in Rochester. 

Although I chose the Jason photo up there, he's not the only one "behind bars"!! Who else but Michael Sonny Corinthos, washing and cleaning in Pennsylvania. Curtis is also opening a new bar. BARS EVERYWHERE! 

I'm feeling like a donut today. What's your fave? I love old fashioned blueberry cakes that have just a slight glaze on them. 

BEHIND BARS OF THE WEEK:  Jason and Taggert. Jason gets visits from both Britt and Sam and Taggert gets a visit from Trina and Jordan. We know both men will be out soon, it's just a matter of when. Meanwhile, the guard guy gets some airtime. 

BAR MAID OF THE WEEK: Oh, MikeSon, you clean that Tan-O like it's your last day on earth. I don't think I've seen so many mops and bar rags since Cheers. Anyhoo, Sonny's so happy with his gentle life he tells the blonde lady he might just stay there forever! 

BAR PATRON OF THE WEEK:  Oh Nina goes to see Phyllis and is met with... Sonny!! What's a gal to do? Tell his harpy of a wife that he's alive or...keep it to herself? You know the answer to that one. Unfortunately this all played out like a lead balloon. I mean SO much potential and--zippo. 

Awww, Laura remembers Martin's birthday ...well, she saw it on Facebook but still, she got him a cake and everything. We learned ol' Marty was married and divorced 3x and has no children. 

BAR SONG OF THE WEEK: William Lipton wrote and sang a gorgeous song and we all had the tears. Cam was trying to work against his anger and Trina found him a guitar to do so. Good GH moment. 

BAR CODE OF THE WEEK: All I can think of is that Dante has a chip in his head and...well, you get it. I guess it was too much work to bring Kevin on so Dante went to GH and we skipped that part. Anna is shown explaining the whole story to Olivia and Sam. Olivia seems to approve of Sam's involvement with Dante.  pic thx to 

BAR JUMP  OF THE WEEK:  Well, Maxie seems to have woken up, no? She has a plan for Peter and talks Brook Lynn into going to Lamaz Class. Interesting choice to have Lucas take Brook in, but there you go.  Peter shows up, all hell breaks loose and we hate him even more. 

BAR HARPIE OF THE WEEK: OH, Carly ...Nina was all ready to tell you and-- you were so nasty and shrill, you just blew it. Am I team Nina now? Damn right I am!! Looks like Nina is going to write a story on Nixon Falls, not totally seduce Sonny but whatever. Carly will go to the Five Family meeting and cause them all to leave town by the shear volume of her voice. 

BAR-REN (?) OF THE WEEK:  Ok, so...big speculation going on that Brook isn't really pregnant and she's just doing this to get Valentin to sign over ELQ rights to the family. Why? Well, she IS twice the size of Maxie who's been PG twice as long. She also was very hesitant about the whole doctor question when talking to Britt. Hmmm, could this be a giant fake-belly plan?? I think it's more soapy that she might really be pregnant. Not sure. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Valentin (my new fave) tells Charlotte about the new baby. She's her wonderfully bratty self about that whole deal! She says she already has Rocco to deal with and she doesn't want to share her dad with anyone. Heh. You go Char.  (by the way, she's GROWN!) 


Trina visits Taggert; wants him to plead not guilty

Jason is hauled off to jail 

Martin celebrates his Birthday with sister Laura

Cam honors Franco with a song

Carly tells Liz Jason didn't do it 

Jason tells Britt Peter did it

Dante talks to Kevin (off camera) and gets his head back on straight

Lucas asks Felix out for a drink

Brook Lynn goes to Lamaze Class with Maxie 

Peter barges into class and gets thrown out

Anna helps Dante but figures out Dr. O probably had a hand in all this 

Gladys and Brando have lunch 

Brando tells Jason Gladys was the witness

Ned isn't happy about Valentin but Brook has a plan

Valentin tries to make nice with Brook Lynn 

Curtis is opening his new club but waits on inspection

SPOILERS:  Diane helps Alexis through her hearing, Laura thanks Curtis for helping Cam, and Maxie and Britt talk about plans for Peter. See them all On Diagnosis Daytime! 

THOUGHTS: A pretty nothing week actually. I did enjoy the whole Maxie Lamaze thing with Brook Lynn. Britt going to Jason and Sam seeing her. Nina and Sonny? This story needs so much more everything.  I was honestly intrigued by Carly running the "business" but LW has to take it down a notch for me to give a crap about Carly. Right now, I'm hoping the 5 Families take her out to the Pine Barrens. Still don't care about Brando. Michael? Meh... Dante's un-programming was hella dull.  WHY are we seeing Sasha and Brando and not Molly and TJ? 

Do you think Brook Lynn is faking it? 

I have next week off for spring "break"... but you know, staying home. Doing nada. BOO. 


  1. I think Brooklynn faking the pregnancy would be great. Would the writers be creative and think of that? Probably not

    Pretty dull week.

    I used to like Carly, but now I just think she's a screeching banchee. She should take it down a million notches. Would be fun if she took over Sonny's business and Jason is all for it. It is 2021 after all. Remember Faith Roscoe

    Charlotte and Jake are getting big. I guess that's what happens when they are not on for like 2 years. Aiden too. That's what happens when they are in their bedroom for 2 years and never come out.

    I don't have much else except love Laura. Quit dressing her in jackets that look like drapes though. She is not 80.

    Thanks for a wonderful, as always, SS Karen. Due to rain here today

    1. PS. I like the "Bars" theme. Behind bars and working at bars. Oh my!

  2. I just do not like LW version of carly. she is over the top with the constant screaching. I always liked sarah brown and tamara braun as carly. back than carly was 1 of my favorites.

  3. Ready for Curtis' bar to have a name.....
    So is Rocco still living with Olivia? I can't remember?
    AGAIN screaming at the TV - Phyllis and Mike want NINA to do a story in her magazine about their bar, and Nina agrees but no one bothers to GOOGLE and use the freakin internet to see who Mike is???????? It is truly the worst storyline ever....
    Valentin could say anything, sing anything, work anywhere as far as I am concerned - love love him....
    I think Brook Lynn is faking.
    and Jason NOT telling Liz he didn't kill Franco is again scream-worthy!

    1. Also, the Tan O would be closed if no customers. Have they even shown one customer there?

    2. I too love Valentin. The writers have finally noticed the actors talent and have involved him with tons of characters.

    3. Ya, Valentin has made me love him too. It's the actor. Great talent and very charming.

  4. Great SS! I agree with all. I would hate to see Brook Lynn faking it if only to not have Val hurt- really love that guy now. Not only is Carly a banshee but I would love to smack that hateful look off her face. If Nina revealed Sonny to her chances are she would do something to hurt her again. And yes it is really ridiculous that with all this technology nothing is done to identify Mike. Really liking Britt and Jason!

  5. Thanks for another great SS! Especially after this dull blahblah week.
    We watch this show. Do the writers? It's there for all to see. Such potential everywhere with these actors. More attention to detail like investigating a murder instead of arresting the first person who comes to mind would make this a much better soap.
    Valentin, Britt, BrookLyn, Olivia and a few others have been so great lately.
    In the spoiler above I had to think a moment about Diane helping Alexis through her trial. With so many stories off air for so long I forgot about that. This has been an ongoing issue with GH. IMO.
    Enjoy your Sunday wherever you are.

    1. I don't think the writers care - OR watch - the writing is all over the place. They a contest and have 'us' write one week of what we wish would happen - I think they would be shocked!

  6. Karen I made a yummy blueberry pancake this am with huge fresh blueberries. I am also a fan of the blueberry donut. ☺

  7. Scary though how Charlotte shows enough of her grandma Helena to wonder just what she is capable of. Lulu better get healthy quick, because teen Charlotte is going to be BAD! And going to need all the help she can get. Dante,Laura, Valentin.. WOW they're showing her bare her claws just enough now to major worry. Nice though that she tolerates half brother Rocco. In a way, I hope Brooklyn really is faking it because well... little Helena can be scary!

    1. That could be interesting if Charlotte is evil. Kind of hate to see that in a child though



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...