Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Franco Fest


Franco's Memorial at Ava's Gallery.  I like it.  The pictures that are displayed are those of Franco's art patients he helped in therapy. Not his own work. Awww, good on Ava. 

Dr O and Nina talk about Nelle.  Then Nina talks to Joss about Nelle.  Nina is leaving PC to "get away"...we know she'll be going to the Sonny Show. 

Laura talks to Scotty at Liz' house. Jake and Aiden are there too! Jake got SO BIG! wow, I wasn't even sure it was him but it's been about a YEAR since we've seen him!!  Liz still thinks Jason killed Franco. 

Cyrus sees Peter in the graveyard. Peter pulls a gun on him.  He wants Peter to work with him to 'solve a problem" 

TJ and Curtis talk about his new nightclub.  

Dante and Sam are at Kelly's and Sam tells him that Alexis is pleading guilty. 

Carly cries to Jason about Sonny leaving her...and dying...but there's no body. 

LOTS OF FRIZ Flashbacks.  Really nice and Becky and Roger had some nice chemistry

Jason is arrested for Franco's murder. 


  1. So nice to see the boys all dressed up and including Scott and Laura in their circle.
    I too loved the patients pics Ava displayed. Very poignant. I love how Cam gently places his hand on his moms shoulder. You can tell Becky has a great rapport with them all.

    Excited to see Nina get some revenge on Carly. Even though 2 wrongs= horrible mistakes.
    Maybe it will put some life into the bar story line.

    Still so perplexed that Jason has not spoken to Liz about not killing Franco. Read Carly and Liz share some nasty words towards one another later this week. Kills me that Carly will be right since we know Peter killed him... but her words will be below the belt as always I'm sure.

    1. Jason didn’t kill Franco but he never warned Franco and Liz that Peter was dangerous and a deadly threat.

    2. Carly needs to shut it! They've both "lost" their husbands even though Sonny isn't dead Carly doesn't know that and she needs to step off. Sonny isn't any better or worse than Franco. I'm so sick of her holier than thou crap. She's married to a mob boss or rather was! So she needs to shut it!
      Jason needs to open his damn mouth to Liz and tell her wtf happened!!

  2. So dumb that Jason was arrested.....the PCPD "lapses" and issues with evidence and forensics is one thing that really kills me about this show. I can take brain mapping, coming back from the dead, freezing the world, becoming a doctor in 3.2 seconds - but I HATE stupid police procedures.

    1. I second that. Considering all the shows nowadays that deal with the topic, any school kid can tell you what should have been done forensically. They didn't even test him for gun powder residue.

    2. So, the police on GH don't check a murder scene anymore???

  3. Also....Nina....I thought the writers had done a really good job of redeeming her from the horrible person she was when she came back to town. I'm all for some drama - but if she's going to use Sonny's amnesia against him - and keep him from his family - she won't be redeemable to me. And she should never see Wiley again.

    1. Yup, no redemption for Nina. She is a witch again.

    2. I guess Nina will be right there with Sonny since he is a killer after all.

  4. the webber - baldwin family has amazing chemistry. this is the family the show should of centered around. but the writers ruined it. love laura and scottie being there as the grandparents. RB brings such emotion to the screen compared to LW who brings nothing. I just wanted her scenes to be done with.

  5. The hospital:

    TJ and Curtis: TJ feels different!!!! I guess filling out documents changes a person!

    TJ and Jurtis: TJ can't wrap his head around the fact and Curtis is going to change jobs. Gee I wonder how TJ would feel if Curtis becomes a janitor.

    Nathan's cemetery:

    Cyrus and Hiney: The way Hiney grabs his gun and points it! Did he join Charlie's angles?!!?! ROFL! What the heck was that all about!? :)

    Carson kitchen:

    Carly and Joss: Cold coffee alert!! Carly just can't microwave it?! I was looking for a microwave. I don't think they have one.

    Jarly: CUJO ALERT! Actually that was a great scene. :)

    *Carly throws a the coffee mug* *Tribbles ducks*

    Tribbles: Oh crap!!!

    Come on Jarly! KISS! :)

    Jarly and Jordan: RA RO!

    Friz home:

    Aidan: Hi Grandpa!

    Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) Wow those boys have grown!!! :) The flashbacks!!!! Why are they showing Friz's love story?!!?!? It made me cry! :(

    BobTodd's memorial: I love Trina's hair! Love that design on her hair..

    Dr. O and Nina: Great scene! :)

    Ava and Nina: Nina and her peek a boob dress at a memorial.. Oy!

    Ava: Believe it or not, I'm really going to miss you.

    Nina: Believe it or not, I'll miss you too.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Besties! :)

    Dr. O and Laura: NO PROOF DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dr. O: I much rather do this myself.



    Dante and Sam: Does Dante's muscles want Sam's bread?

    Hiney and Sam: At first I thought it was Jason.. The look on Sam's face! Hahahahahaa. She won the line of the day.

    Sam: Keep walking.

    ROFL! Shoot him Sam! :)

    1. Liz's boy!! I didn't recognize Jake at all! Aiden is still a cutie, and great scenes with all of them.

      I was scared for the Tribbles, Snarly was in full Snarly mode. I could have done without seeing her meltdown.

      Seriously, Hiney should have shot Ponytail, and Sam should have shot Hiney! Great line of the day, and I thought it was Jason at first too! :)

      Did you notice that Mumbles doesn't mumble when she's with "Complete the Mission"? It's a beautiful thing, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Liz's boy!! I didn't recognize Jake at all!"

      Yeah me neither!!!! :)

      "I was scared for the Tribbles,"

      Yeah it was scary! Poor things!!! :(

      "Snarly was in full Snarly mode."

      Hahahaha. Yeah she was! :)

      "Sam should have shot Hiney!"

      Sounds good to me! :)

      "Great line of the day"

      Yeah!!!! :)

      "and I thought it was Jason at first too! :)"

      *High five*

      Did you notice that Mumbles doesn't mumble when she's with "Complete the Mission"? It's a beautiful thing, lol!

  6. So glad Liz is free from that disgusting pairing. Maybe Frank will allow the writers to actually write FOR HER now and not just have her propping Frank's pets with zero POV.

  7. In hoping that the whole Jason getting arrested storyline is to set a trap for Peter like they did with Franco and Ryan.

    1. I second this, but probably wishful thinking. We're going to be stuck with Hiney for a long, long time. :(

    2. I hope so! And no funeral? Why? Is he really not dead? Found it odd??

  8. Becky and Roger had amazing chemistry. One of my favorite couple of the last 20 years.

    1. Yes!! I loved the flashbacks!! RoHo with short hair so handsome ❤

  9. so, Liz' husband died. Did her father or sister show up to the memorial?

  10. I think Peter may work better now that he is openly a villan. The "good guy" Peter always seemed so phoney.. which, of course, it was. Maybe now it will be easier to tolerate that character.

  11. So great to see Liz's boys! I guess they couldn't let Becky have the emotional scenes for one day and had to throw in some screaming and ranting for Carly. Liz looked so beautiful in those throwback scenes - I hope she finds some happiness again.

  12. I loved yesterday! I'm still so pissed Franco is gone. 😭😭 But why no funeral? Or is that today? I loved what Ava did! Man I used to hate her but now...she's absolutely grown on me, like Franco. Yes Karen, when I saw Jake I wasn't sure about him...he's wearing his hair different too, I even had to question Aiden, but you're right, it's been a yr. Looks change. I almost wish Ponytail had killed Peter cause I hate him more than PT.

  13. I have watched general hospital since the early 1980s, would run home from bus stop. In college, arranged classes, taped it. Couldn't wait to watch, even if not always happy with storyline. But, in the last week realized there is not one happy story/ anyone to root for. Its depressing and as depressing as the rest of the world is, i need a happier escape. So, I'm taking a break. I'll check in here to see if tides have turned, but deleted from recordings.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...