Friday, March 5, 2021

Hit in the head

The Wedding Continues. 

Maxie's in labor. BUT, her water didn't break. Britt says to go to GH asap. They leave. Peter screams LOL They all yell at him, then he leaves to go see Maxie. WHERE THE HELL IS OBRECT WITH THE PEN? And where did Valentin go? This is just so inconsistent.'s like when Curtis disappeared. 

At GH, Maxie is just having stress pains. She's getting a blood sugar test done. She is still thinking of Peter. 

Franco remembers it was Peter that kidnapped Drew. He goes to tell Dante and Sam...

Finn goes to get Violet and ends up talking to Jackie .

Violet's at Chases' apartment. Gregory comes over and helps comfort her. She wanted a wedding! "Daddy loves Anna"..awww.  Greg and Chase talk about his happiness and Chase says that depends on Willow. 

At the Qs Nina told Wiley his real mother is Nelle. She read some books and being HONEST was the best she says. Which makes Carly RIGHT of course. UGH. Anyway, Willow and Michael take Wiley upstairs so Carly can bitch at Nina for awhile. 

TODAY'S SHOW WAS A MESS but all you need to know is someone hit Peter in the head with a crowbar.  Greg hears Jackie tell Finn she was attracted to him way back when. 



  1. the webber-baldwin family is the heart of GH. would like to see lucky and jason have contact with their sons. jeff and steven lars and sara need to come back. and focus on the hospital. do not care about the finn family they can leave. and since kemo is staying would like to see her be an independent woman. no man. a working single mother. and maxie continues to be an airhead.

  2. I wish the Webber-Baldwin's were the heart of GH too. Or even The Q's or Scorpios. Someone mentioned earlier this week at least it hasn't been Sonny/Jason/Carly as much. And if they would bring Drew back I would be able to tolerate Sam.

    Stinks that they dropped the Cam-Josslyn love story but guessing due to Covid.

  3. Hopefully Franco didn't do a half a** job and we've seen the last of Peter because him coming back with permanent amnesia and a redeemed life will be beyond ridiculous.

  4. I felt completely exasperated with Maxie today. She still is not sure about Peter? How long are the writers going to do this to her? It’s beyond sickening.

  5. The writers have ruined everyone on the show. Why not Maxie too? (Just being sarcastic)

    1. maxie was ruined years ago, when she was feeding Lucky drugs.

  6. Metrocourt hotel:

    Jackie's hotel room:

    Jackie and Finchy: Geez she wouldn't let him leave. I thought they were gonna have zex!!! I mean he did say it would only be a minute that he can stay, but then I thought it would turn to zex. Oh oh Gregory overheard them talking.. Then I bet he is going to wonder if he is the father of Chase.

    BobTodd's hotel room: Man listening to Drew on the phone with his arm extended.. Isn't his arm hurting? OUCH!

    Q home:

    Nina and Michael: Oh nuts. I was hoping Michael would tell Nina that she could still come over to see Wiley. Rats.

    Carly and Nina: Oh come on! Let's have some fighting going on here.. Some punching!!! :) Carly just looks all smug.

    Carly and Michael: Carly really REALLY wants to say I told you so. Go ahead Carly. Say it!!!

    Chase's home:

    Chillow: Awwww Willow!!! :( I'm glad she went to see Chase to cry on his shoulder. :( Sparkly Chillow. But damn did you see the look on her face when he said he would never hurt her again? It's like she is going to hurt him.

    The hospital:

    Maxie's room:

    Maxie and Mac: Why the hell is Mac apologizing for hitting Hiney?!!?!! Mac come on!!! You had every right!!! Now go and find Robert and apologize to him for the things you said to him that was hurtful and rude.

    Maxie and Britch: Oh no Maxie! You are not thinking about getting back together with Hiney are you? NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    The wedding:

    Sam, her bread, and Hiney:

    Sam: Drew is dead because of you!!!

    Sam's bread: HOW DARE YOU! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!

    Anna and Hiney: Hiney wins the line of the day.

    Hiney: And you don't have to be my fake mommy anymore.


    Robert and Anna: THEY HUG! Awwwwwwwwwww. :) And she touches his chest. ;)

    Stairwell: Hmmmm is Hiney dead?!!?! OH BOBTODD YAY! THANK YOU! :) Now we just have to find out if he is dead or not.

    Chase's home:

    Chase and Little V: Awww poor little girl. :(

    Little V and Gregory:

    Little V: GRANDPA!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to May 28th 1978* Dusty Walker's first arrival!

    There is more. Just keep watching.

    Daytime Dilemma: MORE DAYTIME DILEMMA!!! :)

    1. I don't remember, who is Dusty Walker?

    2. Little Violet. Always the best part of the show.

    3. "lindie says, I don't remember, who is Dusty Walker?"

      May 24th 1987

      "Dusty Walker, a likable drifter who comes to Port Charles with trouble on his mind. Walker`s latent musical talents will lead to his teaming with aspiring singer Terry Brock (Robyn Bernard) before too long, the producers say."

    4. WOW. I don't think I was watching at that time. I was in love with Shawn Cassidy when I was about 12. I don't think I knew he was on General Hospital.

    5. "lindie says, WOW. I don't think I was watching at that time. I was in love with Shawn Cassidy when I was about 12. I don't think I knew he was on General Hospital."

      These episodes look familiar. Shawn was hot. :) He looks like his brother David. :)

  7. Was Dusty a bad guy? I know there was some murder mystery thing with Terry back then. Was Dusty bad? Was Kevin bad? I think that is when I was in college and didn't have time to watch. I just read the soap mags while waiting in line at the grocery stores. lol

    1. "lindie says, Was Dusty a bad guy? I know there was some murder mystery thing with Terry back then. Was Dusty bad? Was Kevin bad? I think that is when I was in college and didn't have time to watch. I just read the soap mags while waiting in line at the grocery stores. lol"

      Haha. No I don't think Dusty was bad.. Yes Kevin was bad. Kevin had the Laurelton murders storyline.

    2. I watched a few clips. Boy was Terry over the top acting.

    3. "lindie says, I watched a few clips. Boy was Terry over the top acting."

      ROFL! Well, it was the 80's! Hahaha!

    4. Yup, everything was big in the 80's

  8. "lindie says, Yup, everything was big in the 80's"

    Hahaha ain't that the truth. :)

    1. Anna has on 80's shoulder pads, only now they are pointy. Lol. I like the regular ones I used to wear better. I had a great jacket with shoulder pads and long dressy shorts. Greenish color. I loved that suit. Wish I still had it, it would be back in fashion for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (only too small)

    2. "lindie says, Anna has on 80's shoulder pads, only now they are pointy. Lol."

      It's the modern look! ROFL!

      "I like the regular ones I used to wear better. I had a great jacket with shoulder pads and long dressy shorts. Greenish color. I loved that suit. Wish I still had it, it would be back in fashion for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (only too small)"

      I used to have clothes with shoulder pads in them. Do you have pictures of the suit? :)

    3. Sonya, I wish that I had pictures. Sadly no.

    4. "lindie says, Sonya, I wish that I had pictures. Sadly no."

      Awwww too bad!!!

  9. I don't care who his girlfriend is in real life...he should be dead. But he won't be. If there is any truth to her having influence over any decisions concerning his character, I don't get it. They are both actors on the show. If one gets written off that should be it.
    This all could have been done so much better.
    The young lady who plays Violet is full of charisma and talent.
    Looks to me like history may repeat itself. Nina taking Wiley seems imminent.

    1. Yes, for sure Nina will go to court to try to find Carly guilty, or
      something ,and try to get custody of Wiley.

    2. I was thinking more in the illegal way.

    3. Nina has always been crazy, she could kidnap Wiley.

  10. If Peter isn’t dead I hope he is at least comatose and off the show like Lulu. I really wish he and his girlfriend were gone. I wouldn’t miss Carly for one second. It has been just peachy not having Sonny around either. Anyone else read the William Lipton (Cam) is off contract? Wonder why since he is so talented.

    1. "LSV422 says, Anyone else read the William Lipton (Cam) is off contract? Wonder why since he is so talented."

      I haven't heard that!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( Maybe he is so smart he is going to college early? *shrug*



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...