Monday, March 29, 2021

Ankle Monitor

 MONDAY Again! Some areas might have the trial on, but not for me! 

Trial of Taggert.  Trina pleads with him that he change is plea to not guilty.  He does change his plea. 

Peter and Elizabeth. He tells her he "takes responsibility for Franco's death"...because of setting things in motion. He wants her to do an article about it for the newspaper and they can dump on Jason. She tells him to shut up. He says everyone is lying about him and then she goes lunging for him. Finn stops her. Damn it. 

Carly and Jason. Carly's mouthing off about Cyrus' offer. Jason says they aren't taking it. She tells him Gladys is the witness. He says Gladys MUST have seen the real killer dump the gun. 

Anna found Bella for Violet (stuffed pig). She's going to drop it off at the Metro. Dr. O shows up at her door. Anna tells her about Dante. Dr. O is all "Oh, they must have released him early." Anna lets her know she knows about Dr. Kirk.  The go round and around. Anna tries to get the tie with Lesil and Dante. Lesil basically tells Anna Dr. Kirk sexually assaulted her by touching her and kissing her.... and now he's dead. Anna "Ummm, yes, he is".  Anna says she doesn't care he's dead, she's glad he won't control Dante anymore. Anna then tells Dr. O she thinks Peter killed Franco! Dr. O has a realization that she knew Franco had Drew's memories and she didn't warn him. She's double mad at Peter and wants to kill him. Anna's like "Let's bring him to justice". No way.. Dr. O leaves. 

At the Metro, Cyrus, Martin and Laura. They squabble. Marty says he knows their mother is fine. Cyrus is all "HOW do you know that"??  Martin tells him he saw her a month ago. Cyrus is pissed WHERE IS SHE? Martin says she was moved. OMG THESE THREE ARE SO GOOD. I absolutely LOVE their scenes. Cyrus tells on Martin for helping Julian after the bombing. Laura is aghast. Martin says he didn't know that Julian did the whole bomb. But Julian was blackmailing him about Cyrus being his brother. THEN He says that Marty called him to eliminate Julian before he could tell Sonny they were siblings! WHOA...Laura is all what??!! 

Curtis' Club: He's getting the floor plans going. TJ is helping him. Cam walks in. Cam wants to run the social media accounts for the club as a thank you for helping him with the whole Franco thing.  Then Cam runs off to the courthouse to be with the girls at Taggert's hearing.  Curtis asks if they are going to get a divorce. Curtis is like: not sure. 


Taggert is out on bail, wearing an ankle monitor

Dr. O and Peter spar--A MUST SEE!! oh it was so good!! She tells him Justice is coming!!

Carly and Anna are teaming up against Cyrus. 


  1. I cautiously but hopefully ask this question: it kinda seems like maybe Peter IS going to die? Because more and more people are 'threatening' that they want him dead......what a GREAT who-dun-it ------
    Jason/Elizabeth/Mac/Maxie/Robert/Dr O/Britt/Valentin/Cam/Gladys/Sam/Dante...…

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    2. I certainly hope he dies too. I'm also hoping that Gladys ends up changing her testimony after getting paid off by Carly and Cyrus kills her for betraying him.

    3. If they really do a Peter "murder mystery" then it will turn out that the killer is someone we don't care about (Gladys). As long as he's dead though, then that's fine. I would prefer it to be someone more unpredictable, like Felicia or Charlotte.

    4. "Zak says, If they really do a Peter "murder mystery" then it will turn out that the killer is someone we don't care about (Gladys)."

      Fine with me! Kill 2 birds with one stone. :)

  2. Curtis's club: Hmmm. Curtis you want the tables 6 feet apart? ROFL!

    TJ, Curtis, and Cam: Awwww I like how Cam figured out Curtis's plan with the guitar. :) I'm glad Curtis told Cam about the courthouse! I wonder if Curtis going to get some Tribbles for the bar. :)

    TJ, and Curtis: Yes yes.. Decisions to make. Chicken or beef? Parents sitting next to each other or no? Hmmmm.

    Courthouse: Oh a new set!!!! I love new sets!!!! I am not used to it though. I will. I love how Trina was with her father awwwww. :) I love how she was with the guard/cop whoever he is. Taggart is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! WOOT WOOT!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and Dr. O: Come onnnnnnnn! Work together!!!!! Get Hiney!

    Carly and Anna: OH! Anna, Dr. O, and Carly can get Hiney!!! They could be Charlie's angles. :)

    Jason's jail cell:


    Carly: I can't take Cyrus on all by myself.

    Oh yes you can Carly! Shut up! You can take him blindfolded! Oh kinky. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura, Cyrus, and Marty: LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Great scene. Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: I did. Clearly the candle is defective.

    ROFL! Oh and then when Marty brought up Jackie, Cyrus's face! HAHAHAHAHA. He was so angry he was about ready to strike Marty! Too bad Cyrus didn't yell!!! :)

    Laura and Marty: Oh no oh no! Don't rescind the Easter invitation! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    The hospital:

    Liz and Hiney: No Finchy! Liz was bout to beat the crap out of Hiney! Let her!!!!

    Hiney and Dr. O: OH! Delicious soapy scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Get him Dr. O! Get him!!!!

    1. My line of the day was Finn telling Liz he should have let her hit him! Then she said the way things are going the town would have thrown her a parade. HAHAHAH! That made me laugh!

      I was sad like you about Martin, when Laura disinvited him. Boo-hiss! And I never boo-hiss Genie!

      AnnaBot seems to be getting her brain back, but I was behind Dr. O 100% And her clash with Heinrich was outstanding. Go get 'em doc!

    2. "Julie H says, My line of the day was Finn telling Liz he should have let her hit him! Then she said the way things are going the town would have thrown her a parade. HAHAHAH! That made me laugh!"

      Hahaha. Yeah that was funny too. :) Anybody who kills Hiney should get a parade! :)

      "I was sad like you about Martin, when Laura disinvited him. Boo-hiss! And I never boo-hiss Genie!"

      Yeah!!! Boo-hiss!! :( Change your mind Laura!!! :(

      "AnnaBot seems to be getting her brain back,"

      Yeah looks like it! :)

      "her clash with Heinrich was outstanding. Go get 'em doc!"

      Yes!!! Outstanding!!! :)

  3. LOVE Anna's outfit. Wish Liz beat up Heinrich

  4. Peter is so annoying. He is pissing off whole town. Better be a "who dun it?"

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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...