Wednesday, March 10, 2021

What a Day!!


Well, here we go. I have to see Sonny today and Peter. Not a great day for The Wubsie. Lordy. 

Sonny the handyman. They are afraid they are going to lose the bar. Phyllis tries to sell her china to the pawn broker. Like anyone buys china anymore LOL Sonny offers the Pawn broker his rings and he wants a place at the poker game he runs. 

Laura and Carly talk about the pills not being approved by the GH board. She says Cyrus will be double mad now. Laura gets the call that Franco is dead. She leaves. 

Scotty and Cam.  Joss comes over wondering why he wasn't in school. She tells him to call Franco if he's worried. When Joss goes home, Carly gives her the news. 

OH! The door opens and Franco is standing there in front of Cameron. WTF ...Don't ask me. Has to be a dream. Yes, it is.. Franco basically tells Cam thank you for loving him and he made him a better man. Cam goes to run out and he wakes up.

Liz accuses Jason of killing Franco. They take him to the PCPD. Liz says good bye to Franco. The forensics team are doing their job and Franco's phone rings in his pocket. Cam leaves him a message about seeing him again, yada yada. 

Liz goes home to tell Cam Franco is dead. Very sad scene. OMG..YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT. WOW, it's amazing. William Lipton is insanely good. I got chills. 

Diane comes to the PCPD. She has the same lines she's had for years. "My client"...all that. 

Laura has to tell Scotty that Franco is dead. He loses it. Says he's lost Karen, Logan and Franco. And then bursts into the interrogation room to beat down Jason. 

ASS FACE Peter walks into Maxie's room. Asks how the baby and she are. He wants to run away with her ..tonight. As she's hooked up to the IV. What an idiot. Flashbacks show him erasing Franco's phone.  He asks Maxie to trust him. She says: YOU'RE NOT THE MAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE!! FINALLY! yeah!! Mac rushes in ...grabs Peter. Tells everyone that Franco was shot and killed. 

WATCH TODAY'S SHOW... outstanding performances all around. 


  1. I think that Francos phone was in his pocket when Cameron was calling him. Hopefully the recording that he made of Peter is still on it and they see it.

    1. They showed Hiney(Peter) deleting it in a flashback.

  2. I think Roger comes back as Drew Cain down the road....
    I STILL think something is off with Lenny and Phyllis and people trying to buy their bar......they are being targeted.....
    I read that Phyllis is surprised to see someone? I thought Nina but maybe someone in the poker game?
    and Jordan - PLEASE check DNA in the studio of PETER for crying out loud.

    1. I think it would be confusing for him to play Drew. Would we ignore that he looks exactly like Franco in this convoluted story?

    2. Yes! DNA! Is it just can NOONE suspect Peter when they hear Franco is dead??? I mean I know Jason and the tumor gun blah blah but Peter took FOREVER to get to the hospital and then oh wow...Franco is dead...Jason needs to speak up and quit being his usual self...

  3. William Lipton was amazing.

    And they showed a flashback of Franco erasing the video from the phone before he left. He put it in Franco's pocket. Hopefully it somehow makes its way to Spinelli and he can recover it.

  4. Someone please kill Peter. And quickly. At the very least have him go away for an extended period.

    William really stood out today. Just wow. Kin as well.

    Side observation: Is it just me or does Maxie's make up look like bruises on her cheeks?

    1. Yes. I noticed this since she's been in the hospital. At first I thought she was bruised. Her eye makeup looks odd too.

    2. Kirsten has had those marks on her face for awhile. She had some skin issues when she was ill a few years ago.

    3. Yes, her makeup makes her look pale. The cheeks look very gray

    4. her cheeks look black n blue

    5. You are right-I thought it was the dent she has but her face looked like it had a gray stripe. Finally she came to her senses.

  5. I balled twice today. Once when Elizabeth called herself Mrs. Franco Baldwin. The other, when Liz told Cam. Just amazing scenes and amazing chemistry between the two.

  6. This was an outstanding show. This is good soap. Now get rid of Peter and all will be well. I like Wes but hate this character.

    1. I think Wes does ok with the material, but tbh, I am not drawn to him as an actor. I hope they get rid of the character and actor, unfortunately.

    2. "Kathy M says, I think Wes does ok with the material,"

      Yeah he does a very good job looking evil!!! :)

  7. Today's performances were the reason I watch GH. But I wish it wasn't always so sad. I fear that Hiney will be around for a long time. And still whispering.

    1. Totally agree zazu! And lately Hiney has been lifting and turning his head. Smell the fart acting at it's finest. Joey Tribianni would be so proud!

  8. BobTodd's art room:

    Liz and Jason:

    Liz: You did this! You killed him! You killed Franco just like you wanted. Are you happy now?

    Hmmm. They were giving each other a look, like it's a code just between them.

    The Pennsylvania side of the river massage and bar:

    The Cawfees, "Mike" and Mr. Drummond: What they are losing money? Since when? Well, I did notice a lot of people don't go in the place. Mr. Drummond? Are the writers fans of the tv show different strokes? :) I am!!! I used to watch it when I was a kid.

    "Mike" and Mr. Drummond: Getting rid of his wedding ring and mobster ring? I'm sure he will be able to get it back after he gets his memory back.

    Friz home:

    Cam and grandpa Scotty: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Listen Cameron I have to go. Mind your business, take care of the house. Don't get into any trouble okay?

    Mind your business? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love Scotty in grandpa mode! :)

    Cam and BobTodd: Ghost step daddy visiting Cam? :( The scene made me cry! :(

    Cam and Liz: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GREAT SCENE!!! William Lipton needs to win an emmy!!! His ugly cry and shaking was giving me chills!!!! Wait a second, if this is all fake, why is she making Cam think his step daddy is dead? :(

    The police station:

    Scotty and Laura: Scotty made me cry when Laura told him that his son is dead. :(

    Scotty and Jason: Great scene!!! Get him Scotty! Get him!!!! :)

    The hospital:

    V.C. and Anna: Anna needs to change her clothes, and V.C. needs to stay in his suit for a little while longer.. :) *Drool*

    Maxie's room: Oh! A flashback of Hiney erasing the audio of his confession! I wonder if BobTodd sent it to someone before it was erased. Hmmmm.

    Maxie and Hiney: NO MAXIE DON'T HOLD HIS HAND!!!!

    Maxie: I'm sorry Peter. I love you, but the man I loved, never existed.


    Carson home:

    Carly and Laura: Hmmm the Tribbles look different. Did they get a makeover? :)

    Carly and Joss: Joss misses her uncle Sonny. :(

    Tribbles: I miss him too Joss!

    1. Sonya, VC could remove the shirt and jacket and not replace them with anything. I'm good with that.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, VC could remove the shirt and jacket and not replace them with anything. I'm good with that."

      Haha. Yeah I'm good with that too. :)

    3. I am team Anna and Valentin now.

    4. "lindie says, I am team Anna and Valentin now."

      Yeah I just love them together. :)

    5. Same! How about we call them VAnna?

    6. Lol about Scotty. For real about grandpa mode and mind your business! My grandma used to say that all the time! My line was when he called Joss and Cam, I'll leave you squirrels now. What was that?! HAHAHAHAH!

      Cam did the ugliest cry that I've seen in a long time. That kid is GOLD!

      Jason is such a tool! Wished they had shown Scotty punching him in the nose!

    7. Agree. Becky, Will and Kin knocked it out of the park. Loved the lines given to Kin. So good. This is truly excellent acting.

  9. Peter is for sure going to kidnap Maxie.

  10. Why wouldn't Jason at least tell Liz that he didn't do it? Anyone going to put 2 and 2 together and think it's Peter?

    1. Yes that is driving me crazy. Or say I'm so sorry!

  11. Some people were pointing out that the medics put a brace in francos head and they didn't cover his head . Which is not what would be done with a dead body.

  12. Great acting today except Carly still doesn’t look like she lost her husband. Liz, Cam, Franco, Scotty-outstanding! Great idea to have Franco in Cam’s dream and to have Laura tell Scotty. Very sad day.

    1. I was thinking the same thing about LW. Compare the acting at Sonny's "funeral" with today's acting. We can see the clear winner.

  13. So I want to know where the other phone is that had the video of "Drew" talking to Franco. It was a totally different phone. And that is what should put Dick Dasterdly down for good. Give me strength for surviving this story.

    I totally agree with others that they need to check for prints/DNA at the art studio. For crying out loud, it's basic police procedure!

    I confess that I ff'd part of "Mike". I really don't care and that story has plodded along way too long. Sigh.....

    1. I think its the same phone??

    2. Lindie, I don't think it is. Cam and Liz dropped it off to Franco at the Metro Court, hsaying he delayed looking at it for a year. I'm Hoping someone finds it in his room! :)

  14. the emotions from william lipton and rebecca herbst were so real. a from cry than anything that MB and LW have ever produced. I feel nothing with those 2 actors, even when sonny died. I alwways thought RH should be a lead actress from her young days when she was raped.her style reminds me of Genie francis.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...