Sunday, March 7, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Double Dog Dare You


It's been... 10 SOAP DAYS WITHOUT SONNY!! And Yep, I'm dancing because guess what. NO ONE CARES!! Well, I don't care and I count more LOL

It was a mixed week. In some ways, I was happy it moved forward but in others...I'm still scratching my head.  GH Is still my go to show daily so I'm not complaining too hard, but you know me. I kinda am!! LOL  Let's roll! 

THE HEADLINER OF THE WEEK:  We all know it as "The Double Wedding". Everything felt off to me.  Weird editing, jumping scenes, guests appearing and disappearing and dialog that didn't follow. I really was hoping everything would be "solved" but HA HA Joke's on me.  A couple of things: This story has taken so long and has such and arc, I've forgotten a lot of it. That's on me, I get that part. But when explaining what's happening takes longer than the actual 'reveal'? That's on the story. 

WHY OF THE WEEK: Seriously, WHY? Why did Peter get kidnapped? It wasn't a good plan by Valentin or Anna and it fell apart. It was really strange how they came up with the whole "We have to do this ourselves" BS but even stranger was their dumb plan.  Val stashes him in the garage in a storage closet and Dante LETS HIM OUT!!! Wasn't he just up in ol' Hiney's room with his fist all balled up? Why did we waste this time only to have Peter pop back out and be all "no problem"! Let's do it!! Bizarre. 

OBJECTION OF THE WEEK Everything was moving forward and, Dr. Obrect marches in to stop ze Wedding. She had the video of Alex saying she was Peter's real mother. Which basically made everyone feel sorry for Peter and angry at Anna. Like you know about  this, girl? Finn left. Lesil tells everyone she's out of jail because "new evidence came to light"-- but I guess it wasn't the evidence needed to convict Peter? And instead of holding Peter at the PCPD until it could all be straightened out, everyone just stood around stunned. Peter tried to talk his way out of it all. Sam tried to get him for the Drew plane thing but...alas, nothing. Oh! Then Maxie had some cramps and things came to a halt. 

FUMBLE OF THE WEEK: Last week Spinelli gets a short scene, is summoned by Peter and told to leave. He calls Maxie and tells her he can't come.  WHY??? WHY WHY wouldn't Damien be there to help Maxie with this?? He's one of the longest characters connected to her. We obviously couldn't get Kristina Wagner for some unknown reason but Spin would have been a great one to have there. FFS. Ok, I said it. 

PHONE MESSAGE OF THE WEEK: As if things weren't complicated enough, Franco is in the Metro watching a message he left himself as Drew. (if you haven't seen the history on this, don't bother it's a mess and I can't explain it). Franco flips out, goes to find Peter and in the end, he's the hero that takes him down. 

LOUDEST CHEER OF THE YEAR (so FAR): Thankfully after sitting through that "wedding" we got Peter laying on the stairwell after being hit in the head HARD by ...Franco. Or was it Franco as Drew? Or was it his tumor??? Do we care? HELL NO... we DO NOT. The bartender could have clocked him and I'd be: GIVE that girl a medal!!  Photo: Thx to @serialdrama 

CUJO OF THE WEEK: Just when you think Carly can't get any MORE annoying, she's out trying to stop Nina from seeing her grandkid after basically not giving a crap her daughter fell to her death. Gee, you'd think with Donna at home, she'd  not have time to be be all up in this business but nope. A huge angst thing was cast about Nina mentioning Nelle (which of course, she did) and how it would confuse poor 2 and 1/2 year old Wiley who can't even seem to say "hello' yet. And of course, in the way of GH, Carly was right because Nina did just that. Poor Willow, sobbing to Chase tells him that Wiley said she wasn't his "real mother". Ok, this could have worked if the kid was 4 or 5 but? Carly smirked, Michael threw Nina out and that was that. I was actually celebrating the fact Michael had ballios for once and stood up to his Mama. Silly Rabbit. 

BAD, BAD DIALOG OF THE WEEK: For some insane reason, Mac apologizes to Maxie for punching Peter.  Sam tells Dante she isn't sure if Peter should pay for anything because "it won't help anyone now". WHAT IN THE...huh?? What? She should have shot him on the spot. Period. 

WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: Let's give it up for Kelly Monaco! She looked fabulous and her dress even held when she lunged at Peter. :clapping: 

SUMMARY OF THE WEEK: From Twitter/ Ginny writes: The whole week was like being on the most boring, repetitive amusement park ride only to get off and finally have the best time (PLP getting whacked). Lol!

WUBS HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: YES! There were some!! I'd like to give you Liz, Cam and Franco in the Metro room. Boy, did they feel like a real family or what? I love the chem between them all.  (see note below about William Lipton in News and Notes).  I'm also really enjoying Sam and Dante. Not sure if I'm into them romantically yet but I'm loving them being together for a shared POV.  Lastly, Greg overhearing Finn and Jackie talk about their past. That's how it's going to come to light!! I like this because I didn't think Finn should be the one to push the reveal. So, this can move it forward in a nice Dramaz sense. I love the character of Chase as well so I'm invested at this point. 


The wedding didn't happen. 

Finn still hasn't looked at the DNA 

Finn's angry that Anna was in cahoots with Valentin and didn't tell him anything.

Dr. O gives the video proving Alex is Peter's real mama

Peter cries, Anna cries 

All of Peter's sins come out via Valentin but there's "no proof" so Maxie isn't sure

Robert tries not to gloat in front of Anna

Maxie has cramps, has to go to GH has some tests

Franco sees himself as Drew and is told it's all Peter's fault

Franco beans Peter on the head with a crowbar

Violet is sad there's no wedding 

Curtis makes it clear he's done with Jordan

Carly doesn't want Nina near Wiley

Nina tells Wiley Willow isn't his "real" mother

Michael banishes Nina

Carly gloats because she was "right" 

Willow flees to get hugs from Chase 

Gregory overhears Finn and Jackie talk about their shared past. 

NEWS and NOTES: So, William Lipton (Cameron) doesn't have his name in the end credits anymore and people are freaking out. Why? Because people who are not on contract don't have their names listed. His has been listed in the past so...?? Does this mean he's off contract because he's leaving? Well, I would think, given his age and talent he might want a little latitude regarding his time. I don't blame him one bit. Maybe Jake will have to step it up in the Webber household. 

There's been drama on twitter of all sorts lately, mostly because of shared Cameos by actors. Cameos are things you pay for where you get X amount of time with someone in a zoom call. I have no idea how much they cost because even as a website person I'd never pay for that.  Maybe for charity? But..nah. Anyway, things were said, feelings were hurt and ouch. Sometimes it's better to just not say much I think. Social media has changed the game in so many ways. I still like a little mystery. Just my opinion. 

Late breaking: I would be amiss if I didn't mention the hack of Tristan Rogers last night. If you didn't see it, well.. and if you DID see it.. WELP!! was a porn clip.  Why he was hacked? One can only assume over his Cameo about Wes Ramsey but...that's just my educated guess. All I know is that soap twitter had a little party last night. Heh. 

SPOILERS:  I'm hoping against hope that Franco isn't keeping Peter locked up somewhere to taunt him for weeks. I really couldn't deal with that. Seriously. We don't need rehashing of this. Nope. Bury the guy.  Anna and Jackie will connect over Finn,  Willow apologizes  and Dr. O and Scotty sleep together. HA HA!! Did I get you with that last one?? That's a WUBSY WISH!! Please go to Diagnosis Daytime for all the scoops! Again, thanks to @SoapJenn for all of her spoilers and photos I steal! 

SUMMARY: Oh, my do you do it?? You make me happy, sad and furious. And I guess that's the point of a soap! I love the actors so much. I can't say that enough. It's a joy to watch the majority of them work.  Of course I wish things were written the way I want!! But, all in all I still enjoy tuning in. Plus, our community is a blast. Especially lately :wink: 

Hope you have a good day! See you next week. I start working full time on Tues/Thursdays so I'm not sure how that will go for the show. I may end up putting place holders in those days, watching on Hulu at night and going from there. We will see. 


  1. William Lipton could really be going off to a good college IRL. Kids got talent

    1. Yeah I was thinking that.. I looked him up to see his age.. He is 16. Maybe he is so smart he is going to college early. :) He is turning 17 in June.

    2. Some go to college early. My stepsister's daughter went at 17

    3. he is so talented maybe he is going on to bigger and better things

  2. Thank you Karen for the wonderful SS. I read (and usually comment) your blog every day even when I am super duper busy. Keeps me sane (sometimes). lol

  3. I love the webber-baldwin family. that is where the talent is. I don not miss sonny, but I remember him on AMC as nico kelley, and he was great on that show. snarly and plp can disappear.

  4. Great SS! I did see the hacked Tristan post. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That was a real shocker! I just recently found out that Twitter allowed porn. Where have I been?

    1. I get a porn pic in my feed every now and again but people usually report it. That was porn with a cap P!! LOL

  5. TR's porn clip Twitter hacking: I first thought, "GH has really relaxed their Covid19 protocols!"

    Cameo videos: I am not sure if anyone on Cameo offers live Zoom chats as the service is primarily short recorded video "shout-out"s to friends, family, etc.

    Kelly Monaco's dress: It really provided the most suspense of the double wedding.

    1. "Kelly Monaco's dress: It really provided the most suspense of the double wedding."


    2. "Frank says, Kelly Monaco's dress: It really provided the most suspense of the double wedding."

      ROFL! Especially her bread that almost spilled out. :)

    3. I am not on Twitter, so I am confused. Was Tristan looking at porn, or did someone hack him and do something to his account with porn? Sorry, confused.

    4. Did you see the Tristan clip about Wes tho? It felt like he was answering a question

  6. Your recap got it right. The first two episodes/days of the wedding were a mess and completely unneeded. We should've just jumped to the Dr. O stuff. LOL

    I hope William Lipton isn't leaving but he's young and needs to do what's best for him. He is talented and I love his portrayal of Cameron. The Webber-Baldwins are a great clan.

    Carly is on my last nerve. She is a hypocrite (which would be OK if the writers pointed that out in the storylines) and she butts in everyone's business. I would like to see Ava and Nina team up against her.

    Couples I want to see develop in the next few months: Anna/Valentin, Dante/Maxie and Robert/Jackie.

    I would love it if Peter shows up dead and we get an old-fashioned murder mystery. So many suspects.

    1. I forgot to mention a potentially good coupling -- Finn and Alexis.

    2. Finally a "who dun it?" with Peter would be wonderful. I am so sure it won't happen though.

    3. I would probably pay to see Nina & Ava go up against Carly.I was really hoping they would give this to Nina,her being the one who was wronged. And I got a glimmer of hope with Willow & Michael reaching out to her. But,nope! God forbid Mob boss Queen Carly not being right or losing control of one of her subjects.

    4. Dante and Maxie make the most sense for sure. Maybe Sam and Curtis?

  7. placeholders? did karen say placeholders? ha ha ha

  8. Thanks for a fab SS! I find myself wondering why I even watch GH sometimes. It is the actors...most of them. And this community. Some of the story lines are so long winded and so convoluted they are difficult to bring to an end which doesn't happen much anymore. They just go on and on.
    Saw a recent photo on FB. Sonny and Morgan. Uh oh.
    Have a great Sunday!

  9. I was a little irritated when Jackie practically begged Finn to stay instead of saying "absolutely go be with your daughter ". It just wasn't a good look on her. And now,of course, they'll drag Chase & everyone else through the bio dad mud. Which,I'm guessing will ruin his relationship with Finn & Jackie but deepen his relationship with Gregory. I actually would like to see Franco play some mind games with Peter for a bit. Just for a little payback for messing with so many other minds. Not a long,dragged out sl,just enough to give Peter a taste. Love Sonny but not missing him. Would love to see Liesl & Scotty spark a romance see where it goes. Commented above my feelings on the Carly/Nina let down. Sam did look great. She likes to display the girls and and she did it very well The absolute best scenes,for me where:Franco clocking Peter and every scene with Cam,Liz and Franco. I love the relationship Cam has with Franco. Thank you Karen for the hard work you do here and on Twitter. Have a blessed week everyone!

  10. Great article! And it was such a week! I clicked my pen furiously every time Dante was on screen, to no avail. Thank goodness Cam was thoughtful enough to give Franco Drew's phone. So, now we have Dark Franco (I call him Danko) and hopefully it's one and done with Peter! However, I am afraid like the cockroach he is, Peter will rise once again. Maybe our Maxie will be the one to finally take him out. The entire Nina/Carly thing was SO predictable I just rolled my eyes. Aside from not getting story resolution, the only other issue I had was FINN. (I know this is the vehicle to get him reunited with Jackie, but still...) When Finn lambasted Anna regarding Peter's DNA, I thought, wait a minute, you hypocrite! Then, when he followed up later with with Jackie, "Is Peter going to be my son or nephew," it revealed that he is consumed by his relationship with Chase, and the uncertainty of whether Chase is his brother or son, and he is only looking through this lens. Emotionally, I think Finn is in no position to marry anyone; he is unable to relate to Anna's dilemma and is only capable of judging her and and thinking of himself. There, I said it. Have a happy week!

  11. Just read a rumor that Roger Howarth is leaving GH. Any truth to this?

    1. that's been a rumor for awhile but I thought he moved to LA to be closer? He has a sweet deal there so?? I really don't know

    2. I went to an appearance with Roger 2 years ago and he said that he is just doing the soap thing to put his kids thru school. Once they are out, he doesn't want to do it anymore and to come back to NYC and do theater. So unless he's REALLY unhappy or if the show is writing him out, he doesn't want to leave until then.

  12. I can see Sam and Dante being PI's together now that Sam has bought out Curtis's half of the business. I don't see them as romantic...yet. They will fall in love right on time for Lulu to wake up. I'd still rather Billy Miller to come back and reclaim his family with Sam.

    1. Oh yes - I totally agree with you on all counts.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...