Monday, March 15, 2021



So, today I have an eye appointment and... you know the drill. GH will be on Hulu at some point. Here's my challenge:

Pick ONE (and I MEAN ONE) GH Character, past, present, dead or alive to have their OWN SPIN-OFF SHOW. Give the show a name. Here's mine: 

HELLE'S BELLE'S starring: Helena Cassadine!! 

I made it back!! SURPRISE!! 

Lots going on! Maxie gets a surprise visit from Olivia and Dante....and some Ziti LOL Sam brings over empty boxes so Maxie can donate all his ish!! LOL 

It's Neil's Bday and Alexis is having lunch with Sam .. Sam leaves, Nedly comes in.  Alexis wants he and Olivia to get back together. Then Olivia an Dante walk in and see them having coffee. WHOOPS

Finn, Jackie and Greg are at GH ...getting the DNA results. See Below

Peter, Anna and Jason at The Intruder Office. Peter leaves so they can search it since 'there's nothing to find" .  Anna talks to Jason about her not believing him about Peter. He tells her he thinks Peter killed Franco. 

Ava and Nina. Nina talks about Wiley.  Tells Ava what she said about Willow not being Wiley's momma. Ava's like: That's dumb. 

Q House: Val tells Michael if he lets Nina see Wiley, he'll give him proxy to vote his shares. 

Willow and Chase: He tells her about the whole DNA Thing. They go to GH to see the envelope being opened. THE FATHER IS: Hamilton Finn because of course he is because where would the drama be if he wasn't? 


PETER goes to see Maxie, locks the door. 


  1. Wouldn't they give Maxie police protection. Especially since she has so much family in law enforcement.

    1. I don't understnd why someone didn't stay with her.

    2. I wondered the exact same thing!

  2. Love the Choice. Lila Quartermaine. From Rich to Relish.

  3. Robert Scorpio. "Stirred, Not Shaken"

  4. Also - are we really sure Finn is going to really, really be the dad? I mean - Cyrus was for sure listening to Finn and Jackie talking about it.

    1. I agree. I think there’s a good chance he is not. But we shall see. I only hope it doesn’t take 2 years to find out.

    2. does it really matter who chase's father is? chase is a grown man

  5. I'm kinda missing old school Quartermaine gatehouse. Everything looked backwards.

    1. Nevermind - Chase just came through the backdoor I guess. The front door looks like it no longer has a window panes.

    2. After re-watching, it does look all backwards. Perhaps my spinoff would be "Flipping Out Over Flip-flopped Gatehouse".

  6. "Luke, I'm your fatha". lol. Bet Cyrus switched the results

  7. I kept yelling - LOCK THE DOOR at Maxie - I knew Peter was going to show up!

  8. Jake Meyers in PRO BONO

    After living in LA as an attorney to the rich and famous (unlike him, i know, people change) He goes to a small town in TN to help an old frined and winds up going back to his humble roots and staying there helping out residents with cheap legal help.

  9. Good thing you saw the show Karen, it's not on Hulu! It's 906 here and still not on....I had to miss it taking Pais to the vet again so oh well...

  10. Q gatehouse: THE GATEHOUSE YAY! :) Looks nice.

    Chillow: Awwwwwwwwwww. I'm glad Chase is talking to Willow about what happened to him!!! Willow wins the line of the day.

    Willow: These aren't people.



    Alexis and Sam: Neil's birthday? Meh who cares. Sam is still wearing that sweater with a hole in it!! I want to know how Sam's bread are! THAT is who I care about!

    The gatekeepers: :) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :)

    The gatekeepers, Olivia, and Dante: RA RO! Ned you have to unfortunately stay away from Alexis right now, if you want to save your marriage!!!

    Nedlia: Mom and dad!!!! :'(

    Alexis and Dante: Hmmm. Will they have a fling? Dexis? :)


    Hiney, Anna, and Jason: HINEY SHUT UP!

    Anna and Jason: Hiney Hiney Hiney Hiney. Blah blah blah. Just stop talking and kidnap him! :)

    Q home:

    V.C. and Michael: Awwww. V.C. is protecting Nina. Love that!!! Oh someone is watching them outside in the bushes!!! Must be someone who has to pee really badly, or it's Brooky. :)

    Brooky and Michael: BROOKY! I was right. :) GREAT TO SEE YOU BROOKY! Now show us that baby bump! :)

    Nina's office:

    Nina and Ava: Great scene.. I'm glad Ava was basically asking her are you crazy? ROFL!

    Nina and V.C.: Are they going to get back together? I wouldn't be mad if they do! :)

    The hospital:

    Finchy, Gregory, Jackie, and Chillow: Hmmm.. Is Finchy the papa? Thanks to Finchy not getting the results right away, and Cyrus watching Finchy and Jackie talking, I'm thinking that Cyrus changed the DNA results!!! Maybe they were just making us wait,for affect, but it will always be in the back of my mind that Cyrus changed the results.

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie, Sam, Sam's bread, Olivia, and Dante:

    Sam, Sam's bread, and Maxie:

    Sam's bread: I'm so glad you broke up with your fiance. I would have had to slap him in the face until he was covered in butter.


  11. Ewww to Dante and Alexis, what are you thinking? Lol! :)
    I did think he was being very compassionate to her and I approved!

    Again, I approve of line of the day. I was dead, too!

    I'm glad everyone is thinking that what Nina did was nuts, because it was. And who knew that Valentin could be so reasonable by suggesting they all go to counseling. I was shocked!

    And seriously, Maxie needed police protection and she better kick him hard!

    1. "Julie H says, Ewww to Dante and Alexis, what are you thinking? Lol! :)"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA. I don't know!!! :) They are never in a scene alone together! It just popped in my head! :) Forgive me!!! :)

      "I did think he was being very compassionate to her and I approved!"

      Yeah I liked it. It was a nice scene.

      "Again, I approve of line of the day. I was dead, too!"

      Hahahaha. The look on her face and the way she said it! DEAD! :)

      "who knew that Valentin could be so reasonable by suggesting they all go to counseling. I was shocked!"

      Yeah wow!!!! :) That was great advice. :)

      "And seriously, Maxie needed police protection and she better kick him hard!"

      The Tribbles and Sam's bread could protect her!! The Tribbles can swarm him and Sam's bread can drown him in butter!!

    2. HAHAHAH! I knew it would come back to Sam's bread! But I'm pretty sure the Tribbles can take him. :)

  12. OK, i had a super-weird thought. Although I prefer Roger Howarth to come back either as Todd or an entirely new character, I remember how the producers loved the shock when he came back as Franco. With that in mind, could he come back as a recast Blackie Parrish?

    (Maybe I have had too much coffee, but I wouldn't put it past them.)

    1. "Kevin says, With that in mind, could he come back as a recast Blackie Parrish?"

      Hahaha no no no. :)

      "Maybe I have had too much coffee, but I wouldn't put it past them.)"


  13. I have one!!! AnnaBelle the Q's dog, has her own dating agency called FostaBelle Where she help dogs, cats, and other animals find love. Her love of her life is Foster.. Remember Foster and AnnaBelle? :)

  14. Spin off: Who's your mama, who's your papa, starring the whole cast!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...