Friday, March 12, 2021



Willow and Michael talk about Wiley not calling her Mom. OMG NO ONE CARES. PERIOD!! Seriously. Oh, they talk about Wiley's snacks! 

Jason goes to see Danny. Danny says Sam cries at night about Jason. He can hear her. :eyeroll: He comes in and tells Michael that he had to tell Monica (off camera) that Peter probably had Drew killed. And he tells Michael and Willow that Franco was murdered. 

Anna talks to Frisco on the phone and goes to see the asss-face Peter. She talks about Faison and his obsession with her and doesn't want him to be obsessed with Maxie like that. For some reason, Peter tells Anna she's "just like Faison". :EYEROLL:  He's mad Anna killed his mother "Should have been you" he says. 

Nina is sad about Franco. Valentin recons her about the whole wedding. Boring. She tells him about Wiley and Carly and Michael saying she can't see him. He says she shouldn't have told Willow she wasn't his real mama. 

Sonny plays poker with: BOB, DAVE and TOM lol ...he's pretending he doesn't know poker. OMG it's so sterotypical it's LAUGHABLE. LOL!! OMG. Well, Sonny wins it all at the end because of course he did. BOB gets REALLY MAD. 

Later, Elijah comes into the TAN-O to buy it. Sonny walks in all beat up and says: WAIT. Gives them the money. He says he's paying them back and paying for 6 months of staying there and he'll save it. Elijah wants to know where he got it. Sonny's like "I don't remember". 

They tell Chase Finn slept with Jackie.  They tell him that Finn might be his Dad. That scene played out really....strangely. I don't know, Chases' reactions were--off to me. Anyway, Chase ends up throwing out Finn and Jackie and hugs Greg. Not sure if they are going to look at the DNA tests or what. 
Chase says to Greg that he will always be his father because he was there while he was growing up.

Oh.... really boring today actually. 

MONDAY: Nedly is on


  1. Well, Peter is really showing his true colors now with Anna. She should just kill him and get it over with. He was so, so, so cruel.

  2. The poker scene that lasted half the show was so, so boring. You could tell that Sonny "mike" was reading that guys face "bluffs" and whatever. I don't play poker.

  3. The actor who plays chase was terrible.reacted like a teenager

    1. I think we were typing about that at the same time. Chase's terrible crying.

  4. The scenes with Chase were weird. And, he fake cried on Gregory's shoulder like a 5 year old. I know anyone would be upset but it was a bit weird of a scene

  5. Peter threatening Anna was not good. EVIL PETER is taking over the show...............

    1. Of Course Jason walked in on it. Would rather have it be Robert or Mac.

    2. It should have been Robert. Saint Jason is in too many people's business.

  6. I think that Elijah is the one responsible for the attacks on the bar. He wanted to scare them into selling the bar.

  7. Q home:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I did love Willow's sweater and I want it!!!! :)

    Jason and young Cheeto: Poor kid. :( It's normal to want your parents back together.. Sorry kid they are over.

    Nina's office:

    V.C. and Nina: Hmmmm. Are they bonding? :) Are they going to get back together? Or will V.C. and Anna get together? Hmmmm. Brooklyn is supposed to come back soon pregnant with his baybay, so maybe they will be together.

    Pennsylvania side of the river poker game room:

    Mike, Bob, Dave, and Tom: Of course Mike wins!!! :) No other reason to have a poker game.

    Pennsylvania side of the river bar and massage:

    Mr. and Mrs. Cauffee and Elijah: Man Elijah is thirsty for money so badly!!! Oh hi Mike. Of course he got beat up off camera! Who is Elijah talking to? That sneaky snake!!

    Hiney's office: Anna talking to Frisco on the phone! YAY! Too bad we didn't get to see him. :(

    Hiney and Anna: He don't want to be the good Peter anymore? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The only time he was good was when he is with Maxie. Man the actor is very good being creepy!!

    Chase's home:

    Chase, thirsty Jackie, Finchy, and Gregory:

    Finchy: Jackie and I slept together.

    Don't say it like that idiot! You should tell him that you two slept together years ago!!!! The whole scene was a comedy routine!!! His eyes were bulging so huge!!! I was laughing whenever Chase said something.. his facial expressions, and he had a 12 year old look on his face. In fact, he won the lines of the day!

    Chase: The night before you married dad! WOW!! GET OUT I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!

    HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHA! I'm not sure why Josh Swickard had to do the scenes like that.

    Chase and Gregory: He cried on his dad's shoulder and then they had a nice scene.. Chase made me cry. :(

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1990 to watch Casey the Alien arrive* Pretty colors. :) I remember this scene!!

    Sidenote: I forgot to mention yesterday that Richard Burgi, who played Paul Hornsby, is on Y&R now!! :) He started yesterday as Ashland Locke.

    1. This was such a hokey storyline. I think I just went with it at the time. Pretty colors; looks like one of those lamps that you touch that is enlarged.

    2. "lindie says, This was such a hokey storyline. I think I just went with it at the time."

      Yeah it was hokey, but it wasn't that bad of a storyline. I liked Casey's interaction with Robin and others. The actor was hot. I liked that after Casey left, the actor showed up and was a different character! Hahaha!

      "Pretty colors; looks like one of those lamps that you touch that is enlarged."

      ROFL! You're right! :)

  8. This show crawls. Please get rid of Peter. Nobody cares about Chase's parenthood. I can imagine that there was no way to write for Franco anymore, but please give Liz a storyline!

  9. The thing with Finn and Family is almost wrapped up and it is a new story. The issue with Peter is 2 plus years and counting and not even solved or wrapped up yet. What is wrong with this picture?

  10. I am afraid that Peter is the "new Faison" and they will keep bringing him back for the next 20 years--if the show lasts that long.

  11. The writers literally have a smorgasbord of filet mignon in characters and potential story and yet lately all we’ve been served is the equivalent of baloney and Funyuns. I mean they hype up bringing back Kim Delaney to reprise a character from the 80s heyday and for the big reveal she didn’t even get to take off her winter coat? The past two days have been like watching a balloon with the air slowly being left out. What is the point writers? Have you run out of ideas? This is nothing against the actors. Except Josh Swickward, as pretty as he is to to look at...hmm the demonic eyes were distracting. Not a fan of his acting choices today. And Willow? Is she like 13?
    The card game was a royal flush and not in a good way. Please end this dum dum story. What is the point? Are we being punked? NIna heard Sonny’s voice over a month ago. Nothing.
    I think Peter went to the Sam McCall School of Whispering. There is something distracting about the way he delivers his lines.

  12. Ugh, I have to fast forward Peter-he is just so hateful and the acting is so bad. Willow and Michael scenes are so boring. Did I miss it or did they show how Mike got beaten up and won all that money from three not so prosperous looking everyday guys!

    1. Yup those everyday guys had lots of money. So did "Mike" who can't remember anytbing.

    2. "Mike" got beat up off camera.

  13. Yup Peter will be the new Faison and they will
    NEVER figure out his fingerprints are all over Franco's studio

  14. WTH hasn't anyone figured out it was Peter that murdered Franco?! Why does Jason have to be such a gd asshole to everyone not in his inner circle and just tell them who he thinks killed him! Because umh...he's letting a murderer run around free, whether he liked the guy or not. Liz is his friend the mother of his son so he needs to spend his damn mouth and shout it from the rooftop! 🙄
    So I worked morning shift all wk and watched on Hulu at night and ff thru the Sonny crap and it's amazing how much time (scene)they devote to him and we get snippets of others. 🙄 Ridiculous rather. I really was going to stop watching after Franco was killed I was that pissed, how could they keep Peter and kill Franco. Well...we know why. Favorites. He is LW bf. So sick of him, so sick of Sonny...just was tired of it...but then I heard RoHo was coming back. How I wish it were as Franco but that ship has sailed as we saw. Maybe Todd? I think we find out in May they said? Now if only someone would do away with Peter....

    1. Never going to happen. We are stuck with Peter until the end of time; or until he and LW break up. The 3 musketeers get their way as usual. Tony Geary used to be the pet and now it's the 3 musketeers. It's a shame because they have so many other really good actors on the show that they don't use. Kin did a great job. Mac is awesome. Robert is awesome. Liz is awesome. Why don't they focus on them instead?

    2. i am hoping LW and WR break up

  15. Anna is the town idiot. Just kill him. She just cowers and acts like he can be good. Hiney and his freaking whispering are infuriating and a definite fast forward. It seems at this point that Franco's murder is no big deal. Life as usual for the biggest creep on GH ever.

  16. There is no nice way to say it. This scenes were beyond what Josh is capable of delivering as an actor. This is what happens when you focus on selecting actors based on their looks at the detriment of their acting skills. It wasn't Andrew Trischitta awful but the scene managed to fall flat nonetheless.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...