Tuesday, March 30, 2021



Today is my Eye Appointment day! I should be home for the show, but in case I'm not, you have this little area to post in. I loved yesterday's show. Not sure why but damn fine acting, great dialog and just good stuff. I mean, nothing giant happened, it was just good.

Do you know anyone that calls glasses cheaters? My Dad does LOL 

                                                        Sabrina, before the "glow up" 

Do you notice how few soap characters wear glasses? I always have. Since I wore them as a little kid, it was like: Um, only old people wear these or... girls waiting for a make over?? Now on GH some of the 50 year set do (NLG, Kin...etc) but no youngins. Maybe now with Lasix people don't even wear them that much, right? 

Do you miss Sabrina? I like her a hella lot better than Willow. Willow, even after all this time is just a sad-sack no personality character to me .She's supposedly in nursing school now? Why? Leave her be the tutor at GH. Gives her way more flex in the schedule.  I hope they continue to have Felix on more with Lucas. 

OK! That's it!! Hopefully I'll be back! 


  1. Honestly Sabrina and willow are extremely bland and boring characters, which is a shame because the actresses portraying them are much more than capable actresses.

    1. Call me crazy but I liked Sabrina. At least she had personality

    2. Did she do? The only thing I remember about her was getting knocked up by this rent-a-goon and getting killed not too long after

    3. Did she tho* is what i meant to write

  2. so today Michael said HE would take care of Peter - I really think they are gearing up for a who-dun-it! LOVE Valentin with Alexis and Anna - just with everyone.....

  3. Why give LW anymore air time? can not stand her character or acting. get sarah brown back or tamara braun for carly. LW has totally ruined carly. now they pair her up with 1 of my favorites ANNA.

    1. Anna I one of my faves too. Give her her spine back writers.

    2. Lol if you can’t stand her then LW is doing her job. Carly is not meant to be liked. Lol she was far from likeable as Sarah brown too btw. That’s just how the character is.

  4. I loved Sabrina. And Carlos...what a fine actor.
    Alright already with Hiney. When/if he is killed nobody cares 'whodunnit'. Just kill him. Running around whispering in everyone's face is so tiring.

    1. Didn't love Sabrina, but double yes to everything else! :)

  5. I didn't hate Sabrina. She had potential until they paired her with Michael. Actually, I enjoyed Willow...until they paired her with Michael. I liked Kiki/Starr...until they paired her with Michael...


  6. Stairwell:


    Oh! Hiney turned into the incredible hulk and calls Cyrus and leaves him a message!!!


    Sam, V.C., Diane, Dante, Alexis, and Finchy:

    Alexis: No I'm going to plead guilty!

    Sam: NO NO NO!

    Diane: Fight fight fight!

    V.C.: I'm supporting Alexis. However she chooses to make amends is up to her.

    Sam: That doesn't mean to plead guilty!

    Diane: Fight fight fight!!!

    Alexis: I plead guilty!

    Diane's thoughts: CRAP!

    Oh hello Dante looking snappy with that suit. Diane talking to V.C. and Finchy:

    Diane: And if the two of you can't play nice in the sandbox, I'm going to send one of you home.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Later Oh V.C. has to go! OH Finchy has to go!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Brando and Gladys: Same old conversation. Filler!!! Why can't Brando be with Sasha instead of his mother! UGH!

    Brando: Cyrus Renot is a very dangerous man. And if you disappoint him or you cross him he will make sure you will regret it.

    Hmmmmmmmmmm.. Oh boy I hope Gladys disappoints Cyrus!!! :)

    Hiney and Gladys: Hiney wins the line of the day.

    Hiney: Sadly I have been dealing with a lunatic named Liesl Obrecht.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Really? And you are not a lunatic? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Cyrus and Hiney: Cyrus! Kill him! Please!!!!!

    Finchy and Michael: They are talking about Alexis's trial.

    Michael: I'm also related to Alexis's daughter Kristina.

    Michael couldn't of you just said that Kristina is my sister?

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and Carly: Filler filler filler. They are talking about Hiney, Cyrus, and Gladys. They have a plan for Gladys!!! I like that! :) Not sure what the plan is.

    Carly: I trust Jason's judgement. He can read people better than I can.


    Carly: I have got to free Jason!

    Carly's thoughts: So we can have sex!

    Curtis's club: They talk about Cyrus and Marty. They talk about Jordan.

    Curtis and Laura:

    Laura: I wanted a brother. I wanted a sibling. It's been so long since Amy died.

    WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Sniff sniff* :( Laura has missed having a sibling!!! :( So Amy DID die. :( Great scene!!!! Laura hush up don't encourage Curtis to forgive Jordan and go back with her!!

    Jordan's home:

    Jordan and Taggart: Oh he is living with her!!! :) Are they going to be a couple? Oh hi Curtis!!! He wanted to talk to her and then he sees Taggart!!! Okay now leave Curtis!

    Jason's jail cell:

    Jason and Cyrus: Jason won't take the deal!!!! Cyrus is not happy!!!!

    1. So, Did Amy die off screen? I don't remember her dying on the show.

    2. Laura already has two brothers Mike Webber who Rick and Leslie adopted and Richard Webber Jr. Ricks son with Ginni. GH should of just brought one of them back.

    3. "lindie says So, Did Amy die off screen? I don't remember her dying on the show."

      Yeah she did die off screen. :(

      "Tracy L. says, Laura already has two brothers Mike Webber who Rick and Leslie adopted and Richard Webber Jr. Ricks son with Ginni. GH should of just brought one of them back."

      OH THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!

    4. Lines of the day all over the place, hahahahah!

      Oh my god, I'm sick to death of Snarly, and she and Anna were killing me. Until Anna agreed with everything she was spewing. Then Cujo didn't know what to do! Ha! The bitch face disappeared and they got down to the nasty business of Gladys. Honestly if there is a double murder of Henrich and Gladys I will be dancing around the house! :)

    5. "Julie H says, Lines of the day all over the place, hahahahah!"

      Hahaha! Yeah I know! :)

      "Oh my god, I'm sick to death of Snarly, and she and Anna were killing me. Until Anna agreed with everything she was spewing. Then Cujo didn't know what to do! Ha!"

      Carly is desperate to get her Jason out of jail!!! Hahahaha!

      "The bitch face disappeared and they got down to the nasty business of Gladys."

      Someone has to get her!!!!

      "Honestly if there is a double murder of Henrich and Gladys I will be dancing around the house! :)"

      Yes!!! Would love the double murder and you dancing around the house! :) ROFL!

  7. I liked Sabrina. She was good with Patrick and Carlos, and I enjoyed her friendship with Felix. I was a little shocked when they killed her off. I definitely prefer her to Willow and Sasha.

  8. "Do you know anyone that calls glasses cheaters? My Dad does LOL"

    Why are glasses called cheaters? Sounds like a beginning of a joke! ROFL! Is it because it can make people see better? And that is cheating? :)

  9. Loved Anna's outfit yesterday! Hate that Carly has to be in scenes with her. Doesn't she have a baby at home to take care of? So glad to see Valentin involved with everything though. Peter is so despicable.

    1. I too LOVED Anna's outfit. I'd love it but wouldn't look as good.

  10. I would just like to say that I'm here for Valentin being involved in all of the storylines and in the orbit of all the GH characters. JPS is OUTSTANDING

    1. JPS ha been my favorite actor since he first came on the show.

    2. Along with Roger, of course.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...