Thursday, March 18, 2021

EYE Witness


So, what did you think of the memorial? I'm over soap deaths LOL.  Whatever. 

Britt and Valentin ..she thinks that Peter might go after Val. Brit starts shaking badly. Gives Valentin an excuse why. 

Carly went with Jason to the PCPD and is somehow allowed to BITCH Jordan right out! God ugh.  Diane comes in..and asks what the cops have. They don't know.  Jordan comes back and they have an eyewitness that saw him "throw this gun down a garbage chute" in the hallway. It's not Liz. 

Brook is looking at Valentine's social media and he and Charlotte's photos. Olivia walks in and sees Brook Lynn. LOL HER STOMACH IS HUGE!! HUUUUUGE. She has to be having Twins! GEESH!! Olivia figures out it it's Valentine's and she says don't tell him. Because Olivia can't tell her baby Daddy's ever LOL 

GH: Violet wants to go home to Anna's, Finn isn't so sure. Then Anna walks off the elevator. Finn says he'll see Violet at the hotel for tea at 4. 

Anna goes to talk to Finn in his office in GH. She says that she'll quit the WSB for him. Finn doesn't believe her. They talk a lot and decide they can't be together. 

Willow and Chase talk about Chase being Finn's son.  BORING

Peter and Sam...boring talk in Kelly's. He says Sam has enough on her plate with Alexis drinking and her leaving Jason.  Peter gets a text to go to the cemetery (from Maxie) and meet at Nathan's Grave. 

Dr. O and Dante. Dr. O clicks the pen and tells Dante to kill Peter. They are in the graveyard. Oh, he probably texted Peter to go there. 

Brando and his Mama talk in the Coffee Corner. Oh She's the one that said Jason ditched the gun in the garbage chute.  She went to Jordan. I guess she's renting a place where Franco had his studio. "Saw it all happen". 

Nina and Aussie Boy talk in the Gallery. Jax wants her back. Blah blah blah. 


Nina gives Val a card to give to Charlotte because she's leaving. Then Valentin runs into Brook Lynn. Peter goes to the graveyard. Dante is there.  Chase goes into Finn's office after Anna leaves. 


  1. IF this is done correctly (but it won't cause, it's Frank), Diane will DESTROY every word out of Gladys' mouth, because Gladys will fold under pressure.....and again - did the PCPD go to the studio and find Peter's DNA? Did they even ROPE It off? SCREAMING at the top of my lungs.

    1. And since the police knew Jason was armed when they got to the scene, why didn't they check him for gun powder residue. He didn't have time to sanitise his hands, or clothes. ( And someone has to get Franco's phone for Spinelli.

      And of course Carly was there. She has to be in a scene where she can bitch and complain or be a loud mouth know it all. She should have been sent out of the room!!

      And we know Dante won't shoot Peter. This is just another tease. Someone will show up and stop it because if Jason's in custody they can't blame it on him.

    2. I'm screaming with you, Mufasa. So contrived, so stupid.

    3. not detaining Jason after the shooting and not testing for gun powder is DUMB. We all know how it goes. Soaps need to catch up. AT LEAST INPOUND HIS GUN!

  2. please LW and WR please quit GH. 2 of the most annoying actors on daytime. I cringe when I see these 2.

    1. 100% on board with that!!!

    2. Count me in! Seeing Carly just ruins the show for me and she is just on too much. No words for my Peter hate.

  3. I'm seriously really annoyed with this show right now....and I RARELY get to that point....I've been watching for 45 years....

    1. Ditto. I have been watching for 43 years

    2. me too!!!! I just hate when the writing makes NO SENSE.

  4. Nobody is crying at Franco's funeral. What the heck? I would be balling and balling at the artwork

  5. Ava's art gallery:

    Nina and Jax: Jax forget it! I know you want Nina and her peek a boob dress, but NO! It's over between you two!! Go be with Carly now!

    The police station:

    Carly, Jason and Diane: Diane wins the line of the day.

    Diane: For the record Carly, that's how it's done.


    Carly, Jason, and Jordan: Carly REALLY has needs, so you got to let Jason go Jordan!!! What?!?!?! A gun that Jason used? WHAT? a witness? OO

    The hospital:

    Britch and V.C.: Chem testing? Hmmm I rather have Britch with Jason. :) V.C. can be with either Nina, Brooky, or Anna...

    Finchy and little V: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Her little blowing a kiss to her daddy before she leaves, ADORBS!!!! :)

    Little V and Anna: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Finchy and Anna: I'm glad they are not getting back together.. Anna should be with Robert who is also working for the WSB! I was so distracted by all of Finchy's books! :)


    Q home:

    Brooky and Olivia: What Olivia?!!?!? keep it from V.C.? Are you nuts? He is going to find out eventually! Didn't you learn anything from the whole Julian disaster? Don't tell my father? But Brooky, your father is going to see you eventually! I mean damn that baby is HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


    Sam and Hiney: Just kill him Sam!!!!

    V.C. and Nina: She touches his face!! Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) He loved that touch.

    Willow's home:

    Chillow: I'm so glad he is sharing to her how he feels about his brother being his father. I am so glad they are having scenes together.. I'm so glad they hugged! They need to get back together!!!!

    Inside Central perk:

    Brando and Gladys: GLADY'S UGH! She is setting Jason up? UGH! I just. I. UGH!

    Nathan's grave:

    Dr. O and Dante: YES YES YES! Clickity clickity click with the pen! A gun!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

    Hiney and Dante: SHOOT HIM DANTE! SHOOT HIM!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1990* Robin pretending to be dumb just to get the jock to like her..

    Yeah Anna you tell her!!! Don't do that!!! Don't pretend to be someone you're not!!

    1. That look on Valentin's face when she touched him said it all.

    2. "Di says, That look on Valentin's face when she touched him said it all."

      Yup!!!! :) And then he touched his face as she walked away. He still loves her. :)

    3. This whole Jason being arrested for Franco's murder, Gladys lying, PLP running around town like the ass he is, just makes me angry and tired. So contrived, so stupid. And that banshee named Snarly needs to take a month off so I don't have to hear her annoying mouth. And today she snarls at Liz. Great, just great. And we all know that Complete the Mission will NOT complete the mission. Another thing that makes me tired.

      Anna and Finn's conversation was great, but made me sad. I'm with some of the others on this blog, there is no happiness and no humor.

      On a happier note, line of the day was perfect! I actually snickered. :)
      Violet is adorable and I'm officially worried about Britt.

    4. That's what makes JPS a great actor. He uses his face and body motions to show how he is feeling. Does such a great job. He loves Nina and Anna.

    5. "lindie says, That's what makes JPS a great actor. He uses his face and body motions to show how he is feeling. Does such a great job."

      Yes yes! I agree!!! I love it! :)

      "He loves Nina and Anna."

      Yes he does!!!

  6. If Britt has Huntingtons disease that is BAD. And the show won't do it justice. Read up on the symptoms. Faison didn't have any symptoms. This show doesn't do justice to these conditions or people IRL who really have them

    1. Huntington's is TERRIBLE and harrowing, I agree. It's just horrific. Although they did do a good job with Mike. So? Maybe?

    2. They did do a great job with Mike's storyline. Was so sad and the acting on Max Gail's part was so good.

  7. sonya where are you? I do not remember brooklyn sleeping with valentin. can you explain please.

    1. Witch they slept together in the metrocourt hotel. I think it was V.C.'s room. A month later she finds out she is pregnant and then she leaves town. She was looking at a pregnancy test at the meotrocourt restaurant.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...