Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Girl Scout Cookie Day

Yummy Goodness 

They mention Girl Scout cookies a TON today. Oy.

This Jake story is so poorly conceived and written, it's just terrible. Fluke's was in spits/starts and written all over but Jake's is just BORING. Cardinal sin of soaps. BOREDOM!!

Shaun and Jordan-- in bed. Having great sex. Sigh..didn't we see them in bed for like 10 days before? He's all "Glad you aren't working for Anna". Shaun all of a sudden loves her. We haven't seen them for like months, but here they are. LOL. Somethin' must be goin' down. 

Anna is at the Metro, Duke walks in. She's about to warn him and Sloane calls. And she takes the CALL.
Duke sits with his body guard "Bruce"  (who I guess we are supposed to know about??) and they talk about Jordan. Duke sayss she has to "GO"

Patrick does Sam's feet on the couch. Can they MAKE these two more boring? Nope, not possible.  They are meeting up later to have girl scout cookies. Yes, they are. 

Sam goes to see Spinelli..who still gets a vibe from Jake. Spinelli hasn't been able to figure out Jake Barnes isn't real. Spin could hack into anything BUT can't figure out Jake Barnes isn't real?  They find out who fake Jake is in 12 minutes by enlarging his ring and going through year book photos. 

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Have you see this???? IT's Winterthorne, a new Web Series coming out in August! HOW Gorge is this this photo???????


  1. Omgosh,that is a beautiful picture! She is a beautiful woman even on General. Jake story is beyond boring,I can't believe that Sam,Patrick or Spin hasn't figured it out or even entertained the idea. I know Spin had a moment but come on! With the way people are resurrected on this show. Anyway,I almost fell off my chair laughing when they showed Carlos catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror holding the rifle and admiring himself because all I could hear was: " Say hello to my little friend"! LOL,Sorry,couldn't help it! And I have tried to like Sam with Patrick but I don't. I've never been a Patrick fan even with Robin just didn't. I however, like him some when he was with Sabrina. Anyway,looking forward to the Nurses Ball!

  2. "This Jake story is so poorly conceived and written, it's just terrible. Fluke's was in spits/starts and written all over but Jake's is just BORING. Cardinal sin of soaps. BOREDOM!!"

    That sums it up perfectly. I think bringing back Jasus Morgan was just not needed at all. If everyone just started referring to Billy Miller as Dillon Quartermaine, I think I would be okay with forgiving the rewrite.

  3. Oh boy! Julian wants Duke killed, while Duke wants Jordan killed!!!

    SamTrick's place: Oh I don't find them boring at all! Rubbing her feet awww! I was wondering if he was going to grab her and slide her more on the couch and he did! :)

    I need you. I'm hangin on the pesipist.

    ROFL! Poor Patrick is horny. I don't know what a pesipist is. Does anybody know? So KeyRing are on their date. They are having fun. :)They even had their first kiss!! Awwww! :)

    Jordan and Shaun: Woah! Fantastic sex eh? :)Awww he loves her! :) She loves him! :) Oh oh something bad is gonna happen now that they say they love each other!

    Garage: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! Take off your shirt now man! Julian you can too. :)

    Metrocourt: Oh oh time to die Jordan! Oh oh time to die Duke!!! This sucks. I don't want Duke to die!!!! Damn it all to hell! :( I'm not sure if Jordan is really going to die or not, but I don't want her to die either. TJ losing her mother would suck!

    Jake Doe's and GreenHayden's room: Geez Robot Sloan likes to get close to people! He is like the close talker on Seinfeld! CAAAAAAAAAAAARLOS! Take your shirt off sexy while having that gun! :)Come on please?! Okay how about just a few buttons? Please? Give me something Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos!

    Kelly's: Sam and Spinny working together again! How fun! Love the scene! Spinny finds Fake Jake of State farm really quickly! Sam thinks GreenHayden's picture is an unflattering picture! ROFL!

  4. "gracegirl said...Anyway,I almost fell off my chair laughing when they showed Carlos catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror holding the rifle and admiring himself."

    What?!?! I didn't see that! When did that happen?

  5. Sonya,right after he put together the semi-automatic rifle he brought into Hayden & Jake's kill Duke with. He was assembling it on the bed and picked it up,turned and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He didn't look remorseful as if to say what the heck am I about to do,he was definitely admiring himself holding the gun. Hence the Al Pacino/Scar face resemblance.

  6. "gracegirl said...Sonya,right after he put together the semi-automatic rifle he brought into Hayden & Jake's kill Duke with. He was assembling it on the bed and picked it up,turned and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror."

    Hmm I will have to go back and watch that. Well, I sure was checking him out today. :)Oh heck I always do! Hahaha.

  7. Haven't watched in days and really not missing it. There's no passion on screen right now. Everybody seems so bored with what they're doing.

  8. Helena had Jason at the clinic. Helena also had Jake. Spinelli thought Jake was Jason. Jake says he has memories of Sam, Liz, Robin, and the Quartermaines. He has no idea who he is. He likes motorcycles and black t-shirts. He has mysterious hitman skills. He stands and blinks and sometimes looks constipated. No one has put two and two together and wonders if he IS Jason???

    Don't get me wrong, I do think Billy Miller is a good actor, and I enjoy the chemistry between him and Becky Herbst, but I don't think they are utilizing him as best they can. "Jake" has been on a while. Time to have him take more control over his life and actions, not react to everything around him. They are writing him as very passive. That worked at the beginning but they need to shake this up soon.

  9. Patrick and Anna made yesterday worthwhile for me. FH and JT have such a wonderful repoire and a genuine affection for each other. And I like seeing Sam and Spinelli back together working. The rest - blah.

  10. "Panda says He stands and blinks and sometimes looks constipated."

    ROFL! No that would be Nathan. :)

  11. Sonya, yes, Nathan has that look also LOL!

  12. "Panda said..Sonya, yes, Nathan has that look also LOL!"

    ROFL! :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...