Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Genie's Back

She's coming to Port Charles! 

THAT was the announcement that was supposed to have been made at the Emmy show. But..for some reason didn't.

I guess I should be happy. Strangely, I feel pretty ambivalent. I watched the end of the awards show when She and Tony walked out and he looked as sour as ever to be near her.

So..rejoice all you LnL fans! Let's hope they write well for her! 


  1. lol I just read this and was coming to post it.

    I'm ambivalent too. I love Genie but I'm afraid they might have her back just to walk Tony into the sunset. She's a great character and a terrific actress who has links to so many characters on GH. She's one they should definitely keep.

  2. I feel bad for Genie - not too bad because I'm sure she's getting PAID but it will probably be painful to watch and painful to perform....

  3. I wish we knew the storyline.

    I have mixed feelings on this. I adore Genie. I watched her from the beginning and I also followed her to Y&R and watched that show when she was on there with Tristan. (They wasted her there too)

    I am glad to see her again, but am afraid they will not give her a worthwhile storyline and just waste her again. If recent history proves anything, she will probably sit at Kelly's with Lulu and say "Oh, Lulu. You've always been a strong girl. Follow your head and you will do what is right"

    That's it. The end. Big storyline. (sarcasm)

    I dont want her back with Luke. That ship has sailed. Besides, he looks old enough to be her father now. And I do like the dynamic of Luke and Tracy. They really work together.

    I also don't want her with Scotty. They had some chemistry way back when, but I think that ship has sailed too.

    I'd really like her to get a big storyline with a new leading man, for a lot of interaction with Lulu, a good heart to heart with Luke and maybe her running into Tracy and thanking her for taking such good care of Luke during the Fluke debacle and for them to reach a common ground.

    But hey, that's just me. What do I know. If anyone finds some rumors about a proposed storyline, airdate, or anything else, please post them.

  4. I'd like to see her with Stefan but only if it does not involve that psychotic Stavros.

  5. "Delcodave says I dont want her back with Luke. That ship has sailed. Besides, he looks old enough to be her father now."

    What? ROFL! No he doesn't. And by the way, he's 67 and she is 52.

  6. I met Genie at a fan event (she was the only celeb) last month. She was extremely candid. She said going back for the 50th was rough - she hated the way they wrote her out as much as most of us did. Also, she said it's emotionally difficult to return for short stints. SO, I am hoping that before she signed on the dotted line, that she got confirmation and approval of the storyline that'll bring her back. Fingers crossed. IMO she's a viable character without Luke.

  7. I do agree with Dave, their age diff is way apparent now..not that I care but ..

  8. I agree with Dave as well. I think his health problems have aged Tony a great deal in recent years.

  9. "kdmask said..I do agree with Dave, their age diff is way apparent now..not that I care but .."

    Would it be better if Genie had gray hair too? ROFL! But seriously. Yes the age difference is way apparent now, but not enough to look like her father! :)

  10. Genie is great and well-deserves the love and respect she gets. That Emmy in 2007 was LONG overdue, especially for her stellar work in the 1990's.
    I hope for her sake that it is a good experience this time and that Geary treats her like the class act she is.

  11. Wow--I have had a tough week--lots of clients in crisis--and THIS IS SUCH GREAT NEWS!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! I am happy now :) Lulu needs her Mommy . . . And we all love Genie . . .

  12. I agree that Genie has aged way more gracefully than Tony especially now that she took off the weight and is getting healthy. She looks amazing. And I'm thinking it's given her a bit more confidence helping her to stand taller and rise above what's been going on with her and Tony. Maybe it's also helped her to be more assertive with the writers and producers and come back more on her terms than theirs. She deserves so much more than they've given her in the past. And I too think LuLu needs her mom right now. I'm excited for the ball and I'm having a hard time with Wally leaving especially with watching him and Olivia fall more and more in love. I love watching them. It was great when she was talking with Dante about Valerie and said she did think she was a nice girl until she found out she may be developing feelings for Dante. Love her!! :-)

  13. I am not sure how I feel about this. They have trashed so many of the beloved characters that I fear what they will do to Laura. (Although they had already trashed her pretty good in her last appearances.)
    Even though they pretty much wrecked the character of Laura, on of the scenes with her and Lulu was when Laura was catatonic, and Lulu was sitting at her feet and crying. Laura reached down and said, "Mama's here." (It brings tears to my eyes just to think of the scene.) Genie and Julie Marie has such good rapport, and JMB looks very much like Genie
    I have never liked the new Lulu, and I don't look forward to her with Genie, although the character surely needs her Mama now.
    I do not want to see Laura with Puke. Let her be strong and independent, and interact with her children. Let her go into business with Lucy, and have it be a grand success. Anything but putting her back with the Luke and Laura story. That one has more than jumped the shark. It has skinned the shark, and turned the skin into a jump rope.

  14. I wish I cared, but i don't. It's a little painful.

  15. I have loved Genie all these years and am delighted she is back, but it is worrisome. As long as TG is there, I want them together--their chem was off the chats and their acting as a team was superb.

    But I think she can be the heart and soul of the show even after he is gone. (And I kind of expect he'll leave this next year.)

    I hope she will be more than an 'occasional' face that shows up now and then, like Lucy. I want her to come in to town, worry abit about Luke (because who knows him better and could help better with his recovery?), and then I want to see her start that spa, with or without Lucy--but better with--and I want her to have a sunny pleasant apartment at the brownstone. None of the gloomy cement-walled grey places like everyone else has, but something with light and airiness. And I want her to meet a really great guy, someone with a sense of humor (PLEASE not Scotty), and maybe use her sociology degree to do some work at the hospital. In other words, I want them to actually USE this super-talented actress!

    I pretty much agree with delcodave, except I never believed Luke would ever be with Tracy. Never accepted it. I realized when Genie wasn't available, it was necessary to pair him--but Tracy??

    Anyway, I'm going to stay hopeful she will have a real role on the show, something she can use her very considerable acting chops on.

    Have to admit though, I look at the way they use Finola, currently the best actress on this show, and cringe to think she was nominated only for 'supporting' actress when she could so easily be the top Soap star anywhere...well, we shall see.

  16. GREAT comments. Why I love you guys so much!! ON both sides-- some are so happy, many are wary.
    I'm happy for Genie, don't get me wrong, I bet she's thrilled.

    The show is getting me down so much lately. I'm trying to be patient but it's just..difficult.

  17. It could be interesting to see what she would do with Nicholas getting in touch with his dark side. They both have the chops for something really heavy duty.

  18. I love Genie and am happy that she is coming back but I have a hard time picturing why now. She should have been there for the Fluke storyline. I also would be happier if we heard some dispensable cast members (Nina, Franco, Kiki, Valerie, etc.) were going so Genie could have a contract. I love Tracy with Luke and the last go around with Laura/Luke/Scotty convinced me that Laura needed to move on. Hoping for the best!

  19. "kdmask said...GREAT comments. Why I love you guys so much!! ON both sides-- some are so happy, many are wary."

    Love you too!!! :) And look nobody is arguing haha. I am wary about Genie coming too. I am afraid of how they will write her.

  20. I hope they use Laura for some much-needed family interaction with Nikolas and Lulu. I think Laura can do better than Luke or Scotty, although I do like Scotty, but I think both ships have sailed. I hope it's more of a contract type of role in terms of appearances and not just glimpses like most of the vets on the show. For me some of the newer characters are just not working and they could be easily written off to accommodate actual stories for Genie's character. Quality, not quantity, RC & FV!

  21. Yippee! Now, if they can just re-create the magic between Luke and Laura ONE MORE TIME! We can't expect the youthful eruption that was L&L of the 80's but I know both actors could bring it if written correctly. One last, big, achingly romantic arc, ushering Geary into his desired retirement and then firmly plant Laura as the warm & effervescent matriarch of the show. There's so many possibilities for the character. Let's hope!

  22. I wonder if TG would go for a blonde dye job and a perm again? :)

  23. I love Genie and will be glad to have her back. But I also fear they will screw it up once again. And now that Luke has practically insulted all the L&L fans I sure don't want them together.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...