Monday, May 19, 2014

Let's Clear this UP..

My musical tastes run more to Hot Chip, Citizen Cope, The Killers  and old school New Wave..ergo, my "Maybe I Didn't Love You" mistake in the last blog. 

The song is "Always On My Mind"...which I actually thought was sung by KENNY ROGERS! ahaha. How sad is THAT? I mean,  I know Willie Nelson... but it didn't register. 

SO, Apologies to all your musical genius' ..Twitter told me too. :Giggle: Well, ya can't be smart about EVERYTHING!! :) 

PS.  Not sure if I'm going to watch today, if I get back in time I will and blog will be up by 5. 


  1. Elvis sang it before Willie. It's the version I prefer. LOL

  2. Oh, and there was also a great Pet Shop Boys version. :-)

  3. Willie Nelson wrote the song back when he was only a songwriter and didn't record his own music. So there are lots of versions out there.

    Glad to hear you like The Killers. I have a friend who tells me I'm too old to listen to them. Now I can say I know someone else past 40 who likes them too.

  4. I was wrong. I was just talking to my friend the music encyclopedia and willie Nelson did not write the song. The original version was by Brenda Lee. The song was written by some country songwriters. He said people think Nelson wrote it because his version won a Grammy.

  5. YES I do love the Pet Shop Boys one !!

  6.'re never too old to enjoy kick ass music.
    I listen to the college station in town. I love new alternative

  7. Elvis recorded "Always On My Mind" in 1972. There is video --Elvis in Hawaii?-- of Elvis singing while playing piano in rehearsal around time of the divorce from Priscilla.

  8. I'm with you Karen - new alternative, new wave. Love the Killers, Wilco, Shins, Wild Feathers, Avett Bros. I'm even older!! And the Pet Shop Boys.

  9. Just in case you're interested...the people who wrote "Always on My Mind" were Johnny Christopher, Mark James and Wayne Carson. ;)


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