Friday, September 25, 2009

"It's the Worst Day in Scorpio-Jones History"...

"and that's sayin' somethin'" says Mac! LOL..
BUT A GREAT day for GH fans....very very fun today!!

GH started today with the most fun ever. Maxie has a nightmare where she's got 2 kids, is PG again and Spin is all action packed with Jason. Mac's a hoot (make sure you watch him in the background)--and Lulu is "Maxie to the Max" in this future. Loooooved. it.

Molly is a great little character. She's just the voice of reason. "This is a great day for nerds"!! Her dress is so right for her age, and I loves it. "I'm eeing like a fangirl"!
Lulu's dress is gorgeous, it looks much like a wedding gown. I loves it. I think the short look is great. Coco Channel purse. Nice.
Carly: "I love Weddings, especially oddball ones"..
FELICIA MENTION! That was thud worthy.
That wedding set is totally the Webber Scorpio house with Jax's colors. LOL. but!! I'M NOT complaining! Today is a fun day.

HOLY CRAP! Morgan goes: HOLY Crap! Jason's wearing a pink tie!

Patrick telling Mac what to do. LOL.
KUDOS to Wardrobe WONDERFUL choices. Everyone Carly, Robin, Lulu, Olivia the girlies and Sam looked awesome! Maxie looked perfect for Maxie. Big bow on her butt and all!

THE WUBQUEEN DECLARES that TODAY'S EPPY is one of the BEST EVER! And I don't lie about that Sheezebot. YOU MUST watch it !! SoapNet rerun because it's worth seeing twice if you didn't DVR it!!


  1. I agree Mac was hilarious in the dream and so was Maxie.Loved Morgon saying Holy Crap too.I was waiting knowing he wasn't going to really marry her but so wanted him to marry her.Was a good show OLTL was okay ready for Todd to get married.I believe theres a kid Tea had and its Todd but thats just me

  2. I stopped watching GH a long time ago, but I read your site. I am so happy about how happy you are about todays episode! TiVo it and watch it over and over if GH goes downhill for you again :)

  3. Holy Crap! I didn't skip through any of today's episode. The first few minutes were hilarious. Loved Jolivia's entrance. Love lil Molly. Loved all the dresses. Loved Maxie/Lulu bonding. Only one diss - Spinelli's grandmother should have been there. She is still alive right? or did I miss that?

  4. Spin actually mentioned his grandmother to Jason in the penthouse. She had a scheduling conflict with a bingo convention I think he said. Which he said was code for she didn't want to be there for the vows she was sure he wouldn't keep. He was sad about her not being there as well.

  5. Holey Moley, this Google log in is not good!!! Anyway, lo and behold I watched GH on Friday, and I can't believe that I am saying this, it was a very good eppy!!! Sam appears in very low doses, and Mac Daddy was on a lot, love him.

    Ocean Park Girl, Tizzy Lizzy was not on with all her garbage. The show had actors/actress who can deliver the goods. It was a good day on the soaps.

  6. Morgan stole the show with his "Holey crap! Jason's wearing a pink tie!" *lol*

    I've said it once and I'll say it again, Molly is a female version of Spinelli. "It's a good day for nerds!" *lol*

    At least Felica was mentioned...poor woman wasn't even invited to her own daughter's wedding...sad...

  7. Friday's eppy was really good. Mac was great! They need to use him more outside The PCPD. They should have had Mac hook up with Alexis long ago and raise Sonny's daughter and niece...holy crap!!!


  8. yes, Friday was awesome. Can't wait for karaoke at Jakes after the non wedding. GH rocks! I know some of the stories are not great, but I've been hooked since 1982 and stay tuned in. No, it's not the soap it once was back in the 80's, but I still HAVE to watch it. Love the comedy that was Friday's show and the pure love between Maxie and Spin.

  9. that was my previous anonymous post. oops still not use to posting like this yet.

  10. I'm sorry people are still having trouble commenting! ;( I am liking the new blog because the ads do help pay for the site.
    thank you for being patient!! If you "follow" the blog it makes it easier!

  11. For once since Liason was hot (I think that makes 2 years) I'm excited to watch again! This spixie non wedding may be the cutest idea ever


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...