Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tristan Rogers Announces New Project !

And it sounds FABU! Seems he's developing a new web soap called "Reality Bites" . With the soaps on air losing viewers, the future just may be in cyberspace. I can't wait to see what comes from this! Kate Lang is the writer and I have to tell you, after a sneak peak we are in for a treat...

GH casting: A few extas on: The minister will be played by Anthony Michael Jones 9/24
Jeff Lewis plays a dentist who sees Olivia --I have to find out if it's THE Jeff Lewis from BRAVO TV? think?

Guza is calling Nikolas "Heathcliffian" from Wuthering Heights. Who's Cathy? Liz? hmmm.

RUMOR: another WTD story with Rebecca, Nik and Ethan. Please let it not be true. They HAVE to come up with something different than this. Right?

See you after 4ish. Today's the DRAMAZ day.


  1. Love the new easy on the eyes background, Karen...and the new darker print is just perfect. Now just get Guza on track and we're good to go! I'm enjoying the carnival's new, it's different, it involves a lot of our if the follow up is just can only hope.

  2. heres to hoping that Rebecca falls down those wonderful GH steps...woohoo for soap miscarriages

  3. Hey Karen...what does WTD mean?

  4. WTD = Who's The Daddy and Nikkipoo already went through this crap with Spencer (Courtney/Jax/Nik)

    This would be a waste of a story on an actress who can't act her way out of a paperbag

  5. WTD= Who's the Daddy? Rumor is Rebecca will get PG by either Nik or Ethan Sigh.
    I sure hope not

  6. Another site has Rebecca PG with Lucky's baby, but she lies and says it's Nicholas. Ethan is her 'go to' guy for 'moral support'. Should be a very fine mess!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...