Oy. What a night. My dog is digging out his ears and flappin' like a turkey all the time and poor Jack (it was his birthday!!) comes down at 3am with a terrible sore throat and cold!! I have BIG OL' BAGS going..especially since I had meetings all morning.
AMC today was --well, there are just no words. "Drunken Chicken"?? Please. I loved Thorsten K's face while dancing. LOL. It was like GET ME OUT. NOW!
OLTL: Fish's parents. Saying to Leyla "You're black"! Heh. I am going to look forward to the Vicky/Dorian race. Now that David's in on it? Priceless.
Anyway, you saw that SBrown is out....the new SID is saying the Cassadine newbies are coming soon, which totally goes against what they said two weeks ago. I have no clue. I got something in email saying the chick was coming...and the guy is being played by the actor who was Brian on AMC. Confused? You betcha!! As far as I knew, it was on hold. "Helena" gets in touch with Nikolas--but no one has said she's been on set yet. WHO KNOWS!
I have to go to the vet...have to get those dog ears taken care of. I hope they give him a big ol' shot of "STOP FLAPPIN" medicine. !! Let me know what happens on GH, ok? While you're waiting, head on over to the Wubs Net and hit an ad or two for the LA AIDS WALK!
Is it just me oris the new Michael a a**hole but hes driving me crazy with the holier than thou crap.I watched some of the GH .Loved David Vickers ,Vickie and Dorian.the dance marathon sucks to me anyways.
ReplyDeleteAnyone watch GH and want to tell me how it was!?
ReplyDeleteI am still trying to flush away the icky memories of Liz and Nik. Ugghh! Can't bear to watch.
ReplyDeleteLiz is officially a skank, she can't call Sam names anymore.
Until liz intentionally sleeps with her mothers husband or commits a crime involving a child, she can call Sam many many names!
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I am completely disgusted that they let Niz sleep together. If Liz would have said "there's someone else" to Lucky, it would have been easier to swallow, err I mean take. lol.
Anyway for me to root for Niz Lucky would have to be saved meaning his heart. I am disgusted by Jasam, but would welcome A reunion with Lucky & Sam. I wish they would have put Liz with someone else (although I agree that the only reason they put her with nik was to harshen the liason fan base blow with having jaslut front and center) I never thought I would agree but Spinelli has officially turned me off so much I can't bear to watch or hear him.
So, as that headline says, GH is giving me everything I want? Robert, Anna, Lucy, Scotty, Laura and Georgie are all coming back? And Sonny is getting arrested and going to prison for life? And Liz and Nik are going to realize they were hypnotized by Helena and didn't really do that ugly thing they did this week? And Guza, Phelps and Fronz are all getting fired? Cool!
ReplyDeleteOh, that isn't going to happen? That's just a typical misleading headline? Everything's going to continue to be the status quo of suckitude? Oh.
Liz got on my nerves with Lucky and Lainey today. Michael did too. But I liked the early scenes between Robin and Maxie.
Liz is not as big of a skank as Sam, but she is leading her ex along, while sleeping with her former brother in law/dead best friend's guy. That is pretty skankorific if you ask me. Plus her son was hurt and does not stay with him!?! She instead escapes to the turret for cognac and mattress tag!! Little Miss Perfect no more.
I haven't watched todays epi yet...but come on Guza doesn't want women that have back bone & spine ...he wants all his women submissive to the men in there lives...Or all the strong women die sooner or later (even the bad ones/Faith/soon to be Claudia...etc)Liz isn't perfect & I don't think she ever stated herself she was. Come on all or most of the women on this show have slep with many people. So this is like no big shock is it?I don't mind Nik & Liz I just wish they'd own there attraction instead of pretending its not there. I wish Liz had told Lucky that no she isn't interested in marrying him again ....but no they have us go down that road again.....they are a totally boring couple. IMO anyway....I'm sure Liz will be pregnant with Nik's kid....but I sure hope the wedding doesn't happen cause I'm so like over them as a couple.....not much caring for Jasam either...but I totally hated Jason & Courtney...she was totally annoying to me...I hated when she was on screen. I tried to like her with Jax but ugh....I could keep going but I won't......IMO.....
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot , skeebob, I so love your post about the magazine ....that was so awesome...yeah, bring all those 'old' characters back...make it really be the real GH...not this fake one were seeing....its all a mirage isn't it.....LOL.....great post....loved it.....I'm totally with ya...esp about the Guza & company firing....that'll be the day for sure......I'm all with ya there!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewe do not need anymore cassidines. can we find out who sam's father is instead.
ReplyDeleteI was alternately watching GH and doing my homework today, so i missed big chunks. I did have a problem with the episode--and surprise it wasn't Niz! My problem was that they had Lanie counselling Liz and Lucky. That is totally unethical and against both APA and AMA regulations. Because Lanie is friends with Liz this is a Dual Relationship, which means that there is no way that she can be objective. She wants to see her friends happy, so she will do whatever it takes to get them to be together. An objective psychiatrist would have noticed Liz's hesitation and the look on her face when she was asked about cheating on Lucky. While it is plausible that she could have attributed that look to her relationship with Jason, it came off more as not paying attention to things that she did not want to see.
ReplyDeleteGH was such a snore today that i pulled out yesterday's tape and watched shirtless steve all over again. jeeeeze -- hard to believe he's a few month's from 40. the man's frigggin' incredible!!!harder yet to believe THIS didnt make the front of the wub tub -- does your set not work?!?!?? were you in a COMA!?!?!
ReplyDeleteand today's biggest laugh was on OLTL, when tea, todd and blair were talking marriages.
blair (to tea and todd): what is this, your second wedding?
tea: third. ... but haven't you had 10 or 12? let's see, there was john and max and asa ...
blair: asa! that doesnt count because i was a completely different person back then (ZING! YES, SOMEONE ELSE PLAYED THE PART OF BLAIR!!)
todd: hey, who wasn't different back then? (ZING! YES! HE HIMSELF IS A RECAST!!)
it's a wonder they got through the scene with straight faces. that's what i love about OLTL: they USE their rich history and acknowledge their longtime viewers! ... GUZA, TAKE A LESSON!!!!
--lucille march, r.n.
So, I'm wondering...could that "casting call" that was put out around KeMo's contract negotiations, actually have been for a new Claudia? I can't put my finger on it to check, but...interesting timing on it.
ReplyDeleteI'm officially DISGUSTED with GH writers! Liz and Nik repeating the SAME storyline as the Jason/Lucky/Jake thing!! Come on! Can't you come up with something new!! I hate the way they just threw Jason and Sam back together!! I'm done!! I no longer care!!
ReplyDeletehohum show. Liz isn't skanky. Just a little too weak. But that is Guza and his womanly ways. Now Lainey knows Jake is Jason's. Liz spit it out like it was the easiest thing to say. I know Lainey has to be ethical and not tell anyone about this, but I say, lets just bring it out in the open. Boring show today. Do not like Michael at all.
ReplyDeleteThe new actor coming to GH, Matt B., is really kind of creepy. He was on B&B and didn't last long. I wish they would give the adorable Jason Cook something to do besides appear once every two months. Can't stand Michael either. I do like Liz and Nik together, maybe because I dislike him so much with Embecca.