Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Jonathan Jackson Back to GH?! Greg Vaughan is OUT

**UPDATE: Just confirmed...JJ is back on set THURSDAY...

Holy Smokes, Daytime shakin' itself up. According to Daytime Confidential, Jamey Giddens (UBER scooper) is reporting that the FIRST Lucky Spencer is coming back. We know they tried to get him back for the re-nuptuals of L&L..could it be true he's really back? Is this why Greg Vaughn was put on recurring? BTW, GV is the third Lucky, Jacob Young was Lucky #2. Hey, if he IS coming back can Genie be far behind? Do they want the Spencers back in PC? I must call her or maybe drive to Searsport. (next to her store, I know somewhere I can stay there! LOL) That is, if she's not in LA talking already!
LOOK at Greg Vaughans tweet tonight: as of today, with sad regrets, I will no longer be apart of what has been a big part of me and my families life. GH and TPTB have choosen (sic) to take a new direction. I THANK ALL of YOU, for the many memories we've shared and new ones to come!!! ALL MY LOVE, & BIG HUGS...
How do you feel about all this? I for one, loved JJ's Lucky. Tony Geary obviously never 'clicked' with anyone else. However Greg Vaughan has done a great job all these years and has grown into the part. (not that they write well for him, imo). To be let go like this --and JJ coming back this Thursday? OUCH. I'm tellin' you kiddies, don't go to Hollywood it will break your heart!
Sarah Brown's tweet: @greg_vaughan I'm so sad & sorry to hear this. I know you're going to do great wherever you go. My love to you and your family always
OH, had another thought before bed: How long will ol' Ethan last now? Hmmm. Just sayin'


  1. I just saw this on another site, and came to you for a confirmation of sorts...I wonder if he does come back, will he play another character like SB? Do you think they will have the GV/Lucky be an imposter all these year? I like GV so much. I would hate to see him screwed over.

  2. I'm in tears. JJ was Lucky as a kid sooo long ago. I've read that he and TG are close, but I have gotten so used to Greg Vaughn. I know GH has to 'shake thing up' to survive, but OMG!!!

  3. Oh My, this makes me sad. I love Greg Vaughn.. what does this mean for Jake then? Does this mean Jason will step up assuming Lucky leaves town (or worse). If The original Lucky comes back it may fail, he was a kid then and that's when it worked with Liz's portrayer. NO one can match how kind GV played Lucky with those kids. WTF is with these people?

  4. NO WAY! I say let this Lucky stay. I agree that the old original Lucky was perfect for that age, but now dealing with kids and all he still looks 16! This is a thumbs down for me

  5. Crapping all over another fine actor, thanks TBTB

  6. I am with everyone else. JJ was great as the teenage Lucky, but can he really portray the adult Lucky? I have serious doubts- I agree that he still looks 16 and I just don't see him being believable as the adult Lucky. I LOVE GV and I will miss him in this role. TPTB are making another in a long line of bad decisions...

  7. Feeling bad for GV. Hollywood is no place for the faint of heart.

    If they're letting Mr. Vaughan go to "go in another direction", one can at least hope they are finally going to DO SOMETHING with the character. I think aside from his addiction storyline (GV's shining moment as Lucky, IMO), GV has been given the short end of the stick by the show.

    If the JJ story is true, I have to admit I'm excited to see him back on screen with Tony Geary.

  8. I think JJ is coming back. I also think this was in the works for a bit. I think they've wanted him back for about 2 years on a serious basis. There were rumors (all denied natch)...
    I think it was nasty to GV-- but that's Hollyweird for ya.

    I'm dying to see what the storyline does. All the stuff with the scoops have been ALL over the place, this is why. Hmmmm.

  9. Hmmm -- why don't TBTP invest in their existing cast rather than looking for the next person? At least they picked a vet. Too bad for GV.

  10. I loved JJ as Lucky, but I also love GV as Lucky and I think it's a really crappy thing to do. It's one thing if GV WANTED to leave on his own. I'll continue to watch, as I have for the past 31 years, and I'm sure I'll get used to whatever it is TPTB are doing. I feel awful for GV. He's a good actor and I hope he gets something else quickly.

  11. Not sure how I feel about this. He was brilliant as Lucky as a young child, but towards the end there.. he was a miserable, annoying punk.

    Does he return and give Lucky that same attitude? Despite the lack of writing for GV, the character did grow up to be a man under him and took responsiblity for his life and a family of his own. Will JJ come back to be the Lucky he was before? The one who hated his father for raping his mother and hating his mother for the Nikolas secret?

    Is he going to become the Lucky that Luke wants him to be? Quit the force, ditch Liz and her kids and be his partner in crime? If so, aidos Ethan.

    I do feel bad for GV and I hope TPTB have offered him something.. like a role on AMC once it moves to LA.

    As Karen said, I hope this leads to Genie's return.

  12. this is sooo frigging AMAZING! i love jonathan jackson. i had the biggest crush on him when i was a young teenager and Luke and Laura first came back on.

    JJ and Liz's chemistry was amazing and their love story made me fall in love with the charactor of Liz.

    i do feel bad for Greg Vaugh..but i never ever liked him as lucky.

    oh please please get Genie back! Looks like i'll be watching GH again! YAY

  13. Didn't Greg Vaughn just resigned hia contract or had a baby?GH is a pain in my butt maybe yall like them killing off all the regulars and bringing in fresh meat.Personally it stinks
    GV should go to Days of our Lives

  14. I loved JJ as the young Lucky but once TPTB hired Jacob Young, (which felt way too weird for me) it seemed like they made the decision to take the character in a different direction. They kept that direction when they hired Greg. I am not so sure that JJ is going to be able to just walk in to on Thursday and pick up where Greg left off. Maybe they should havr done an "accident" or another cliche story line where Lucky disappears for awhile to put a little distance btwn the actors and allow the character to have undergone a change like with aging Michael.
    I only hope Genie is right behind him. I also would love to see some real story lines for Monica, who is still beautiful enough to snag a young guy like Erica Kane! How about Matt?? Good luck Greg! You will be missed!!

  15. Wow! JJ is back?! This could be interesting and would get me to tune back in at least for a little bit just to see if the chemistry is still there between him and Becky. Sadly I only see this as yet another gimmick to try to lure people back. I am curious to see how TIIC bring him back. I would love for JJ to be the real Lucky and he's been hidden way by Helena all these years as true revenge for Luke killing Stravos. I also hope bringing JJ back does away with Ethan.

    Instead of canning/shuffling around actors,GH could really shake things up by getting a new head writer and/or executive producer. I'm sorry for GV but the writing for his Lucky was just never good IMO.

  16. I am sorry but i am just not thrilled witht JJ coming back as lucky again.. I mean to me he was "little lucky" the little boy.. He is just not man enough.. he still looks like a little boy.. ugggg what the hell is going on with GH.. Still so bummed that Sarah Brown is leaving.. BOOOOOOOOOOO

  17. First the amazing and wonderfully talented Sarah Brown and now talented and wonderful Greg Vaughn??! WTH??!! Why let go of the one playing the character and have return the original~doesn't make sense!! This is so sad:( Why not let go of the character and portrayer of Ethan??!! He's awful! Or someone else who's new and not making much of a hit?! Come on!! Where's Kate? We really miss Megan!! Why do this to our wonderful and talented actors? I've been a GH fan for 38 years and have never been this disappointed!! This must be really hard for the other actors who work so closely with Sarah & Greg!! Soooooooooo sad:(

  18. i can't believe that JJ is coming back. I absolutely love GV, but I loved loved loved Lucky when JJ played him. I remember the day that Lucky "died" in the fire. I was so depressed. It was the one story that really made me cry. Lucky and Liz's storyline had been my favorite back then. Their first kiss outside the boxcar was amazing and sweet.

    Yes, GV played a more mature Lucky, but it will be interesting to see what will happen to the character if JJ is indeed coming back. tptb can't all of a sudden have Lucky revert back to the way he was in 1999. If they want to take him in another direction, it has to be a logical direction. He can't up and quit the PCPD to become another Luke. That is what Ethan is there for. They need to actually have a story for the character or it will not matter who plays him.

  19. just realized that there is a 9 year age difference between JJ and GV. GV was born in 1973 while JJ was born in 1982. At least they haven't aged Liz and Nikolas, so he might fit in.

  20. Steve Burton, Tyler Christopher, & Brandon Barash all tweeted some really nice remarks about GV last night. Guess we hold our collective breaths for the next 2-3 weeks until we see how they bring JJ to the screen.

    Craziness running rampant these days in the soap world and the full moon doesn't hit until Sunday!

  21. I never got used to Greg Vaughn as Lucky, Lucky will always be Jonathan Jackson to me. But then again, I still wish Sarah Brown was Carly.

    And I know I'm stuck in the past, I don't watch regularly anymore.

  22. I'm still very disappointed for GV. As far as I am concerned, he made Lucky his own character and I just don't see JJ being able to play the adult Lucky. Can you imagine JJ with Sam? They would look ridiculous together.

  23. I am really shocked. Greg is one of the nicest actors I have ever met but they never really gave him a chance to shine. JJ is phenominally talented and was always amazing to watch, but at Greg V's expense it is rather sad.

  24. I liked JJ when he was on, but it has been 10 years and GV is Lucky now! And I have watched for 17 years!!!

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