Christina Applegate looked faboosh!! She's one of my best dressed! Loved Neil Patrick Harris. Just the right amount of charm and snark to host. Glad Jon Cryer won, sorry, I'm a Duckie Fan from way back!
The best moment was NOT that gawdawful dance routine (synthesizer? REALLY?!) but Sarah Silverman's mustache!
Diablo Cody was mentioned by Toni Collette and I have to say she's a muse of mine. LOVE that girl. Want to be her. *sigh*
Pop Eater tweeted this to me when I asked about the "Dr. Vegas Clip"
WubsNet only the IMDB page Wubs ... couldn't find a clip worthy of tweetin'!
LOL...it's nice to get a message from a big ol' entertainment blog.
JESSICA LANGE looks so stunning! I'm so happy she thanked Drew too--they should have both won. If you haven't seen "Grey Gardens" (HBO) rent it! "Grey Gardens" was recreated on OLTL by Dorian and Blair, btw. There's also the first doc made of the real Big and Little Edie. I just saw it, it was really good as well.
I'm out of words, getting a head cold so I'm packin' it in. I'll write more tomorrow! See ya soon...Here's to The Office winning best comedy show!
The Emmys were quite surprising to me. Definitely proof that the networks need to pick up their game if they are going to compete with the cable tv shows. Has anyone actually seen the "United States of Tara"? I've never heard of it, let alone the actress that won the Emmy last night. I was truly disappointed that the movie "Taking Chance" with Kevin Bacon did not receive any recognition. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. It is an outstanding movie. An avid Mad Men fan, I was very happy they won!