Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well, LOOK who's at Spixie's WEDDING!

I spy, with my little eye: BOBBIE! It's a wonder she can still remember anyone's name!! Thanks to SOAPNET for this, see more over on their site!



  1. wow bobbie! now imagine if maxie's mom was at the wedding too???? lol

  2. I know, poor Felicia. It would have been a great time to bring Flea back!!

  3. I watched today was not to impressed but I wasn't too impressed with OLTL either.

  4. I LOVE Bobby. I hope she has a scene with Carly. Maybe she will even get to talk with Michael or Morgan...I bet they have a lot to catch up on since we haven't seen them speak in over a year!

    I was looking forward to a BIG soap wedding but this seems to be going in another direction. Where is Kate in all this? Wasn't she insisting this wedding be a Crimson story? She should be in there interfering and making this over the top.

    I also hope the wedding has some sort of Georgie and BJ references. I am also hoping for an Emma spotting. Emma and Jake as baby ring bearer and flower girl would be too cute.

    Jason is wearing a pink tie.

  5. I have to tell you that I am so excited for SJB to leave. She has got to be the worst soap character ever. Not to mention she was on like everyday and I think cried 99.9% of the time she was on. Good riddance.

    After reading your blog, I'm not sure GH is worth coming back to even w/o SJB. The writings all over.

  6. Okay, what the hell is that thing on Maxie's head?

  7. While I agree that Claudia bombed, I do not agree whatsoever that SJB is the worst actress. Quite the opposite actually. If we hate Claudia, than she did her job. She porbably just doesn't like to be disliked, like most human beings.

    Loved Spinelli today. I'm going to puke if they hint towards a Jasam wedding. I still want my Lucky & Sam reunion!

    Why are there such fewer comments on this new blog? is everyone on twitter instead?



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