Saturday, September 5, 2009

MSN behind the scenes Carnival videos...

Check out this on MSN, a little article or "Ad" depending on how you look at it!


What did you think of the Carnival Friday? I think you all know I was giddy. :) Throw me a bone, I'll be happy for a month or so!

Brandon Barash, Bradford Anderson and Carolyn Hennesy are going to BEAN TOWN Sept. 12th! I should have kept an eye out for this. I have plans now or I'd drag Gedstern there with me. Here's the BOSTON EVENT info.

I hope you have a great Labor Day. I should be doing a fun Labor Day blog Monday...look for it...

One more thing, Brandon Barash will be on the MDA telethon this weekend. Watch for him.


  1. just testing comments
    thanks for following me!

  2. the blog's looking good so far, Karen =o)

  3. Ok's letting me comment now.

    Maybe because I'm doing it from home vs. work

  4. Hey guys... if you are thinking of making a donation during the MDA telethon ask if you can make the donation in Brandon's name. I think it would be a nice touch to show MDA that the GH fans really support what he's doing.

  5. erm... FYI... this is Lori LMAO cuz I guess now I have to blog under this name like I use on twitter :D

  6. I had to create my own account, which took me five times to create this stupid thing. I am not liking this Google account business.

  7. Hey, K Springfield is playing about 25 miles from my home Sept. 12 in Arnold Missouri. Just thought I'd tell someoen else who cared.

  8. giving this posting thing another try

  9. Having problems posting? Give Google 24 hours to process your account and try again. Took me 3 tries to get the account (retyping password and their little wacky word verification) and 24 hours ....but viola!!! Saw Brandon on the telephon this morning...awww such a sweet guy...nice tenor too!

  10. if i could only spell, hahahaha

  11. i just moved to Boston this weekend...too bad I don't have $195 to spare to see them all--or even $65 to see one of them.

    I was so excited when I learned that Brandon Barash was working with the MDA this year. My mom was diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis and polymiositis 14 years ago. If it wasn't for the telethon, she might not be alive today.

  12. this new blog format sux karen.
    kisses, Billo

  13. Hello Leesy, Lori told me that you have joined our merry group. Hope that you didn't have very much trouble with Google. Took me three tries to sign in today, not liking this one bit. Have a great Labor Day!!!



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...