Friday, September 4, 2009

GH on 9/4: Movin' the Blog

I'm testing this Blog out. I can put ads on here (which I know are a pain but I need them !!). Many of you have Blogger accounts as well. Let's see how it goes, shall we?

Kirsten Storms twitpicked this After Emmy Party! Check out her Official Site: Glamour Girl. BTW, her twitter name IS @teenystweeting –verified by her, Sarah Brown and WUBS!
There are some new spoilers up. Guza said in SID that Scotty/Serena return is a “good idea” but sounds less than likely. DOMte may need a transplant but I think Olivia’s secret is safe for now. They’ll have that reveal during a sweeps time!!

Please also check out the AIDS WALK LA information and support Team Scrubs Wubs! Do you live near LA and want to join up? You can walk with the Scrubs Wubs –they’ll meet up with Team Scrubs and Kim McCoullough and Jason Thompson! I so wish I lived there, I’d go in a second. Please hit a sponsor to help raise money for these great teams!

AMC Today:Good Lord, was that a wedding dress Annie had on? EEK! Keep those sunglasses on, Adam! Other than that..zzzzzzz AMC Insider tweeted (@amcinsider) that Thorsten Kaye is OUT of AMC. Which, stands to reason since his wife is now working in NYC on OLTL. I hope they kill him off in a really gruesome way on AMC and then he goes back to OLTL!!

OLTL: Infamous scene that “Carlotta” quit over! The whole “Christian may be gay” stuff… It’s actually nice and light hearted. The first actress said “Carlotta” would never say that because she’s so Catholic. Whatever. See ya! They did a great scene with John shooting the police-guy and us thinking it was Cole! (well, those of us SPOILER free, that is). TEA in the courtroom=bull dog!

Loved the Starr/Sean thing, they were so cute. I don’t watch Rachael to like that Doctor schmoozie guy. And–come on. Not another Starr kidnapping! LOL

GENERAL HOSPITAL: This is on Daytime Confidential, read the whole article, its’ great.
The soap (GH) , which took home the Outstanding Writing award at the Daytime Emmys this past weekend, has lost a staggering 362,000 viewers year-to-date, much more than any other soap opera. GH is also down a critical three-tenths of a ratings point in households.

TODAY’S SHOW: Poor Andrea. She’ll run out of the drug before she can get it into Edward! LMAO. Max and Diane are so fun, I so wish they’d show them more. Derk Cheetwood auditioned for LOST!Carolyn Hennesy is going to be on COUGAR TOWN! They’d better keep those two on the show!!
Fake Set for Scrubs on the drunk tank. Must have filmed that before the real thing. Loved them trying to dunk Patrick though. MOLLY dunks: Patrick, DOMte, Johnny–LOL. All wet tshirt men today! oooo lah lah.
Claudia wore such dark black. She has to use Tide Total! Spinelli witht he balloon! LOL. Even Maurice had to smile at him!
How nice to have our cast outside, doing different things. I love it! MAC DADDY! Everyone is there! They popped to pay for everyone. Even EXTRAS who TALK! Patrick in a Wet Tshirt! AnthonyZ talking about “Wack A Mole’!! LOL

YOU MUST watch GH today…if you missed it, catch it on Soap Net. Really fun. If they did more cast integration, we’d be all set. KeMo did such a fun Valley Girl! JaSam was even entertaining and they weren’t part of the fair yet.

Like the Cirillo brothers story! The gypsy story is such a set up but you have to say it was fun. “Chief of Police”. The gypsy would have been great if it had been Connie in a mylar mask.
Rebecily in her Donna Reed Dress. And isn’t the carny stick perfect for Ethan?!
WE HAVE to let GH know how much we LOVED the cast integration at this point!! OF course, it had to be semi-ruined with idiot GUN MEN at the end. Maybe Anthony Z is talking to Alkazar? What do you think?

CHRISSY FIT: (mercedes) twittered she’s going to be an Aunt soon to a baby boy! Congrats!
BRANDON BARASH ALERT: He’ ll be on THE MDA telethon 9/6 into 9/7. I don’t think he’s singing until around 1am.

GH is a rerun Monday….maybe we’ll SKYPE during GH on Tuesday??! Could be fun.


  1. OMG! I FLOVED GH today...Just sayin...Count me in for GH Carnival Skype on Tuesday...if im not hungover...JUST KIDDING! (maybe) :o)

  2. THANKS CHRISSY for being the first comment on here! LOL.:)
    I Loved GH today..except for the guns.

  3. AH! I had my times screwed up! Brandon will indeed be on throughout the telethon. BUT, he will be singing during the 7am hour EST/4am PST...MY BAD!!

  4. Nice new set up, Karen.

  5. I would follow your blog anywhere Karen.

  6. A lot of friends have blogs here. You can change the colors in all kinds of ways.

  7. Blog layout looks great. Ads are off to the side and not instrusive at all. Go with it!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm like Vicki... I'd follow WUBS anywhere! Love your humor and your hard work! The new site looks great! Thanks for all your efforts!!

  10. I started with Blogger but switched to WordPress. But I like what you've got here. I say go for it.

    By the way, GH's page on ABC has a behind-the-scenes video of the carnival shoot.

  11. Okay, I think I can comment here now!

  12. I like blogger too, but you have GOT to get a better theme. Something a bit more wider and whiter, perhaps? I used to have this theme on my old blog and it drove me nuts ^^". As for GH, the rumoured new writer is doing wonders.



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