Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday AT The Soaps: Bad News?

I am going to become obsessed with Princess Bea next. She's next to my Franco love. WOOT! Her hats, her eyeballs...those teeth!

If you saw the Katie Couric news down below, things are not looking good for the soap. We knew it might be coming. We're still not canned yet, so hold out hope.

OLTL today: Tess married Cutter! Brilliant!! I love them! I am a Tutter fan now! Echo had the nerve to as Vicki why "she was doing this"!! Uh. duh. And FINALLY MATTY and Destiny are going to do it!! 

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Jason has a British Tea set-- do you think he and Spin watched the royal wedding? I DO! I DO!! 
JaSam's talk was really repetitive and boring. I did like the tea. Heh.
Luke and Tracy were in KELLY'S!  Luke says "I'm so sick of all of you"...
Liason runs into each other in the hallway!  Someone said yesterday was Jake's birthday?? Is this right? 
Siobhan is marrying Lucky and I'm happy they are dressing her up a bit and having her carry Lillies of the Valley (my flower along with blue Delphinium!) 

I had to leave early to walk the dog  but somehow, me thinks I missed nada!

If you want the latest on GH and helping to keep it on air, there's @keepGHalive on twitter.

By the way, I need to say this: If actors don't want to answer or even SEE questions about the show they work on, they need to stay the hell off twitter. Getting nasty with the fans is just plain mean. Some soap stars continuously hawk their wares on twitter, trying to sell everything they can but god forbid fans ask something they don't like. I'm not talking about when people tweet nasty stuff to them, but asking about the show being canceled because of the TMZ reports? That's perfectly fine. Even IF they ask people not to comment, a lot of people don't look back in their time line to see that request. 

Sorry..just had to get that off my chest. Most actors and even writers are very gracious on twitter. Others, not so much.


  1. I like James Franco, so why can't he save GH. He always gets what he wants. He could put it someplace else.

  2. On OLTL, When Tess told Ford that she got an anullment, I was thinking she married Cutter didn't she?! I WAS RIGHT HAHAHAHA! Brilliant! :) Echo saying how could you do this to me?! I said to her how could you do this to ME?!!?! :) And about GH, Lucky and Shivon(sp) they are so boring together now! Talking about the same thing about marriage UGH!

  3. Carrie, I'm not outing people on here but if you're on twitter you can follow my @wubsnet timeline and see who it was. I was pretty angry today!

  4. I bet Brenda bought that tea set back when they were married!
    is echo not a piece of work? now she's the victim? geesh

  5. I loved how Jason was all about Sam today FOR ONCE!

  6. 12 minutes of JaSam today! Awesome!

    How just how can you say it was boring? I don't get it.

  7. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just got done reading your twitter timeline Karen. I think i'd have a better time interpreting Arabic or Japanese with all those @ and # and whatnot!

    My head is hurting me.

    (as you can tell, i'm not a "tweeter"....) ;)

  8. DJ... lol it is hard to follow I know..

  9. Princess Beatrice needs to stop wearing tho Fascinators or at least find some descent ones cuz the ones she wears are ugly as heck. And yes that's what those things the people wore the wedding are called... Fascinators.

  10. I'm sorry, but beatrice and eugenie are young ( 21 and 22 yrs old) and those fascinators make them look old. Wear a designer fashion that is suitable for your age and body. The outfits at the wedding were not flattering at all. They look older than their age. i did mansge to see the dress she wore to the dance reception and that was much better.
    I realize they are royals but you can still be fashionable kate and princess Di have shown that.

  11. I watched 5 min of GH and couldn't stand it. I worked out instead. GH has been good for my wasteline since I hardly ever watch on tv. The 5 min I saw was Molly being used again to prop up jasam! Why are they wasting such a talented actress on this couple. I like Molly and wish she would have a story of her own. The writers always give her the same pollyanna repetitive lines to say. Let jasam sink or swim on their own and stop trying to constantly sell them to the audience. You've run over the baby that you felt was standing in their way. So just have the baby already and stop subjecting the audience to the same repetitive conversations. That, more than anything makes me turn GH off.

  12. You people keep putting GH down it will be cancelled.

  13. You people???????Trust me GH is killing itsself with the horrible writing..

  14. Amen, Mamaspat Ole!

    Anon, GH has been writing it’s own ticket to the grave for years now, honestly, where have YOU been? Bad storylines + Soprano’s light has turned people completely off and it is showing in the continued ratings drop. Even Luke's intervention did nothing because it was their usual one episode greatness with no follow-up.

    There’s a reason OLTL is soaring in the ratings. Despite the bit of camp with Tess the Mess, lol, it’s still upholding the traditional Soap Opera, as well as changing with the times.

  15. To ANON ( 10:01 ), GH is already cancelled. ABC has not made the announcement yet. I guess you did not know. It's writing is aweful and the viewer has every right to talk about how poor it has become. It's the reason people are not watching. Many of us are still hopeful it could come back but it certainly won't if the writing doesn't improve.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...