Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Look at "The Chew" and "The Revolution"

Soap Opera Network has a peek at the shows replacing our beloved soaps, AMC and OLTL. 

The promos and materials for the shows will be rolled out to ad execs on May 17th at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center. THIS WILL be the point that a RALLY OF SOAP FANS is planned from 2-6pm!!! If you are in the NYC area or know someone who is (or you can pay to go) GET THERE!! It will be so important to make this protest as large as possible. A reminder of just one of Mr. Frons statements about the canceling of soaps:

"We are taking this bold step to expand our business because viewers are looking for different types of programming thees days. They are telling us there is room for informative, authentic and fun shows that are relatable, offer a wide variety of opinions and focus on 'real life' takeaways," Brian Frons, President, Daytime, Disney ABC/Television Group, says in a statement. "A perfect example of this is 'The View,' and that factored into our decision. 'The Chew' and 'The Revolution' are in the same vein and will be great additions to the lineup, with 'The View' serving as an ideal foundation from which to launch these programs. They will also provide enormous opportunity for the creation of ancillary businesses and growth."


  1. Yeah I just saw it online. They would be perfect for cable!!!! Not our time and not our channel!!!

  2. Me I cannot stand the View.....I canot stand Joy or Barbara.....And I love my soaps dang it.I already learned how to cook.But I can't get naked with the Old Todd Manning.Man I wish I could I would have loved to got naked with Alan Quatermaine..Hehehehehe

  3. I love Carla Hall but it really sucks that her show will be replacing a soap, I won't support it.

  4. What makes me laugh is that after the food network didn't renew Mario's show and got him off Iron Chef, Mario told everyone that it was because TV Food wanted to get younger viewers and he didn't pull in those viewers.

    Mario is a wonderful chef, I've eaten in his restaurants,there were excellent, but all his shows that have ever been on the food network have been cancelled because he comes across as insufferable, condescending and a food snob.

    But, I love Carla Hall.

  5. I love Carla and Mario, so I will definitely be checking them out.

  6. Just as a matter of principle,I will not watch "The Chew" (rhymes with The View,LOL...another show I won't watch)...or any other shows that replace the Soaps.I don't need another Food show. I can cook---don't bother me with more airhead stuff..
    I need my soaps. Who IS that guy?

  7. I wouldn't care if they put Johnny Depp AND Hugh Jackman on buck nekkid...ABC, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!put that in your quote pipe and smoke it!

  8. If I want to watch yet another cooking show, I'll tune into the Food Channel. If I want to watch a show like "The View", (which I NEVER would), I would watch The View. How is this good programming?!!


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