Yep..they are going there! Claudia will also take a PG test to see the results. Too bad we know she's leaving. Will it be a click BOOM..and Donte will get a Deja Vu of Father/Lily? Will she be murdered?
Also, go on the WubsNet to see a great pic of Helena in bed and Luke listening to her-- looks like the new Cassa-Baddie is just that.
Daytime Confidential has the goods on who's moving to LA for AMC. LaLucci will commute and Dr. Joe Martin is retiring.
Vanessa Marcil (Brenda) is starring in web-based series called "The Bannen Way"
It will appear on Crackle.com in 2010.
MTV reports that Steve Burton (Jason) was a write in vote for the role of "Captain America" ! At least that gets his name out there for possible consideration!!
Even though writer Michele ValJean said they weren't hiding Emmys this year, we did see Julie Marie Berman's in the wedding presents yesterday! That is the one she won!!
Gedstern has a cool "book buzzer" on her blog that lets you flip through her book "Are You Gonna Eat That Banana"?
AMC: I am so confused about the dang "Annie Plan" that I so don't care anymore. I even vacuumed instead of watching a lot of it. Here's hoping they get their sheeze together after the move.
OLTL: Wouldn't Tea know Blair knows about Ross? I mean, Blair says she has a secret. What the heck else would it be? Nice scenes on the boat, they must have been done at the end of August early Sept. when it was hot 'round here. OMG, did you hear Nora's remark to David "Isn't there a Housewife who's desperate"?? LOL. Oh, I so love the writers on OLTL
GENERAL HOSPITAL: I love Lulu's top. Nice... CarJax's window view. Look closely. There's a sailboat just sitting there.
Kate's sunglasses. Heh...fun. Megan Ward has to stay on the show. She really adds a lot to the whole Olivia thing. Crimson can be a great biz to keep in town too.
Claudia: Giant GO GO boots on!
woo hoo...you go KRISTINA! You tell Sonny just what you think. Dang...great acting. Lexi totally held her own against Maurice!
Here comes the Cassadine story! It's coming!! I am so excited and I hope they play up the Molly/Krissy Cassadine angle. I so want Helena to meet Molly. She'd LOVE her!!! Get Connie on the set more. Have her finallly marry Edward! :twirling: Greece Mention today! Alexis and Liz call Nikolas a "Cassadine".. saying it like 'You are acting like an axe murderer"
Greg Vaughan sighting on the Haunted Star. The Spencer kids are ready to rescue Dad!
HELENA'S face!! There she is...all fainting in bed. That must be the "Mischia" girl. :waving to Connie: good to see you again. Luke is on too!! Trying to spoon his way out of jail. LOL
Man, the story is just getting good with Claudia..why does she have to leave!? If she stayed, PG with Dante's kid, can you IMAGINE??! wowza.
SEXIS...ah, my fave friends.
Hey, we have TOTE BAGS and Water Bottles on sale now for the Scrubs Wubs LA Aids Walk team! Check it out on AIDS WALK page.