Thursday, August 31, 2023



Metro Pool and Alexis is meeting Spencer for a check in. They end up talking about what a great worker Esme is and it's nice having Ace around. Spencer says it's great to watch him grow even if he has to live with Esme. They talk about young Spencer and Nikolas taking care of him. Then they move on to Curtis. Then back to Nikolas. 

Lucy is at the Pool too and Marty comes up behind her. They sit to have drinks. She mad he wasn't at the hearing today. She says they'll be bankrupt in 6 months. She is upset that Brook betrayed them. She says she's going to fight Tracey even if it costs her the company. You can tell Martin knows something. 

Austin comes to visit Ava at Wyndemere. She wants Nik's body back. NOW. Austin says to cool her jets for awhile. Then Ava says she's not sure she even wants to live in Wyndemere anymore. She only wanted it to spite Nikolas. Mason shows up. She wants payback. NOW. He says he can't give Nik back until everything is 'finished' and it's 'going down tonight". Um, OK? 

Joss is at Kelly's and Dex tells her he can't go to the concert because he has to work. She's mad they have to cancel. Why isn't she back in college? WHY ISN'T SHE DOING HER PRE-MED STUFF? 

Robert finds Diane at the courthouse. He brought his new car to show her. She can't because she's there on behalf of DREW?? AT NIGHT? What? And Robert says he thinks the judge was biased too! Diane asks Robert to call the WSB to help. He says he can't. The WSB isn't happy with him now a days. 

Brook is sad and Leo comforts her in the Q kitchen. Olivia looks on. Tracey is there all of a sudden and she's going to explain what happened to Olivia. Brook says Tracey blackmailed her. Brook is really upset with Tracey because she trusted and liked her. 

Chase meets Brook at Kelly's to talk about Tracey. He looks THRILLLLLLLLLED. 

note: ADAM Huss WAS SHOWN IN FLASHBACKS! I think he's totally going to come back as Nikolas

OMG HE was!! he was on at the END OF THE SHOW!! He's at the cabin/house in the woods with Austin!!!!!!!! 


  1. CLEARLY new writers and it's fine I guess -------- cause now Robert is saying the WSB might be behind Drew's sentence - I think Tracy did something - not WSB but whatever
    ------like they changed Pikeman after Sonny or was Anna the target and what is Valentin doing and with whom???
    -----wonder if Tracy is broke? and it is STILL not clear her partner (Blair?) and why Tracy was in court????? and then saying she wants 75% makes me think she needs money------sorry but I am weary of Tracy.
    ------Maura West is just gorgeous......
    -----again new writers changed Austin's character and I like it -
    ------and they changed Nik in a coma but now Ava Freakin Jerome can show up as Nik wants revenge BUT the opposite of that is Spencer STILL has the right to be mad at him ----maybe we will finally have a DNA test????
    ---ooooo still thin WSB head is someone we know

  2. Q Salarium music room:

    Brooky and young uncle Leo: Awwwww I love the hug!!!! :)

    Young uncle Leo and Olivia: I love how Olivia handled him! :)

    Olivia, Tracy and Brooky: Olivia why are you shocked about what Tracy did? Tracy wins the lines of the day.

    Tracy: No it's not your house. It's Monica's house. Alan's biggest mistake! Don't you have a lasagna to make?!



    Jolt: Don't want Wyndemere? HUH?! Oooo Adam Huss flashback. Which means he will be back soon.

    Jolt and Mason Jar: It's all going down tonight?! Mason Jar who were you talking to in the ally the other day?!

    Ava on the phone with Lucy: Selling Wyndemere?!?!?!! Who will buy it I wonder. I hope a Cassadine!

    Metrocourt pool:

    Mucy: Marty you know something!!!! SPILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on! Spill that tea! :)

    Alexis and Spencer: Oh Spencer stop whining about your dad and just go see Trina!!!!

    Brase: Ooooooo yes yes yes! LIVE TOGETHER!!! :D Get yourself some Tribbles!!!! But before living together, your dad has to tell you something Chase!


    Jex: Ummm ooooooookayyyyyyyyyyy. Can't go to the concert, well too bad, but yes Karen good question. Why isn't she in her college dorm yet?


    Diane and Robert: I love their flirty banter!!! I want to see her in Robert's new car taking a ride! :)

    Pawtuck cabin: WHOA! What a twisty soapy end!!! I was in shock and I was laughing! Hahahahahahaha! Well hello Adam Huss! Welcome back! :) Why was Nik just sitting there drinking a bottle of beer? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 19th 2000* Gia tells her mother she is staying in Port Chuckles. Taggert is with them.

  3. I thought the same thing when I saw the flashback, Karen. Loved the ending. Actuallty today's show moved along nicely and I like the WSB twist they're bringing into it too.

    Can't wait to see what happens with the Pikeman deal tonight!!

    And I'm sure there'll be some news on the Nicholas front when the for sale sign goes up on Spoon Island. lol

  4. Love the Leo hugs. He is a scene stealer.
    I'd say oh good that story is coming to an end but something tells me it's just beginning. Nik is not going to let Ava get away with anything. Adam Huss is another one who always looks unclean. I really liked MC.
    Where are so many characters we know and love.

  5. I am looking forward to the Austin/Ava/Nik storyline playing out. That's the first time I have looked forward to anything on the show in a long time, so that's progress.

  6. Yowser, loved the ending! Adam Huss isn't my favorite Nik but that's ok. But really, he needs to shave. I can't wait for the Ava/Nik show down. And I'm with Mufasa....DNA test on Ace needs to be done stat!
    Leo is such a charmer. And I loved Chase asking BLQ to move in with him. He's as sick of Tracy as I am, and I love her, but she's getting on my nerves.
    Diane just sparkles when she and Robert banter back and forth. I don't think the actress is even acting. It's just there. :) I am also intrigued about the WSB and the connection to Drew. Great show today!

  7. Leo is so cute and Tracy is so bad. I don’t like this Nik-he has no appeal other than being evil. No prince-like aura. I didn’t like MC either but at least this one is a better actor. Interested to see where this goes.

  8. Unpopular opinion but I really wish Nik was still being portrayed by Marcus (or even better, Tyler). I wasn't a fan of Marcus in the beginning, but he grew on me. To me, Adam doesn't have that mysterious, dark brooding, good looks that Tyler or Marcus have. And I'm not really sure he has the chemistry with Ava. I found myself not as invested in yesterday's ending because I just don't think Adam is right for the part. Again, I know my opinion is in the minority. (And to be honest, I think I've really come to adore Marcus from watching the TikTok and Instagram clips with Maurice and Kin.)

    1. I have a feeling he is not here long - just a thought - wrapping up this storyline and then Adam will go away/he didn't agree to a contract I bet

    2. I totally share your opinion. Don't know about him not being around long because I am guessing that it was no secret among them that he would come back as Nik.
      Love the "2 Dicks" series. They are hilarious.

  9. ---Soap Opera Digest in fall previews says that Nina is exposed and Sonny is disappointed. I'm gonna need more than disappointed~ I want him mad and angry and break up----- and that he is arrested and put in jail
    - WHY I wonder?
    --------and that Joss meets someone in class - Dex got competition!
    ------- and that Sprina finally have their night together - I dunno - I kinda thought Sprina was over cause Esme and Portia are always in the way!
    -----and SOD CLAIMS we finally know who is after Anna.....
    so there you go.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...