Monday, August 14, 2023

Burnin' Down The...

No, I'm not watching but if I have the time I'll pop up a photo for you! Who do you think started the fire? I'm saying Cameron. Remember his fire-bug phase? He's not really in California, he's working for Pikeman. Heh... that would be a twisty-twist!  But honestly, who knows. Many think it's Alex. If they use that tired ish again  it's just criminal. 


  1. I'm torn between Alex and Cassandra they both have issues with Anna.

  2. I would rather it be Cassandra - I just cannot with ALEX being alive AGAIN!!!!

    1. I'm so tired of that overused twin trope and everyone coming back from the dead. Have an old enemy back from a long jail term or something that would make sense in the real world. The way this show is going at times we might as well just go back to Sat. morning cartoons.

    2. "Mufasa says, I just cannot with ALEX being alive AGAIN!!!!"

      Yeah me too!!! UGH!

    3. "Di says, the way this show is going at times we might as well just go back to Sat. morning cartoons."

      Saturday morning cartoons! ROFL!

  3. Cameron?! ROFL! I think it's Alex. Skinny little legs like Anna. :)

  4. This whole WSB/Pikeman story is a snooze. Think Karen had the right idea stepping back for a bit

  5. writers completely changed things - NOW Dante wants us to think VALENTIN started the fire, but we saw him WITH Anna the first time someone was watching her house....
    -----Mason said the boss is a HE = HE -whatever the boss wants, you know him he gets--
    ------Who in the heck????? Valentin have a twin????? SO confusing that clearly they are going in another direction-----revenge must not be Alexis or Cassandra OR Olivia with today's announcement a MAN is the boss.....unless the fire WAS Alex or Cassandra...
    ------HOW is no one asking Carly what the guy looked like????? I want Sonny to know it was Mason------------but I think Betty is gonna realize Dex is following her and/or she will realize it's a fake flash drive.....
    -----I SO need these storylines to rev up - I actually cleaned house while watching and that ain't good - LOL

  6. Good morning Port Chuckians!

    Chandler Mansion: Hmmm it's not as badly burned up as it should be!

    Vanna: Anna is so distraught that she forgot to get that thing out of her arm.-It's okay you two! Just go upstairs and have sex. :) Oh hi Dante!

    Police station:

    Anna and Dante: Yeah they really want us to think it's V.C. who started the fire. Or maybe it's V.C. and he has been brainwashed? Anna says she is homeless. She is?! Your home isn't that bad Anna! Is your bedroom all of ash? Why stay at the Metrocourt! Go stay with V.C.!!!

    Sonny's home: Hmm where is Nina? Did she confront Sonny? Did she yell at him for not leaving her a message?

    Sonny and Vampire Eddie Maine: Huh?! Why is Vampire Eddie Maine there?! I thought he moved back at the Q home. I'm so confused. He tells Sonny he needs space.

    Sonny and Betty Sue: Betty Sue walked in and the Green beans hissed at her. Betty Sue is going to go pick up Avery for the camp.

    Sonny and Dex: Oooooo Sonny has a flash drive full of misinformation for Mason Jar and Betty Sue for them to take to the boss! Dex is gonna help Sonny. :)

    Carly's kitchen:

    Carly and Joss: Carly was at the police station all night! ROFL! Oh come on now! It was night time! Joss was sleeping. It's not her fault for shutting off her phone! Even the Tribbles don't blame her. Carly talking about how Sonny is weak and he can't show weakness. Uh huh. Sure Carly sure. Make that your excuse.. You know you wuv Sonny! :)

    Carly and Sonny: Oh Sonny! I love you, but stop with your nonsense. She didn't want you signing her out. Case closed.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Olivia and Dante: Olivia has got it through her head that Ned is never coming back and she lost him. Olivia just be his groupie!!!! :)

    Olivia and Vampire Eddie Maine: Hmmm. Vampire Eddie Maine was nice to Olivia. Even apologized for leaving while they were at the Q home. Olivia why don't you tell him you want to be his groupie!

    The hospital:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Mason Jar is whining about his head and that he has a headache. Pawtucket Holtster wants him to go! ROFL!

    Pawtucket Holtster, Mason, Jar and Betty Sue: Pawtucket Holtster wins the line of the day.

    Pawtucket Holtster: Oh no no no no! This isn't a clubhouse. You guys are going to have to have your little tree house meeting some other place.

    ROFL! Wait the boss is a MALE?!?! I thought it was a female!!!

    Betty Sue: She is a leavin and Dex is a followin. :)

  7. WHY isn't Robert there or Felicia with Anna?
    SOOOO the logistics made her think of something - and she left quickly------wonder what it was? I would LOVE for her to again be bad-ass Anna Devane.

    1. These scab writers aren't any better

    2. I just read on another site that Anna hearing logistics was because Valentin had JUST said Pikeman hired him for logistics!!!

    3. I read about Jerry Jax being after Anna. I know that's not gout to happen. But would be awesome

    4. Yesssssssss to Jerry Jax! But please don't write him into a corner so he has to be killed off. I'd love for him to pop in every now and then like Helena.

  8. Neddie and Olivia...only parts of show worth mentioning.
    New scenes same conversations.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...