Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Mykel Shannon has joined he GH cast as Curtis' Physical Therapist. 

Attention: New good looking' man on GH and his name is "GUY" ... 


  1. Replies
    1. I wish I could hit like 10 million times on this statement - I CAN'T STAND HER

    2. Which thing did she say that made her sound like an idiot? She says a lot of things. :)

    3. ROFL! What was that orange thing she was wearing? Pajamas? She changed quickly! :)

    4. She looks and sounds like a talking doll. She does not act like a human. Terrible casting.

  2. I know will recap but MOLLY is HORRIBLE - irritating voice - hate it!
    -----again today Nina showed she can't be a mob boss wife ------ how childish 'her home' - and saying "sonny I feel like one of your employees'........gotta be a build-up for her downfall please....
    ------wish Nina thought Ava and Sonny were having an affair
    -----Alexis and Esme CLEARLY more filler today - writers ain't even trying
    -------I am so caught off guard with Betty ONLY downloading the Pikeman schedule - why wouldn't she download the other folders about Pikeman and what they do?
    ----so the 'boss' of Mason wants Pikeman what -----gone? take over?? confusing!
    ------I know Jerry jacks name and then Lorenzo Alcazar came up yesterday - I still think it was supposed to Olivia Jerome ---------

  3. If they are bringing back a female "baddie"....I choose Faith Roscoe. For no other reason than I LOVED HER AND ALL HER BADASSNESS.

  4. Totally agree about Molly but I feel bad because it is the actress' voice. Things like this should be addressed when casting. Hope they do that again soon. Then we will have NuNuNuMolly.
    This Pikeman stuff is all a big mishmash of nothing. Especially Betty.
    Lots of blazers again but Ava wins. All black going-to-a-funeral in winter outfit. Of course she looked great in it.

    1. "Zazu says, Totally agree about Molly but I feel bad because it is the actress' voice."

      It is?!!?! I thought she was faking that voice!! Now I feel bad.

    2. don't feel bad - she wanted to go into acting - it's the people who chose her that should be held accountable LOL

    3. I have a friend with a squeaky voice. But nothing compared to this. A must mute.

  5. If there is anything I can't stand it's a grown woman speaking in a baby voice. Give it a rest

  6. one more question - so are there TWO villains that we haven't identified? Pikeman leader and then Mason's boss????? help me someone - who wants what? LOL

  7. I thought they were the same. I'm so confused

  8. That physical therapist was there today!!!! :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Brooky and Nina: Nina is very worried about Sasha and Brooky explained how Sasha was when she was there.. :(

    Gregory and Brooky: Chase has to work so he will be late for lunch. They talk about school and families. :) This was a nice scene. :)

    Gregory and Brase: HI CHASE! :D

    Chase: I am working on several different cases.

    YAY!!!! :D

    Gregory and Chase: Yeah he really wants to know if Brase talked about getting married and having children, and that life is too short. Chase wonders why he wants to know. Because Chase he is sick! Tell him the truth Gregory!!!!!

    Vampira and Alexis: Vampira is suspicious of Alexis! Alexis just wanted to say how Vampira is doing a wonderful job at work! :)

    Gregory and Alexis: Alexis noticed Gregory's hand is shaking. Brase did not even notice.

    Gregory: It's getting worse.

    Well yeah. You two already discussed this!!! Come on scab writers!!! Remember what you wrote!

    Physical therapy:

    Physical therapist and Curtis: Curtis doing therapy! Good good good! Eventually Portia watched.

    Purtis: Curtis again how he can't do this relationship. Geez Curtis how long are you going to go back and forth with this.

    Physical therapist and Portia: Physical Therapist talked to Portia and I don't think he likes her. ROFL!

    Sonny's home:

    Betty and the bodyguard: Betty really wants to get in to snoop really badly. ROFL!

    Bodyguard and Dex: They are in on the plan. :) They are also having eye sex and the bodyguard winked at Dex! ROFL! New Bromance! :)

    Betty and Avery: Betty wants Avery to take a nap! BAHAHAHA! Like Avery is 2 years old. Avery is having none of it and wants to watch cartoons. Betty just wants to snoop! She got Avery to watch cartoons on the ipad with the earphones. *Snicker* Betty is snooping and Dex caught her!

    Dex and Avery: Dex walks in again and puts his finger to his mouth to tell Avery shhh! ROFL!

    Betty: The plan is working! She is snooping on the laptop! She put the fake info onto her file drive. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! :D

    Bodyguard, Dex, and Nina: Dex won't let Nina in! ROFL! I guess Sonny didn't tell her about what is going on. Strike number 2! ROFL! Strike number 1 was Sonny not writing a note to Nina saying he will be out. I wonder what happened when Sonny came home. Did she confront him? Did she yell at him? Did Sonny apologize? Did she tell him to write a note next time?

    Nina: I practically live here.

    Oh okay so they don't live together yet! Okay good to know. :)

    Sonny's office:

    Ava and Sonny: Ava is still worried about Avery! Sonny had to tell her what the plan is.. She really really wants Nik's body! Sonny will take care of it!

    Nina, Ava, and Sonny:

    Nina: Why wasn't I allowed into our home?

    Huh? You just said to Dex you practically lived there. Come on scab writers make up your mind. I am so confused.

    Nison: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: And why is Ava acting so squirrely?

    BAHAHAHAHA! Sonny won't tell Nina anything. Bob the Badger is on Sonny's side. :)

    Nina: This makes me feel like another one of your employees.

    ROFL! RA RO!

    Tolly home: They have interviews lined up for a surrogate. Hey where is the horsey? Are they going to tell these women not to watch scary movies while they are preggers?

    Andrea interview: She was okay.

    Chelsea interview: Oh I really liked her.. Talking about her two kids and what was her cravings when she was preggers with both of her kids.

    Pamela interview: Oh no no no no no! BAHAHAHAHAHA! All this woman is interested in, is money!

    I pick Chelsea! Who did you all pick? :)

    Tolly: They pick Andrea. Are they going to tell Andrea not to watch scary movies?

    1. Sonya said - " Sonny not writing a note to Nina saying he will be out. I wonder what happened when Sonny came home. Did she confront him? Did she yell at him? Did Sonny apologize? Did she tell him to write a note next time?" They don't show this, but we get a half hour of Molly and TJ interviewing surrogates - unbelievable

    2. "JohnD says, They don't show this, but we get a half hour of Molly and TJ interviewing surrogates - unbelievable"

      I know!!! It's crazy!!! Geez if you are going to do something, finish it! Don't just leave us hanging.

    3. TRUE DAT John D - again bad writing

  9. I thought Andrea was gonne win cause isn't she the daughter of Gregg? Maybe I got confused?

    1. Is she?! :) Well since she won, it was strange that Molly says that Chelsea can be the back up. WHAT?!?!!!

  10. Aunt Stella on LA Law on Amazon prime video

  11. Wednesday: I'm out for the Sasha torture show


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...