Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Comet Joins The Picket Line!


THAT'S RIGHT!! NEW HORSE ALERT! Yes, that was the most fascinating thing I found about GH this week lol!! 

I tried to watch the show without thinking "Fi Core" writers are doing this but it's nearly impossible. Dialog is certainly different and the tenor of the stories is... well... hesitant. Some are rushing by at rapid pace and others are filled with repeat repeat repeat.  I didn't see the show in real time on Thursday or Friday and frankly, didn't miss them. Had to watch on Hulu which helped matters! 

Let's get into it. Please be kind to me. This was not an easy write up! 

Want to know how the week went? Take a look up there at an almost 60 year old man's 'note' to Elizabeth about dinner.  Yeah. That's right. Cute? Nope. 

So, you're my daughter...oh, sorry YOUNGEST daughter....

Yes :giggle: ... and you're my 5th visitor to this couch this week! 

Are you going to talk about surrogacy and eggs and... ??

YES! :giggle: and harvesting and gestational and all cool terms of everything!! We'll even have to visit with a specialist!! So much baby talk. Can't wait. 

Too bad I'm not drinking anymore. 

OMG! I almost forgot! THIS IS VALIANT!! He'll be here all week! Just got his SAG card! 

OMG!! HI! I'm the MIDDLE SISTER!! and I'm visiting everyone I ever knew!!! OH!! AND...I'll stick my nose into the whole TJ/Molly thing and encourage Spencer to go to the park with Esme!! Aren't you glad to see me?? 

Oh ahahaha.... I love to sit and talk about who might have shot at us... for days, weeks....years

Kinda cool bein' a 'gangsta' type isn't it? What's da plan? 

I don't even know!! But let's wait for Dante before talking about it!! OK!?? 

:Flashes Dimples: 

Why am I in this elevator with this person again? Why am I dressed like it's January? Should I care if this person has tremors? What am I doing? 

And... who am I playing this month?? Because whoever it is, it's boring and I don't care. Peace out. 

DUMB LINE OF THE WEEK:  "OMG Michael, you're the smartest person I know"!!  Says Kristina who's mother is an attorney and sister is an egg-head walking encyclopedia. 

Why is Anna so happy to see Valentin? So she doesn't have to talk about the shooting for the 4th straight day!! 

Yeah, Laura we feel ya. At least you taped some stuff to be inserted for this summer. Isn't it interesting how Kevin pops in, Valentin leaves and now you can be off to Cassadine Island in Greece?? Um.. please AT LEAST buy a short sleeved blazer for that jaunt. It's hotter than hello there. 

HELL OF THE WEEK:  Oh Laura's on again!! Same blazer, different blouse! She's talking to Cyrus who's basically caught in a cage to the fire pit. He tries to tell her he's a better man. She's not buying it. He wakes up. Tries to give all his money away. Yada yada. 

CAMERA WORK OF THE WEEK: We got to travel into Cyrus via his nose. 

"I am NOT A SHREW"!! 


Olivia and Eddie bonded over stories and frittata's 

Alexis tells Greg that Tracey's on to his health problems

Ava confronts Austin; he knows she told Sonny everything 

Trina tells DEX all about Curtis and her pain 

Kristina asks Michael to be on the board of her new youth shelter

Joss doesn't like Kristina. Kristina doesn't like Joss 

New horse at the Q's. Cody and Brook talk about Sasha

Carly knows something is up with Ava and Sonny 

Joss and Carly work Kelly's in fashionable clothes

Curtis is sad 

Valentin comes home

Laura and Kevin plan on going to Greece to look for Nikolas

Cyrus almost dies, now wants to give his money away to Pentonville Rehab 

Molly and TJ talk Surrogacy. A LOT 

Sonny's gonna save Ava, Anna all the rest 

Liz and Finn go out on a Jr. High date 

Drew gets thrown in isolation. No one notices. 

Nina visited Willow again 

That's it!! A week of same conversations over and over. Add to that the fact that Dex and Trina had the talk she and Spencer should have had while he took Esme and Ace to the park and-- welp. I just don't really care. Too bad they don't have Kristina actually working on her youth center rather than going all over town being annoying. We GET IT...she's a pest. Why they continue on with this Greg thing is beyond me. The Gladys thing is moving at a snail's pace as is the Austin/Ava/Sonny story. Yeah, she told Sonny but it's just a stalled mess. I hate NuNuMolly already; mostly because she sat on a couch squeaking about her stuffed horse and egg harvesting all week. The only Curtis scene worth watching was when Stella was there. GET THAT MAN PROZAC!!  I don't know, just doesn't feel like storytelling has any direction. I feel like we are just wandering around Port Charles and catching bits and pieces of conversations. *sigh*

Hope you had a great week --and that some of you enjoyed the show! The BLAZER BAZAAR has to go. Who had them on? Carly, Laura, Kristina (black one, sleeves up)  Nina (2 different ones) -- Tracy had on a damn coat. It's so strange!! And now, I think they are trolling us. 


  1. I think Goodwill had a special on blazers this week. 10 for 10 dollars. Winter coats included

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I LOVE Goodwill and shop there regularly. Most of their stuff looks better than what's on GH.

    3. I wasn't dissing Goodwill, I was just being silly about GH and their blazers

  2. Great and accurate SS! The only saving grace was Vanna, Leo, and Stella with Curtis. Way too much annoying NuKristina, who is a good actress but ugh. Molly’s voice and juvenile dialogue also annoying. Liz and Finn should have been shelved long ago-just not working. They have both been married before and still acting like teenage virgins.Not real pleasant looking up Cyrus’ nose. Not real impressed with the scab writing.

  3. Karen love the title of the blog. You r the best!

  4. Liz and Finn, "Have you been listening to that George Straight song again Check Yes or No?" Don't you know that song is about TEENAGERS who fell in love? lol

  5. Liz and Finn should be brother and sister so we don't have to sit through this any more. I know he's way older, but ME usually has great sexual chemistry with his on screen loves. There is zero here in my opinion.

  6. Thanks for a great and very funny SS!
    I can not watch or listen to NuNuMolly. Her voice will never change. And the story will go on for what seems like forever.
    NuKristina is everywhere and in everyone's business. Like the actress not the character. Yes, it would be better seeing her getting her mission in gear. Is that too much thinking for these writers?
    Again I ask, Liz and Finn...WHY???
    It's either blazers or long sleeves. Crazy.

  7. Hilarious recap! Thank you so much for putting this all into perspective.

  8. Great Sunday Surgery! You always do a wonderful job!
    I'm not into Elizabeth and Finn.
    I wish they'd end the Nina and Ned/Eddie nonsense already!

  9. Karen you MADE the week bearable for us - horrible writing and I KNOW not to get my hopes up but those first two days of new writers with Ava confessing was GREAT----
    now it's like they have been told 'write like you were in high school'....
    ---------all of you are right - nu-Molly is the worst - Frank needs to count his losses and like others have said ----- we wante Kristina to have a great storyline when Lexi was there - Marci/Abigail is just a completely new character....
    -----Austin was SO Franco this week.
    ------Liz and Finn - agree with all above comments..................
    -------like Leo and Ned/Eddie---------so the writers clearly changed from Eddie from falling in love with Nina so can they NOT change other things?????
    ------I think Pikeman/WSB is connected somehow - this week Anna told Valentin the weapon was military and WSB had it ---------------and the shipment of Pikeman was about sending military weapons to small countries..
    ------------I am gonna try again this week to have high hopes: Cody helps Sasha and Gladys goes away------------------Nina is exposed----------------Molly goes away----
    ----I'm just sad



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...