Wednesday, August 23, 2023



I had to come back to GH because of this-- How exciting! LOL.. it's intriguing to me. I also see that Jake was back on . 
Austin gives Cy the zip drive and wants out of the organization. GAW~ they have the same haircut. OMG!! AUSTIN knows NIKOLAS IS ALIVE AND HE SAVED HIS LIFE!!!!!!! He's been lying to Ava the entire time!! Cyrus tells Austin he can "go in peace". He says he'll do the lord's work with Sonny's information. 

Anna and Sonny eating Dinner? Interesting. She talks about the fire. They have giant pasta in front of them. They talk about the fire. She leaves. Ava comes in and asks if he knows the boss of Austin and Mason yet. He says no. 

Dex is visiting some guy I don't know in prison. Oh, it's BOOK that attacked Cyrus. Dex says Sonny tells him to not touch Drew again. 

Carly and Drew... still don't care. She thinks he should get out of jail early because...I don't even know. He's guilty. Leave him in there. 

Stella is working???????? Awwww. Someone said Felicia wants that job at GH? Anyway, I love Vernee so I'm glad she's working more. Felicia and Stella talk about Felicia possibly working as a patient advocate. I'm sure there's more than one position at the hospital. 

Gladys is trying to be nice to Sasha? Little late lady.  The doctor tells her he wants 50K to 'release Sasha' from the drugs. 

Wu trying to get Marshall to sell the club. She looks gorgeous. She says she'll get something on Marshall and he says he's going to throw her outta the club. She just smiles. 

Ava and Trina. LOVE Trina's look.  Spencer is listening to Trina complain about Esme. Then he comes in, Ava leaves and Sprina kiss. They talk about Curtis and family. 



Felicia is filling out a job form

Brick put fake information on the computer for Betty to find.!!!!! I didn't know this

Dex sees Austin walking around the jail lounge. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SO much happened - a great day - so Cyrus is the leader and he has history with Austin but I was dumbfounded that Austin SAVED Nicholas! Wow...
    -----Trina = gorgeous
    -----Selina Wu gonna find something underhanded about Marshall -------- of course when he first came he was on the phone with someone -------------but I was surprised she told Gladys she was shutting it down - wonder what the PCPD will do?
    ------glad Dex FINALLY saw Carly!
    -------it is so little but the tables by the pool are too big - talking to someone across from you is a long way!! Jordan saying she wished she could work the case made me laugh.....
    -------changing direction - Dante first said it that the shooter was after Sonny and the arson was personal ------------- it's all right the writers are changing it....
    -----Anna said 'glad Charlotte wasn't at home' - had no clue Charlotte and Valentin were living with her - I know Charlotte was living with Dante and not Laura but no clue they had been in Anna's house.
    -----i am still betting that Gladys is killed ----------she just needs to go to Sonny/lie and say she found out the psychiatrist was drugging Sasha/claim innocence and have Sonny kill him!
    -----lotsa stuff today!

    1. "Mufasa says, Anna said 'glad Charlotte wasn't at home' - had no clue Charlotte and Valentin were living with her"

      Yeah yesterday she told Dante that her home was their home. I didn't know V.C. lived with her and I didn't know Charlie was living their too!!! WOW!



    Sasha and Gladys: Gladys is wearing that blood red dress again! Gladys is your conscious bothering you?

    Dr. Monty Q and Gladys: Yup!!! Gladys's conscious is bothering her! You can end this Gladys!!

    Dr. Monty Q and Sasha: I thought at first he was going to tell Sasha that Gladys being here was all in her head. Hurry up Cowboy Cody and crack this case!

    General hospital:

    Stella and young girl: Awwww great scene!!! I'm glad the girl's mother will get better! YAY! :)

    Felicia and Stella: Oooo new besties? :)

    Felicia and the form: Really Felicia? You really want to be a patient advocate? So that means you won't be going on adventures anymore? Awwwww. :(

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Sonny and Anna: I really love their friendship. I love how he complimented her. PASTA YUM! :D Hmmm that bubbles in the glass of water was very distracting.

    Metrocourt pool:

    Anna and Jordan: OH! At first I thought that Jordan was that young girl that Stella was with. I'm thinking Anna knows that young girl? ROFL! Gee Anna isn't nervous just a little bit going to the Metrocourt pool?!

    Ms. Wu and Mr. Hat man: Ooooooooo! Mr. Hat man you have got guts talking to Ms. Wu like that! :) And snapping your fingers! ROFL!

    Ms. Wu and Gladys: WHAT?! Ms. Wu is doing what Mr. Hat man wants?! Ms. Wu are you afraid of Mr. Hat man? :)

    Stella and Mr. Hat man: Awwww Stella is happy that she recruited Felicia. :)

    Spa jail airport lounge:

    Crew: Come on! Can't they have a conjugal visit? Enough talking with them.

    Book and Dex: They look like brothers! :) Awwww Dex is going to visit his brother again soon! :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and Cyrus: OH MY MY MY! Great twisty soapy goodness! So Pawtucket Holtster gives Cyrus the flashdrive. But wait Mason Jar said the boss is a she!!!! I am so confused! It was he and now it's she! Maybe the boss is a hermaphrodite!!! Or maybe Cyrus isn't the boss and will give the flash drive to the boss! Why was Pawtucket Holtster's mom crying a lot? Why did she stop crying when Cyrus showed up? Was she in love with Cyrus? AH HA! Pawtucket Holtster knew Nik was alive! I KNEW IT! That day he slept over Wyndemere after Ava asked him if Nik was alive, and he said Nik is dead. I KNEW he was lying!!! :)

    1. Oops forgot a couple of things.

      Ava's gallery:

      Ava and Trina: Ava was going to hit the person with the hole puncher! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Gonna poke holes at the person eh Ava? :)

      Sprina: Awwwwwwwww they kissed! :) My Sprina heart awwwww. :)

      Tomorrow previews: OH! Maxie is back to being a blonde?!?!!?! :O

    2. Finger snapping Hat Man had me rolling on the floor. Perfect!
      I'm ignoring the he-she big bad boss, lol! I'll just accept that it's Cyrus with the cool new haircut! :) Ava is going to wipe the floor with Austin when she finds out about Nik. Unless TPTB dumb her down, then I will be ticked! Nobody messes with Ava!

      I'm all good Sonya, thanks for asking. Missed a lot of GH due to family stuff and vacations, but I always checked in to see what was going on. :)

  4. Ava is going to do really bad things to Austin when she finds out he knew Nik was alive. You do NOT want to make the Queen mad.

    Carly whining about Drew being in prison just makes me mad. Carly, he wouldn't be in prison if you hadn't broke the law - actually it should be you in prison you did the crime. Ugh!

    I wonder what Cyrus thinks doing the Lord's work with the info on the SD card entails?

    1. Carly really was sickening yesterday. I could live just fine if she and Drew disappeared for awhile. Sheesh!

  5. Hat Man giving finger snaps to Selina was the first interesting thing he's done. Loved it!
    Cyrus looks much less menacing with his new haircut. When he smirks, he looks downright dorky.
    Carly was unbearable today, even moreso than usual (and that's really saying something).
    Anna's hair looks stunning.
    Now I want a big plate of pasta. And yes, I'll have more parmesan.

  6. Wednesday's show was the best episode in months!

    Love Selina threatening Marshall to get the club, and Selina threatening Gladys to pay up.

    My favorite part, though, was the reveal that Austin saved Nikolas and is covering up that he's still alive. Finally -- some soapy goodness to keep my attention.

  7. I am so hoping they are putting off the Nicholas reveal so they can get Tyler back. The other 2 just weren't the best. Good show!! I don't think Cyrus was the original intent but it works. Love Wu!

  8. Donald Trump to be booked in Georgia today. Should we expect interruptions again?

  9. I hope Cyrus and Austin end up being father and son - and that he lied about Jimmy Holt being his father (I mean - did anyone ever do a DNA test or verify or anything?? I don't think so but maybe I missed it). With Cyrus' haircut - they resemble each other and could absolutely pull off this relationship. Plus - making Austin interesting would be a plus!

  10. Months and months....and then BOOM.
    Love whoever Cyrus wants to be. JK is the man.
    Floating Anna....From Valentin to Robert to Dante to Sonny. Topping it with Jordan.
    Dr. Death must die soon.
    Seems that these real life indictments are so common now that they don't interrupt daily programming. Hopefully.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...